A new reason to not cheat?

Favorite thing to do to cheaters!


    Votes: 33 24.3%
  • Make them all play on the same server and wonder why their cheats aren’t helping.

    Votes: 26 19.1%
  • Take em out an blast their knee caps.

    Votes: 9 6.6%
  • Make them play against God.

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • Have their Steam Subscription/HL2 Account banned from all servers.

    Votes: 30 22.1%
  • Automatic uninstall/deletion of Half-Life 2 & all MODs.

    Votes: 5 3.7%
  • Make them retake 2th grade.

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • Give him 35,275,800 mg of [size=3]CrO[/size][size=1]3[/size][size=3]WBa[/size][size=1]2[/size][size=

    Votes: 8 5.9%
  • Darwinism: Those weakling Cheaters will die off soon enough.

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • Test if their cheats protect them from real-life physics.

    Votes: 17 12.5%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by SIN55
then I think the solution could be 3 to 7 days banning... it's just enough to make you hold back from cheating, and its short enough if you are curious cheater/curious sibling/steam malfunction/all other explanations

That sounds reasonable. Maybe a three strike method would solve the problem. With on the third strike 6 month bannination.

Oh and by the way I want to apologize to you Ghost and everyone else I may have offended by my comments. I was really pissed off because of something personal that just happened and thought I could vent on these forums. I'll go through and delete the offensive stuff.
VALVe can immediately ditch Vivendi, if it comes to that. Gabe himself contradicted the CEO of Vivendi, on these forums! I think the direct competition wouldn't matter. If anything, they should take it as they're more likely to get sales...

They could very well dominate the Holiday season. *grins*

Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
VALVe can immediately ditch Vivendi, if it comes to that. Gabe himself contradicted the CEO of Vivendi, on these forums! I think the direct competition wouldn't matter. If anything, they should take it as they're more likely to get sales...

They could very well dominate the Holiday season. *grins*


Well it's not a question of if it will, it's a question of if it's released :p

By the way I like the sig ;)
Thanks, I did it just for you! :thumbs:

I seriously think it'll come out next month. And I bet VALVe will ditch Vivendi, within months. Vivendi has contradicted VALVe on every decision they have made. I'm willing to bet it was delayed because of Steam and Vivendi. The Steam Server should be appropriate for D/L by mid-Nov. Mid-Nov is also the projected release time, Hl's anniversary, etc. Everything in a business strategy points to Nov. It would be perfect to have the game out then, not to mention...domination. *grins*


BTW: I like The Cheat.
We're gonna have to have a game of multi when HL2 is released man. And I wouldn't be surprised if everyone jumped the Vivendi ship, I mean Interplay just did and that sorta blazed the trail. Man Homestar Runner rulez! I wanna get one of those new baseball caps they got in the store though. They're dope. The Cheat is obviously the best character. I mean he's got a gold tooth. Did you see the new SB email where The Cheat does the email? His animation is so bad it's funny.
That I did, my friend, that I did. I like Strong Bad.( AKA Tape Leg)
He's such a jerk. My favorite flash is the one where he's invisible .<Stealing the Swiss Cake Rolls was funny as hell.> Wow, now that we aren't talking about something serious, I've grown to care less about the execution of appropriate vocabulary, wait, no I haven't. Anyway, Tape Leg rules, Hl2 in Nov, and 9800 Pro AIW next week.
Oh Yeah!

Man I could go for a brand spankin new 9800 XT... But back to Homestar, the cream of the crop is Teen Girl Squad, Trogdor and Marshie/Mr.Shmallow
Cerebellum'd.... I cut out the brain and it's now my desktop wallpaper.
Classic. Now I must flee to the Patriot Cave. For Family Guy approaches, followed by Futurama, and some quite cool anime.

Actually, not a bad idea. Maybe not ban people from the servers permanently, though.

It could work like this: when you start Steam, it checks the "cheat database". If it detects a known cheat on your system, it restricts you from using Internet multiplayer. You could play the single player or on a LAN all you wanted, just not on a remote server.

Remove the cheat from your system, and you have access to internet multiplayer again.


When someone creates a server, they have an option to allow cheating. Then when Steam detects someone has a cheat, it only allows connection to games that allow them.

Lets the cheaters cheat, but also lets everybody else have a good time without some a$$hole ruining it.

Long live Strongbadia!
Most of the cheaters get a kick out of trying their cheats on innocent players. First time I played CS a few years back, I played online and I already understood by most forums and information sites that I researched before buying the game, that n00bs were gonna have a hard time fighting experienced players. I remember one of the first times I was playing this same guy (cant remember his nick) kept hitting me with headshots with his pistol. It was happening a LOT and I said to the guy "hey man, good shooting there, any pointers you could give a newbie?". He just responded "bots buddy, bots" I was furious. of course the idiot got immediatly banned for saying it out loud. Anyway, my point is why not have these guys all in the same server? They will bitch and whine at eachother about cheating and it would be a lot of fun. I mean cheaters are the kind of stupid children that will once or twice try playing fair and start pouting about "cheaters" when a really good player kills them over and over cuz they ain't got no skills of their own. I'd love to see them in the victim's place.
Internet Cafes: Internet café licenses are separate licenses (from what I’ve heard). Chances are the internet café will get a message informing them of the cheat on their system.

Banning Users would not be banned from all servers, just the ones which have cheat protect enabled. You could still play, but not on cheat-protected servers. Therefore you have to go play with the rest of the cheaters and learn your lesson. If you cheat on these other servers, you’ll probably get banned from that server. These separate servers will be available, but a lot of servers will join the “anti-cheat coalition.” Remember, you cheat has to be a 100% known cheat and verified by steam itself.

The idea is to isolate the cheaters from the main system. Cheaters can still play, but not within the main system.

Off topic:
“UNLEASH THE HEADCRABS!!!” I made that up, and I’m not talking about the headcrabs on this forum….the ones in the game.

Ignorant debate about USA legal system is funny in my opinion.
Originally posted by phantomdesign

Banning Users would not be banned from all servers, just the ones which have cheat protect enabled. You could still play, but not on cheat-protected servers. Therefore you have to go play with the rest of the cheaters and learn your lesson. If you cheat on these other servers, you’ll probably get banned from that server. These separate servers will be available, but a lot of servers will join the “anti-cheat coalition.” Remember, you cheat has to be a 100% known cheat and verified by steam itself.

The idea is to isolate the cheaters from the main system. Cheaters can still play, but not within the main system.

Bingo. Let them use cheats on each other all they want, but those that want to play cheat free are protected. :)
Originally posted by Deadlor
the point I'm trying to make is shit like cheating should be on a server per server basis and not just a ****ing worldwide ban.

oh? a server per server basis ban u say huh? so the cheater can go harass other players on other servers making our gaming experiences suck to hell.. ya im sure Valve intended to have our gaming experiences ruined by a few pricks!

dude, this server per server basis idea of banning is exactly what a cheater would want.. so if he can't annoy the players in one server, theres always another until hes banned from there as well.. keep in mind that not every server has an admin that can ban for cheating all of the time.. anyway, the first paragraph of my post is more than enough to show how stupid ur idea sounds..

a worldwide ban would straighten out the cheater... unless of course the cheater feels like going on another sabatical :p

edit: spelling
Well if this actually worked we wouldnt have many cheaters, but you can bet your ass they'll be around.

Simply because all you have to do is make your bot undetectable, not only that but unless you ban specific cd keys (not accounts) people will just remake new accounts, i've not used steam myself because everyone says its crap, but as i understand it you dont need even a valid email to create an account.

All the largest anti cheat software still has 100's of cheats which pass it, VAC for HL, cheating death, punk buster etc, they're all passable. Cheaters are always going to find ways to cheat, and all the lamers will only start TK'ing and stuff like that if their cheats dont work, which is quite frankly worse.
It's based it off of payed accounts and HL CD keys, not free accounts.

Well, atleast TKers are pretty obvious and easy to kick quickly. Either way cheaters are annoying, and they mut be gotten rid of. Ban their CD-key, they cant start TKing once they get screwed by their own cheat.
i think some of u are mis-interpreting what others and myself have said about cheating in HL2..

i said in my first post in this thread that cheating will never be totally eliminated.. ur naive if u think its possible.. but what Valve can do is try and control the cheating for the most part so its not rampant like it has been in CS and how its filtered into other HL mods.

i'd be happy if Valve can accomplish such a difficult task like control the cheating.. i mean afterall, if Valve spent most of their time trying protect against cheaters, u can imagine how long the next installment of the HL series would be to make and release..

anyway, as for the example about siblings sharing accounts/games.. Valve can not cater to every specific need.. and its not fair to ask of it..

i'd be satisfied with a user agreement thingy that pops up every time before u install the game, that way every user is aware of the conseqences of cheating, no if's, and's , or but's its as simple as that..

u know Steam has a password feature for a reason.. if u can't trust ur younger brother or sister, then use the password.. im sorry but to control cheating the HL community in general will have to sacrifice something.. i just don't see it working too well in other ways..

enlighten me if u think u got a better idea about controlling cheaters, giving punishments that really makes the cheater think of the wrong hes done and manage to deal with ur brother/sister scenerio..