A Morrowind thread: post your character screenshots and show em off :)

Ive always loved Morrowind's water...its so sexeh! :D
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
what's with the glowi-ness in those pics?

I'd like to know that too. I think it's what Harij meant with the HDR question, 'cause it vaguely looks like the bloom effect associated with HDR. I've never seen it in MW afaik.
theGreenBunny said:
I'd like to know that too. I think it's what Harij meant with the HDR question, 'cause it vaguely looks like the bloom effect associated with HDR. I've never seen it in MW afaik.
Thats just me messing. I told you that the last time.

Though someone is working on a full version and I'll be the first to use it :E
Don't hold your breath for the AME grass aspects, AME is still awhile off... and MW is already a system hog, PS/VS grass would decimate the bests of systems, simply cause MW isn't set for that.

I'ma gonna load up my old chacter (the one i played when there was only MW) cause he has the most shit :p

EDIT: Well, my good saves are on another comp, so i'll have to wait to get them. here are some new screenies showing off a few visual packs.

And for sound... Make sure you get atmospheric sound effects 3.x...it's amazing!

http://s89737224.onlinehome.us/mws2.jpg <----over contrasted a bit :p

EDIT#2 Here are ones of my good guy.... :) and some random photos of my meager weapon collections and shit.

Heh those look great. Mine's looking a bit better now I've replaced the XT pack with the lower res ones. Running faster too now. Course I can't stand a proper game yet cause NOBODY is about to release a new complete morrowind pack aswell as combining the older ones. So I'm waiting.
The Dark Elf said:
Heh those look great. Mine's looking a bit better now I've replaced the XT pack with the lower res ones. Running faster too now. Course I can't stand a proper game yet cause NOBODY is about to release a new complete morrowind pack aswell as combining the older ones. So I'm waiting.

It gets kinda boring installing all those mods and add-ons, plus you don't know if any will cause problems or not. What pack did you use to replace the XT pack, because mine runs a bit slow too.
This is my char with no mods and all of the things in the lower right are constant effects not very pretty but he's buff :)
Sedako said:
It gets kinda boring installing all those mods and add-ons, plus you don't know if any will cause problems or not. What pack did you use to replace the XT pack, because mine runs a bit slow too.
I just reinstalled the other two visual packs back over the XT one, seemed to sort things out, there's likely a few XT textures left but the majority were replaced


Avogadro, cool character :D
The Dark Elf said:
I just reinstalled the other two visual packs back over the XT one, seemed to sort things out, there's likely a few XT textures left but the majority were replaced


Avogadro, cool character :D

How much of a performance increase did you notice?
Sedako said:
How much of a performance increase did you notice?
Speeds it up quite a bit, but its hard to say exactly since fps_optimizer helps a great deal. But on the whole it runs better without the XT textures. And also while they do look great, they are mostly too clean and don't quite gel with the other textures. So I prefer without them now.
Oooh. I noticed Morrowind for a tenner. I still can't be arsed to buy it though.
Dux said:
Oooh. I noticed Morrowind for a tenner. I still can't be arsed to buy it though.
/me slaps Dux around the face with a frozen Nix Hound

buy it, you'll not regret it :):)
I might get it again now, i saw it in my local Game station for six squid, problem is, the bloodmoon addon ruined the feeling for me:

1: I was a vampire, therefor it was difficult to contract leprocy, or whatever the warewolf diesease was called.

2: Being a warewolf was too damn powerful when your level 80-90, it took me one game night to completely kill everything on all 3 islands.

Do most of these mods work with just normal MW or do any of them need the addons?
Bah. I hate you Fenric! Now I'll have to buy it next time I see it, and then spend a day or two installing all the mods in your list! Ye bastard! :(
Varg|Hund said:
Bah. I hate you Fenric! Now I'll have to buy it next time I see it, and then spend a day or two installing all the mods in your list! Ye bastard! :(
har har :E

my list probably changed a lot since that one, next time I get a chance I'll paste the new list up, i think its more refined now, removed things I didn't need so much.
The Dark Elf said:
my list probably changed a lot since that one, next time I get a chance I'll paste the new list up, i think its more refined now, removed things I didn't need so much.
Right, lookin forward to it :imu:

In fact, I think I'll head down to town and buy it today. How many expansions are there, and should I get them?
Varg|Hund said:
Right, lookin forward to it :imu:

In fact, I think I'll head down to town and buy it today. How many expansions are there, and should I get them?
just get the GOTY edition, there's only two expansions, bloodmoon and tribunal and to make the use of most of the plugins and mods you'll need those expansions.
Too...Much...Morrowind. :x

Anyway, it seems I no longer have the save games I thought I did. I haven't played the game since my hard drives broke. Anyway, my character was a warrior primarily with knowladge of many different spells. I actually had a lot of stuff stored in the South Wall in Balmora (Funny that...keeping my loot in the thieves guild) Anyway, basically once I had filled up with gems and stuff that I had stolen from old tombs I just dumped it all back there and kept about my person only the bare essentials. I had a large magic Nordic Sword(cant remember the name now, but it was the biggest kind) that did ice damage, a Magic Axe that did electrical damage and I think I had a couple more swords. One was glass and did poison, and the other was just a big steel sword that did a lot of damage. I had almost a full set of old heavy Dwemner armour, I had that Adamantium armour from the addon. I had a set of imperial armour, half a set of glass armour and some ebony armour. I also had 30 dwemner coins, several piles of ebony, and diamonds. Pearls, precious gems and emeralds (I liked to just collect stuff :D) I had quite a few books and scrolls all stacked up and many many different weapons lying about the place. I also had lots of more random magical items, like amulets and stuff, then there were just different sorts of rings and clothes that I had picked up. I was actually building an island with a house on it to keep all my stuff. I was going to make a sort of mini quest for it, but never got round to it.

I never did get the addons though...Maybe I will now, they are probably pretty cheap now.
I wish I wasn't broke or I would go pick this up, for being a single player game there does seem to be alot to do. But me and Foxtrot beat the main quest (Neravarine, the ring, Caeus) in a weekend, so I doubt there is much to do after that, or atleast anything as long.
Dalamari said:
I wish I wasn't broke or I would go pick this up, for being a single player game there does seem to be alot to do. But me and Foxtrot beat the main quest (Neravarine, the ring, Caeus) in a weekend, so I doubt there is much to do after that, or atleast anything as long.


there's shitloads to do. after i finished the main quest for Morrowind, you've still got all the dozens of sub-quests from various guilds. and on top of that you can download mods that have even more missions. then there's the various random dungeons dotted around the island that provide a good distraction.

then once you've finished with morrowind, you've got bloodmoon and tribunal...so yeah, that was kind of an uninformed post by yourself. go get the GOTY edition! you probably spent £30/$50 on Doom 3 and you've finished in in a day...spend a third of that on the GOTY and you'll get an almost endless gameplay universe.
Dedalus said:

there's shitloads to do. after i finished the main quest for Morrowind, you've still got all the dozens of sub-quests from various guilds. and on top of that you can download mods that have even more missions. then there's the various random dungeons dotted around the island that provide a good distraction.

then once you've finished with morrowind, you've got bloodmoon and tribunal...so yeah, that was kind of an uninformed post by yourself. go get the GOTY edition! you probably spent £30/$50 on Doom 3 and you've finished in in a day...spend a third of that on the GOTY and you'll get an almost endless gameplay universe.

Well, I think I'll do that. I bet I can find it pretty cheap now.
Dedalus said:

there's shitloads to do. after i finished the main quest for Morrowind, you've still got all the dozens of sub-quests from various guilds. and on top of that you can download mods that have even more missions. then there's the various random dungeons dotted around the island that provide a good distraction.

then once you've finished with morrowind, you've got bloodmoon and tribunal...so yeah, that was kind of an uninformed post by yourself. go get the GOTY edition! you probably spent £30/$50 on Doom 3 and you've finished in in a day...spend a third of that on the GOTY and you'll get an almost endless gameplay universe.

I've just been looking for Morrowind online and the GOTY edition is always about £25 - £30. Do you have any idea where I can get it for less?

You know, up until last week I'd barely heard of Morrowind, and now PC Gamer UK did a feature on it and it's been mentioned quite a bit on this forum.
i saw it in MVC for £12. you can probably find second hand copies in computer exchange. i remember play.com has GOTY edition for fairly cheap.
The cheapest is Play.com for £18 but it's sold out, MVC sells it for £24 online.

Oh well. I'll just wait I think. Probably get it once my Student loan comes through.
My friend has the best weapon collection (without cheating, mind you) I've ever seen. I have his saved game on my comp, so I will take pictures. My collection isn't even as big yet.
I played this game for one day.. i didnt like it at all =S
Oh, I'd be glad to post a picture of my character...

Does anyone want to donate a copy of the PC version of Morrowind to me? I'd be glad to trade mine for it! And you get a really snazzy level 7 Dark Elf. He may not be powerful, but he's really snazzy.. and stuff.
Dedalus said:

holy mother****ing shit! what is he breeding an army or something?! that's mental, he must've spent months on end just collecting stuff :O

this guy looks like my first morrowind character (same armour/helm)

Lol, he doesn't throw the weapons away or sells them. He beat Tribunal, I just gave him Bloodmoon so... :p He hasn't gotten Sunder and Keening yet! Muahahaha, I do. I also have Umbra's Sword (and Boots of the Apostle) which he doesn't. :thumbs:
SubKamran said:
Lol, he doesn't throw the weapons away or sells them. He beat Tribunal, I just gave him Bloodmoon so... :p He hasn't gotten Sunder and Keening yet! Muahahaha, I do. I also have Umbra's Sword (and Boots of the Apostle) which he doesn't. :thumbs:

Umbra sword is the best! the guy you have to kill to get it is uber tough though.

i'm still shocked though. i bet your mate is an Everquest addict too. :p top stuff.
Dedalus said:
Umbra sword is the best! the guy you have to kill to get it is uber tough though.

i'm still shocked though. i bet your mate is an Everquest addict too. :p top stuff.

That dude (Umbra) was so easy I laughed. I just hit him 3 times with Sunder and he died :LOL: No, the only online RPG he plays is Runescape. Otherwise he plays Empire Earth and Morrowind. I got his brother into Call of Duty though :D
Hmmz methinks I deleted my level 39 (something like that anyway...just spend all your cash on training) human warrior...but nice to see there's a thread about it. Too bad the expansions don't care about Radeons. I deleted everything after defeating the bad guy. (took me 1,5 years to get there though...didn't play it very often)
i've got a general question about morrowind, i see that a lot of the equipment people are posting are in houses, do you get to own a house in morrowind, or in an expansion, or did you guys just dump all your equipment at some random guy's house?
Sai said:
i've got a general question about morrowind, i see that a lot of the equipment people are posting are in houses, do you get to own a house in morrowind, or in an expansion, or did you guys just dump all your equipment at some guy's house?

If you are far enough in a house (like Redoran) you get your own stronghold. However, I wasn't happy with any so now I downloaded Castle Vianden for my house :D
Sai said:
i've got a general question about morrowind, i see that a lot of the equipment people are posting are in houses, do you get to own a house in morrowind, or in an expansion, or did you guys just dump all your equipment at some random guy's house?
some quests get you homes. Or you can get a mod that lets you buy them, or tons of mods just for homes, or you can kill people inside a house and use that as your own too. Though you can't do that inside buildings that have spawning and/or random NPC's or creatures or they'd keep appearing whenever you entered, and would probably attack on sight or if you opened a chest or something.

You can also just make your own, or get mods of entirely empty houses and then use the mod that lets you make or buy furniture and play a game of the sims in it heh
and all these options are all in the original morrowind, not in bloodmoon and tribunal right?
I never have completed the game, I've only explored about a third of the island because I always download more mods and explore new caves. There is so much I havent done in the game. Its annoying though, because I don't want to start again, but my old save games are from 2002, and they don't work anymore.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I never have completed the game, I've only explored about a third of the island because I always download more mods and explore new caves. There is so much I havent done in the game. Its annoying though, because I don't want to start again, but my old save games are from 2002, and they don't work anymore.

I haven't completed it either. Not because I can't, but because I'm too lazy. I like walking around and raiding every cave and tomb I come across.

I'd estimate Morrowind has over 215151 hours of gameplay. :cheers: