A new standard for cosplay has been reached

Wow, thats amazing! Wish he had a video of him walking around like that in public.
I thought you said 'new standard for displays'.

I just bought a new monitor yesterday and I've been holding out for about 10 years.
huzzah you can use your old monitor as a boat anchor
Over seven feet? The legs look six feet by themselves.

looks like a Predator face to me

but this is pretty cool and I'd love to see some more from other video games as well. Gears of War would be awesome around Halloween time too
What an unbelievable amount of work put in. Really impressive.
I demand a video of him in the finished suit walking around scaring little children.
I demand a video of him in the finished suit walking around scaring little children.


Though honestly if I saw that suit on the street, I'd shit my proverbial pants.
No, just a fairly standard response I sort of expected from the forum. But you guys are better than that now, I guess.
he's a geek, he'll never get laid so he devouts his time to geeky pursuits ...and so the circle of life is complete, my work here is done

<beams aboard enterprise>
You can do both... you just have to stop eating and sleeping.