A name of a UFO/Alien movie


Jun 25, 2005
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I had seen this movie as a child and i have yet never knew the name of it.

The movie involved UFO's, nudie pens (the ones if you flip them you see breasts or a female version, a cock)

and they keep finding them everytime they get close to something of a clue...

The ending was one of the weirdest things i saw, the movie appeared to be serious but... the ending, the ending involved pop-corn machines and some shit, it was off the wall.

Does anyone hae a clue of what this movie was, its racking my brain.

this is an old movie by the way, were talking late 90's
The only one I can think of is My Favorite Martian - but I haven't seen it in ages so I can't remember if it met some of the criteria. Pretty sure it was late 90s though.
Nah, wouldn't be that, it ain't no disney show thats for sure.

For all i know it could have been a cheap ass show, it had a very similar feel to 'The Arrival'
Invaders from Mars?
Mars Attacks?
Invasion from Inner Earth?
Earth vs the Flying Saucers?
It Came from Outer Space?
Alien Trespass?
Nah wasn't that either, I'm beginning to believe it was a cheap movie, i don't know about you, but you never noticed it when your younger but when your older you see cheapness come through in blooming colours.

But communion looks good, i will check it out.

And lefty, I checked through the list, i saw 2001: A Space Crapastic

Might be the one your thinking of.

This has just been wrecking my brain for years about this, I've only solved things in in my childhood in the recent months.

Keep sending the links, i'll check them all.
Yeah, that was the one I was thinking of. But I don't think it's your movie now.
It didn't involve alien eggs in the bottom of a pool, did it?
Nah, wouldn't be that, it ain't no disney show thats for sure.

For all i know it could have been a cheap ass show, it had a very similar feel to 'The Arrival'

Was it any good, I only remember seeing the last 10 minutes or so when I was young (Remember seeing the satelite dish get compacted into a gravity created by an orb I think)

I know it had Charlie Sheen in it
Personally I feel The Arrival was underrated, although not the best movie, but its worthy of a look see in my opinion.

And Raziaar are you speaking of Aliens 4?
Ah, now it flooding back to me, and no that's not the movie either I'm afraid. :(
I'm coming up with nothing, do you know any actors in the film?
It was so long ago, i really can't remember, i remember there as a guy and girl, there were in like a back water town in the middle of nowhere, people began disappearing, each place they checked, they found a nudie pen, strange light appears while in building, strange ending involving a machine that similar to popcorn machine, they escape, ufo escapes, no trace, oh la la ending very much like an x-files episode.
It could quite possibly be an X-Files episode.
I can't find a single thing that fits your film's description.
it wasn't an x-files episode.

As the main character weren't FBI (brb)