A love story

Glirk Dient

Jun 7, 2005
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Living The Love Life Much Like Out Of A Movie:

*A love life story about me-*
Name- Casey Garber
age- 16
location- Iowa

I was born in a small town of woodsfield, Ohio and while I grew up life was great and i moved to iowa when i was 10, then after my parents split up myself and my dad moved back to ohio in the same town i was raised.

I met this girl at a festival type thing and when i layed eyes on her it was like id had never seen her before i even debated that she lived in this small town of 3 thousand people and she was even in a grade lower than me! At first site i noticed she had a boyfriend and they were far apart and not conversing so i made a comment " so thats what 3 months will do to you " because i was informed they had been seeing each other for that length of time. It was the summer of 6th going into 7th grade i was young and was missing a close friend in my life of the opposite sex.

A week later she talked to me on msn and told me she really liked me and she had broken up with her boyfriend, this was weird for me because i had never been approached by a female seeking myself as a companion.
I was dumb and just shoved it to the side. Then she was with one of my best friends for only a short time and the originol reason i did not pursue her was because she was a year young, and i thought my friends would think lesser of me. They broke up and of course she became a big part of my life and heart.

We were going out for about 5 months, having the time of our life going to football games and hanging out when we were able. We were different from all the other grade school flings, we had emotions for us that other couples looked up to us for. Of course i was her first kiss and let me tell ya what, we expressed our feelings for each other through this action. I remember going to dances and picking her up twirling her and hiding behind this curtain on the side of the gym and started kissing.

I was in heaven and in my own world of love. At around this same time my dad has accepted my mother to come live with us and we were financially struggling so my dad was in seek of a job without my knowing of course. He found a job that his friend was able to get him in north eastern Iowa.

I had to tell her about this and of course i told her. She was very upset as i was and we knew we only had about 3 weeks to be with each other. It was very emotional with every minute spent together. We both showed our affection for each other during this time. The final night i got to see her it was at a football game. I took pictures of her and I together and around this same time it started to snow for the first time that season. She had to leave and i kissed her and we hugged and said good bye. As she walked away i dropped to my knees and cried. As my friends sheltered me for a couple minutes, my heart felt like it went to my stomach.

I moved to iowa and I would lye awake at nights crying while i listened to our song (KC & JOJO- crazy) (my name is casey and her name carly jo, jo being her middle name*hints kc & jojo- wich actually is not the reason that was our song). I cried for weeks, and months. She knew that a 700 mile difference would not lead to a functional relationship of course.

My life went on and i always kept that picture of the final day i saw her. I talked to her seldomly and when id go back to ohio to visit it was never much more then a hello how are you. Then going our seperate ways.

I have felt a hole in my heart ever sense the time i was forced to leave her, and last weekend i was to return to ohio for the weekend. I listened to our song daily up to the point i left for ohio for the weekend.

I arrived in Ohio on thursday and I immidiatly called her because she requested me to do so when i got there. I called here at 9:30pm and long behold there was so much that i had missed from her like and she filled me in of what happened and we talked about our relationship in grade school and her experiences with guy,partys and life. Well minutes led to hours and that led to 3:30 am so after 6 hours of talking with her on the phone and a request from her that i should come over to watching a movie but i couldnt cause it was late. I asked her what she was doing this weekend because i wanted to see her and she told me she would be at her grandmas on saturday, wich is 4 blocks from where i was staying( about a mile)

I hung out with my cousing jordan and his girlfriend sascha which happens to be Carly (the girl of my dreams) cousin. At about 8:30 on saturday carly arrives at her grandmothers house and myself and my cousin go over there and i see her, we talked a bit with carly, her sister and I. I of course decided to hang around there while my cousin left and we watched a movie. I sat next to her and we shared the same blanket but never had any physical contact except when she rubbed the butter off a popcorn bag on my face.

When the movie was over it was around 12:30 and she wanted to gel my hair so i allow her to do so and as she is gelling my hair i just stared at her in the eyes and it killed me to know that she has a boyfriend. After she was done messing with my hair i had to leave and she decided to come with as i was dropped off by her cousin. On our way there her cousin told me how much she really like my cousin and i told her i really liked her cousin too, and of course carly did not hear me in the back seat.

I walked inside to my grandparents house and it was around 1:00 AM. I sat down and thought about her, and i knew that the night was over, but i did not want to accept that so i grabbed the phone and within a minute of me doing so she calls. I said hello and she responded with hello, i asked her what she was thinking about and she said i was wondering if you would want to, and i said come over?. and of course thats what she ment and my grandmother comes downstairs and tells me to go to bed cause i was to leave at 6:30 am. and then carly says well could you,.. i said sneak out? and she said yeh. I told her it would take a few minutes because i had to sneak out of my bedroom window and jump off the roof, she said i could break my ankle and i told her that i would just see her with a broken ankle then.

I go out the window and jump off the roof, grab my shoes and then go to the street where they met me in there jeep. i got into the backseat, i noticed they were playing our song(kc&jojo-crazy) and i told her that i better atleast get a kiss for this, by the time i finished my sentence she had grabbed me and had me over top of her and we were of course making out and it was more than just the kissing. I wrapped my arms around her body and i hugged her so tight, as she wrapped her legs around my mid section. She began to cry and aswell did i, for some reason it was a very emotional moment but yet very romantic. We kissed for about an hour as her cousin drove us around and her other cousin sat up front. then we readjusted as she sat on my lap and was grinding me i attempted to go down her pants but i couldnt because space was limited in the backseat of the jeep, she told me to wait till we get to her grandmas house. Which of course was fine with me. we continued to kiss and when we got to her grandmas, her grandma was awake and waiting on her, they got in trouble and they had to take me home. We took a detour route home because her grandma had no idea where i lived. So we made out some more and i went down her pants and taste my first pussy ever. (pervert information- she was shaved completely) obviously it was great not really romantic i guess at that point but i had to satisfy our raging hormones. I hug her for a good while and then say goodbye for the last time of the night. I go inside and made it in without being caught. i go to bed and cry. I prayed that night for a good while. i requested that i wished we were ment to be together and that maybe i could be her last kiss aswell as her first. I cried myself to sleep and i returned to iowa yesterday.

I called her and told her that i got home safely and she told me she got in trouble and that her parents lost a lot of trust for her. I was dissapointed and she told me that i was to stay quiet about what happened because she wanted to keep her boyfriend OBVIOUSLY i want this aswell because her boyfriend doesnt talk to her outside of school and they havn't done anything. She also told me that what happened probly wont happen again because a relationship wont work at 800 miles away and that she has a boyfriend. i was heartbroken by the extent of this comment as to i want a future with this girl. Told her id bust my ass to make the grades to go to college where i chose. (obviously to be near her).

So here i am, she has a peace of my heart and i want her to keep it for the future. I was told by my dad if it was ment to be it will happen. I believe this aswell. Im insearch of some advice from everybody who can give me a couple of cents. good comments only please. I dont want to hear im waisting my time cause i will only frown upon u because i have felt something i have never felt. Her is a poem that i find is very similar to my story.

I miss you, though I'm not quite sure I love you.
All I know's I like my music sad.
Crystal days I'm pensive, thinking of you,
And while you're gone, I'm never really glad.
I think of love as some enormous sea,
Tempestuous or still, but never ending,
Something that once there will always be.
But that is not the message that I'm sending.
Missing you, for me, is something new:
An opening into my changing heart.
Love is something that I won't yet do,
But feeling what I feel for you's a start.
Love, like prayer, should not be lightly said,
So I'll just say, "You're in my heart" instead.

Thank you for your time. *sniff*
already posted and the thread was closed. banned.
:borg:Tell me human, what is this thing you call 'love'?:borg:

The hell is this shit? Please refrain from staining these forums with this drivel.
Raz said:
The hell is this shit? Please refrain from staining these forums with this drivel.

It is supposed to be funny. You didn't read it did you?

I figured with all the love threads popping up this needed a resurrection.
Some Guy From Clan In A Box (If I'm not mistaken said:
I miss you, though I'm not quite sure I love you.
All I know's I like my music sad.
Crystal days I'm pensive, thinking of you,
And while you're gone, I'm never really glad.
I think of love as some enormous sea,
Tempestuous or still, but never ending,
Something that once there will always be.
But that is not the message that I'm sending.
Missing you, for me, is something new:
An opening into my changing heart.
Love is something that I won't yet do,
But feeling what I feel for you's a start.
Love, like prayer, should not be lightly said,
So I'll just say, "You're in my heart" instead.

Hadn't seen this before though. :laugh:
I read the first few lines before I clicked away to save my brain a painful ordeal.
Love is all about loving that person who will love you back
Adrien C said:
Love is all about loving that person who will love you back

I thought it was about getting your dick wet and feeling good about it....
From what I can see, I'd probably hit that. Hard to tell from the photos, though...
You guys are weird. The internet is getting crappier and crappier by the day.
Shes alright...I wouldn't put much effort into going after her though.