A model I liked has married!!!!!

Get a mother ****ing life.

And if you DO plan on killing yourself, just take up heroin. That way, you can have a bit of fun on the road down south, and if you change your mind about your life, you still have a SMALL chance at your local rehab clinic!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. I got it guys. dont bash me anymore plzzzzzzzzz. It was just a thread for fun. Never mind. Adios. Farewell.
In related news, this thread has won the internet.
He who speaks, preaches, teaches, condones
or practices SINGULARITY - an evil that
equates DEATH by cancellation of universal
OPPOSITES - hemispheres, sexes, seasons,
races, temperatures, marriages and divided
cell (the human Cubic who rotates a 4 corner
stage family rotating metamorphic lifetime) -
should have their evil lying tongue cut out.
Educators are lying bastards.
-1 x -1= +1 is WRONG, it is
academic stupidity and is evil.
The educated stupid should acknowledge
the natural antipodes of+1 x +1 = +1and
-1 x -1 = -1 exist as plus and minus values
of opposite creation - depicted by opposite
sexes and opposite hemispheres. Entity is
death worship - for it cancels opposites.
This is even better than the Lemmonking's mum thread!
I've been needing a new avatar. Also, check out some of the posts he made similar to this one in 2004/2005.
The sad thing is that this guy, seems real.

If that's your latest pic you're pretty much screwed.

You're ugly as shit, and according to your posts, your personality matches.
This thread was derailed...maybe for a reason?! D: