A map I'd like to see....king of the anthill


Jul 7, 2003
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So here' s my idea. We need a HL2 map that is nothing but a GIANT anthill. There are holes all over it from which antlions can spawn and at the top is the only weapon (besides the crow bar) in the map.....pheremone grenades. Just think of the carnage that will ensue while people yell "Kill me pretties! KILL! KILL!"
thats great but i think you should have more weapons than crowbar...it would suck a little because the ant lions would just kill everyone too fast, the crowbar just isnt enough defense
That sounds like a great idea. I made this Quake1 DM map where you fought to the top of this 3 storey horse shoe shaped building. At the top there was a button that made all the foors open up. Everyone fell on top of eachother on the ground floor and started a massacre. It was fun to watch...
that horseshoe map sounds really badass, you should make a version for half-life 2 when its released! I know I'd play it :)