A new hardware policy for myself

Sep 19, 2003
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After the long delay we're seeing for Half Life 2, I see a lot of people frustrated because they spent really big bucks on hardware, anticipating the game on 9/30. I nearly did the same thing myself, and thankfully I never quite managed to finalize a purchase before the news of HL2's release setback.

Upon realization about how lucky I was I hadn't wasted my money on expensive hardware early, I've made myself a new policy for purchasing hardware. Wait until after a game has released, then play it on my current machine while purchasing new hardware. Starting to play on the exact day a game is released isn't worth a mistake of $700... at least to me. Perhaps some of you share the same opinion.
At the end of the day, at least by the time HL2 does come out your computer is still ready for it. I upgraded recently, anticipating HL2, Doom 3, Stalker and Far Cry this year. They won't be here til 2004, but I'm still glad I spent the money.
People who spent loads of money on upgrading should still be happy that they do, in fact, have a very good computer that will last a hell of a lot longer than it would without the upgrade :)
well, i bought a fx5600, so it wasnt the fact that hl2 wasnt cumin this year that brought me down... but still, i'm happy i bought this...i really was tired of my gforce2mx400...but i WAS thinking about a new processor, memory and such...but since hl2 isnt cumin this year...well...not buyin' it anymore
A good upgrade will last you about a year, so I wouldn't be complaining if I had. Unfortunately I don't have money (components in Australia are ridiculously expensive), so I can't run DOOM3 but I can run Half-Life2 even if it looks shit. My PC is over 3 years old.
I just bought a whole new PC for Half Life :D!

2.6ghz Pentium Celeron
256 Ram
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro

Now If i upgrade ram to 512 this should be ok yeah?
A celeron, lol. That is a piece of shit, you spent s bunch on the card then crapped out on the processor, good job.
oi.. a Duron 1.6 GHz outperforms that.. and you can get one for $40.

Honestly, I would try to get closer to 1 GB of memory, and I wish you woulda got a AMD system. That way you could spend $100 and get an excellent processor. Intel costs much more, as you know.

I guess getting more ram will help performace and make up for the CPU a little bit :/ It should be playable, but the card isn't going to run at it's full potential with a celery in there
that wasnt very nice

Your processor is ok mate. 2.6 is good

Not quite my 3.2ghz but still :P

Sorry, that was shameless :(
Meh, it'll run fine on that. They made it so lower end PCs can still run it, but higher end PCs can take advantage of what they have, and have better visuals and stuff. I got a 2500+ AMD Athalon XP, (Which Ican overclock to 3200+ and add a cooler if needed :afro: ) You dont need a supercomputer to run H-L 2, but still...if you got one, it'll take full advatage of it. Brilliant!
My, my, NJD2003 - you're an awfully rude fellow aren't you?

On topic, I'm real glad I didn't blow loads of money now on something that'll be old and cheaper by the time HL2 comes out. Mainly because of the cheapness element. Not having a pop at the folks who did upgrade because I'm sure that you're all pleased with what you got, so good on you. I'm just glad a bided my time. We'll have to wait and see I guess.
The only reason I got a "new" video card was because the little motor in my old video card's fan died and the card overheated. I had a feeling the other games would get delayed... and on that instinct I only replaced the Geforce 4 Ti 4600 with a 9500Pro instead of taking the opportunity to get the 9800XT and overhaul the rest of my computer.

Chalk one up for being a cheap bastard (even when I had enough to build two gaming computers)...
I dont understand this...

I got a radeon 9600 ages ago, I got it cus my old one sucked ass, I dont care hl2 was delayed cus unless its delayed a good 5 years (about the time I think I will be changeing my card again) I will still be able to use it for hl2..
i alwasy get new hardware once the "newer" generation is out. means, i rather buy "old" gf4 cards then gf5 cards. most games do supprot the gf5s now (speedwise) but my gf4 still is ok. so i'll wait until hl2 is out, before i spend my bucks on a gf5 or radeon (one of the high end cards now, which will cost about half of it's price when hl2 is released) and i still am lucky with enough money left ;)
Originally posted by NJD2003
A celeron, lol. That is a piece of shit, you spent s bunch on the card then crapped out on the processor, good job.

Celeron processors run at like 1/2 speed. The really do suck. That's what you'll get in all the compaq's, emachines, and we_save_you_money_with_low_quality_parts computers of the world.
the celeron is missing it's co-processor, isn't it?quite good, for a "beginner" computer or for schools, but not for hl2. definetly not.
Originally posted by NJD2003
A celeron, lol. That is a piece of shit, you spent s bunch on the card then crapped out on the processor, good job.

no offense....but celerons are overpriced and perform like crap.....

as was shown in this recent article at anandtech


its kind of like a geforce FX....only someone who doesnt educate themselves before buying would purchase one.......

....unless you got a good deal on it.
Originally posted by Echelon
the celeron is missing it's co-processor, isn't it?quite good, for a "beginner" computer or for schools, but not for hl2. definetly not.
As far as I have found out it just has less cache I dont remember but it doesnt really run incredibly slower than the P4.

The co-processor thing was only on the 386 and the 486's back in 1993-95 where there where SX and DX versions. I can post links to tests tomorrow'ish if u guys flame my ass... BTW I was very close to buying a AMD a year ago but found out the p4 was really good and not that much more expensive, Id need a good cooler on the AMD cuz of all the heat this was not needed for the P4 wich comes with a very good cooler, AND the motherboards where better at that particular time for P4.

Im going to bed... NN!
i actually built my own computer with about 1200USD and iv glad i did. if i had bought the stuff i did today i would probaly save around 150 bucks. oh well. anywho check it out in meh siggy.

edit: oh and i replaced everything but my moniter and added 5.1 surround sound. all in a nice heavy antec case with a 430watt true antec PS.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
its kind of like a geforce FX....only someone who doesnt educate themselves before buying would purchase one.......

Don't be flaming on my gf fx 5900. While it doesn't equal in finess with the 9800 pro, it is still a high end card that shall run HL2 just fine at max quality and decent resolution. I'm glad i got it early, because I know that i would not have come across the money for it again since money was from a summer job. I'm not just upgrading because of HL2, but for all games, every single one of them... even battlefield 1942 (had gf 4 ti4200 which was allright, but like i said, i had the money then). I'm getting new ram (2 sticks of 512 pc3200) and either new hd or proc (one with hyperthreading :cheese: ) for christmas, so i'm good to go when it comes out.
When I saw the likes of Stalker and HL2 approaching I took a look at my trusty old Gforce1 - 256 and decided it was time for an upgrade. Im now the proud owner of a 9700pro.

Just a little jump in preformance. ;)
With all the new games comming out I knew I had to upgrade... went from 1.67GHz Athlon XP 2000+, 512MB PC2100 DDR, GeForce 4 Ti 4400 128MB to a 2.8GHz Pentium 4 'Canterwood', 1GB PC3500 DDR, Radeon 9800XT 256MB and I'm glad I did. Not only to all my current games kick total ass on this new system but I'll be ready for Doom III, Half-Life 2 and the lot... I can't wait either! I figured this, the Athlon 64 is the first 64 bit computer (Just the start of a whole new CPU segment, all new graphics cards are going to be on PCI express (along with major revisions coming next year) and as 2005-2006 approaches we're supposed to see a lot of totally new technology come about the time of Microsoft 'Longhorn'. So I have a current time kick ass computer and I figure I can upgrade some stuff between now and total 64-Bit, PCI Express, days of the future. I figure I'll get a good 2 years or so out of this system and be ready for a whole new system when the new windows comes out.
That's a pretty nice upgrade, u must be rich or something. The only reason why i have as nice a computer as i do (look at my buddyprofile for specs) is because my dad likes to mess with shaith like that (even though he can be a little dumb at times, for example... he bought an ati all in wonder 8500 thinking that it was better than my geforce4 ti4200 just because it had 128 ram rather than my 64 :dozey: )