There is no reason to complain about release dates. I don't even listen to them anymore. Anyone wait years for SWG...It has always been this way throughout the game industry. They are not just filming a movie or something. They are creating something new and accordingly there is no way to judge a release date unless you want a buggy rushed out version to hit shelves. It would be nice to know when a game is coming out if you are planning on upgrading, I know, but just save up and the day the game comes out go and have a shopping spree. Walk out with your new game, wireless mouse + keyboard combo, 35inch monitor, Nvidia/ATI combo super card, and whatever else you want. Trust me it will be a good day. Don't get your hopes up for release dates because many of us already understand they are nothing more then a guess. You can't hold a guess against someone. If you could do any better then do it yourself, but I'm sure they don't appreciate you bashing their work ethic and abilities. I wouldn't be surprised if some companies see the forums and just say F'em well give them a rushed game and they will buy it and then hope that the next version is better and buy that one just to see. They have us hooked so don't bite the hand that feeds you. If you let them understand that all you want is a sick nasty game and you don't care if it takes them another 5 years to make it so long as you get that uber game that could last a lifetime. I think you should all just have a little more faith in these people. They are professionals, and I for one am greatful when a good game comes out whenever that may be.:dozey: