A note on card wars.

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Those currently parading around saying 'nVidia sucks!!1' are doing exactly the same thing nVidia fans were doing when nVidia was great. Let's be frank. ATi's driver support is shit. Their drivers have caused more headaches on my 9800SE, than on a GeForce 4 MX! I can't actually play Vice City to the same degree I could before :/

nVidia doing stuff like 'The way it's meant to be played' is exactly the same as ATi are doing with games like HL2 and their Get In The Game program.. ATi's program is no more noble or anything than nVidia's and I wish people would stop ****ing saying that nVidia's 'twimtbp' campaign is just to grab money' while politely ignoring what ATi are doing, which is the same. They are both companies, both out to get your money, and neither is holier than the other

Ok. Rant over. The best thing about ATi is the fact you can softmod their cards. :D
Actually, ATi's drivers are now equally as good, or even better than nVidia's support... they've really got their act together recently - the 3.9s are a strong foothold, and the 4.3s and 4.4s are even better if they work correctly.
I've never had any problems with ATI drivers. The 98000 pro ddr-II is the first serious graphics card I've ever purchased and I have to say it has done pretty well.
I have to agree with Abom and staddy, I've had no trouble with ATi's drivers since 3.8. Before that only two games ever gave me trouble (only two!), and they were strangely enough marked with the Nvidia "Way it's meant to be played" stamp of approval. Now they all work wonderfully :)

About the Nvidia sucks stuff, I agree with you that they, like ATi, are a company out to get money. But the cheating with the Detonator FX 44.03 drivers to make inflated scores is prett damn low, and frankly, the FX line of cards do scuk in some respects. So I can understand the anger.
Usually when people have problems with a new driver it actually isn't the driver but something configured/installed on their system not liking the driver.
I've never had a problem with ATI drivers this past year or so.

If everyone is having an issue with that game then it is a driver but if only a select few than it's something on your system.

Right before I bought my 9800Pro, I had a GF4 4200 and guess what?
The driver released by Nvidia just then made everything except units disapear in BF1942 and that was a known problem. The fix didn't come until the next driver release, which seemed forever when you played BF1942 as your main game.

PPL bash FX/Nvidia not because they love their Radeon cards or how great they are but because Nvidia/FX are struggling compared to ATI at somethings. Not because ATI is all mighty.
I haven't had a problem with the Catalyst drivers.. been using them since Cat 3.1, and never once have I had a game complain (other than Shogo MAD, but that's ancient anyway)
:naughty: Haven't had any problems either with catalyst drivers. By the way, the 4.3 and 4.4, i've noticed impressive improvements on graphic detail, while not sacrificing FPS. But, my last Nvidia card was a 5200, so I haven't seen how the Nvidia drivers are. But, once I find out whoever drops the better new graphics card, i'm getting the better one.
Cat drivers are great......they beat nvidias any day of the "weak"

....and as an added bonus you get much superior image quality and alot less bugs/cheats/hacks
the only reason i like ATI is because nvidia makes shitty graphics cards.
all i gotta say is. buy the better card. and you should be fine ;)
if companies didnt have names and every product came in a cardboard box with no graphics, maybe this would be a better world? ;)
Wow, a lot of people are immediately trying their hardest to defend the Catalyst drivers! There's really no need to. Both the Catalyst and the ForceWare drivers currently have some minor bugs/open issues, but nothing worth bitching about.
I have used NVidia's drivers since 2000 and never experienced any problems, btw.
My first 'seperate' (not on-board) graphics card was an ATi Rage Pro (8mb)... back in them days ATi did suck completely with their drivers and it kinda put me off ATi for a while.

Since then I've had a range of nVidia boards, right up till the 4800se, and had no problems whatsoever with drivers or performance.

After the GF4ti4800se I decided to buy a 9800pro, and have to say ATi drivers are definately not what they used to be.

Suprising, though - that ATi seem to copy nVidias solutions to the problems - Catalyst looking suprisingly like Detonator (aka ForceWare).

Anyway enough said. ATi and nVidia do make exceedingly good cakes. err cards. Who cares whos on top.
Arno said:
Wow, a lot of people are immediately trying their hardest to defend the Catalyst drivers! There's really no need to. Both the Catalyst and the ForceWare drivers currently have some minor bugs/open issues, but nothing worth bitching about.
I have used NVidia's drivers since 2000 and never experienced any problems, btw.

Yeah but there is not much going on so i need something to bitch about.... ;)
The simple fact is that ATI won this generation of hardware, and it's their first win ever, they've been playing catch up, and people like to see the under dog win. And they only won with DX effects, the Nvidea is still better for games like doom 3, but those kinds of games arn't quite as common as the ones using DX effects.

I'm betting that next generation though, nvidea is going to come back hard and fast and be the dominant card again. Not saying i have any proof, just putting my bets on them.
Before the 9x00 series, ATi blew mjor chunks in the gaming area. period. Now, nVidia made some bad moves, and now ATi cards are top dog...

Although forceware and catalyst drivers seem about eqally good now afaik.

but nVidia pwns ATi in the chipset field ;)
i used to have a TNT2 from Nvidia and it sucked shit but after that i got a Gforce 2 and it ran evreything from systemshock 2 ta unreal2 ^^ good card but recently i got a FX 5200 and ive been runing farcry and Uru and manny outher games in decent res decent graphics and still manage to get a good frame rate... so i plan to get the NV40U when it comes out... cause i know i wont be haveing problems with it ^_^ aka im with Nvidia cause they make the best cards and have great support :thumbs: unlike Rudeon :bonce: witch basicly just shoot you in the face and say suck it up
So, you've only used nVidia cards? You're basing your statements against ATi on what, exactly?

I've personally experienced twice as many problems on 5X00 series nVidia cards (plural) in the latest sets of drivers as I have with 9X00 series ATi cards (plural). Also, I want to be in control of my own detail settings. I don't want my drivers automatically using the lowest settings no matter what I choose. For those reasons (and the fact that nVidia cards were not made to DX9 shader specifications), I would recommend any current ATi card over a "comparable" nVidia card.

In the next batch of video cards I will have to start over from scratch as if both companies were releasing their very first line of video cards. If you buy entirely on brand loyalty you stand a good chance of drawing the short straw. If you want to do that I'm not going to stop you, but I will say "I told you so" if you buy the slower/overpriced video card.
OCybrManO, I'm currently running an 9800 (kinda Pro, but it's a softmod) which I love, but I'm pointing out that ATi won this round.
In the ol Radeon days of 7 series, the driver support was absolutely absurd. Now however, things have changed and ATI have listened. Their driver support is now outstanding and on-par with NVidia.

Yes there are mass debates (see what I did there? ba dum dum) over which company is better, but it all depends on the market. In the old TNT2 and GeForce days - Nvidia dominated the market for 2 years ["post 3DFX era"]. This time round it's ATI's turn ala 98 series. Let them soak up the glory - in a years time, no one can predict the market.

However although NVidia are being heavily criticised for their less than amazing current FX Series, they too will learn from their mistakes - Hold your horses guys (and gals ;)) - the market's going to get very interesting in April/May :D
Badger, I was responding to the person right above me that said:
i used to have a TNT2 from Nvidia and it sucked shit but after that i got a Gforce 2 and it ran evreything from systemshock 2 ta unreal2 ^^ good card but recently i got a FX 5200 and ive been runing farcry and Uru and manny outher games in decent res decent graphics and still manage to get a good frame rate... so i plan to get the NV40U when it comes out... cause i know i wont be haveing problems with it ^_^ aka im with Nvidia cause they make the best cards and have great support unlike Rudeon witch basicly just shoot you in the face and say suck it up
ComradeBadger said:
Those currently parading around saying 'nVidia sucks!!1' are doing exactly the same thing nVidia fans were doing when nVidia was great. Let's be frank. ATi's driver support is shit. Their drivers have caused more headaches on my 9800SE, than on a GeForce 4 MX! I can't actually play Vice City to the same degree I could before :/

nVidia doing stuff like 'The way it's meant to be played' is exactly the same as ATi are doing with games like HL2 and their Get In The Game program.. ATi's program is no more noble or anything than nVidia's and I wish people would stop ****ing saying that nVidia's 'twimtbp' campaign is just to grab money' while politely ignoring what ATi are doing, which is the same. They are both companies, both out to get your money, and neither is holier than the other

Ok. Rant over. The best thing about ATi is the fact you can softmod their cards. :D

I think that's a pretty good point.
i still say if your drivers work, don't fix 'em

i haven't moved since my Omega 3.7's
Originally Posted by thehunter1320
i haven't moved since my Omega 3.7's

I'd like to point out New driver versions are released for various reasons i.e. bugfixes but mainly performance and visual upgrades. To my main point all these Vid card battles are over speed are far as I can see (feel free to correct me) have any of these battles in these forums been over "QUALITY?"

One more thing Nvidia's FX series should have used tech from the 3dfx Sage card (thus the FX) for example all the FX cards should have had free AA (antialiasing with no performance loss) but they don't. Now think about this where would Nvidia be if 3dfx wasn't taken over and utterly destroyed becuase Nvidia wanted people to use their Geforce 3 instead of the Sage. I wouldn't be complaining about this usually but the fact that the Sage card was near release (to the point they where running Quake 3) is what ticks me off so Nvidia can :sniper: :devil:

I'd like to point out I proudly own a Radeon 9600pro (a 9700pro or 9500pro would have been better but they where too exspensive)
the ati drivers have better image quality and are faster, so ati rulllz and nvidia sux0rz. and any one with a nvidia card(exept 6800) are nvidiats.
mad max 31 said:
the ati drivers have better image quality and are faster, so ati rulllz and nvidia sux0rz. and any one with a nvidia card(exept 6800) are nvidiats.
the only half decent card ATI has mannaged to spit out is the 9800 and the xt... yes they have better immage quallity but as for gameing? uhh i think Nvidia has that spot ~ Cheers :cheers: the FX cards arent a screw up! only the 5900 5950 where crappy... 400$ for 10% speed boost... nah.. oh yeah and on the DX 9 stuff... my FX5200 runs DX9 just fine :E

the sum...

Nvidia 0wNz the gameing world...
ati has immage quallity ~ witch really dousent matter when when your jumpping and crouching trying to avoid a shower of bullets in Cstrike :bonce: >.<!!!!! :sniper: unless your NEO...

i wonder how long ita guna take before valve backstabs ati for nvidia... if i was gabe and i had ati stocks id sell them asap
TrinityXero, I hope you still have your FX5200 when HL2 comes out so you can eat your words.

FX5200 is one of the worst cards ever produced, it's sad that you're too much of a fanboy to see this
Can we let you through a portal to Nvidia's Land of the slaves?
Might be a better fit

How old are you anyway...14? ;)
Asus said:
Can we let you through a portal to Nvidia's Land of the slaves?
Might be a better fit

How old are you anyway...14? ;)
hey bubba i run evreything i have in good settings and stilll come with good fram rates to piss off
TrinityXero said:
hey bubba i run evreything i have in good settings and stilll come with good fram rates to piss off

What games are these? HL and mods? :laugh:
dont make me bitch slap you! -->j/k<-- but i do openly bitch if someones annoying me

the games i run are farcry Uru Cstrike SC4 painkiller SC4RH Rise of nations(sucks) DX:IW (witch allso blows and is short) and all my ancient games from jill of the jung to black hawk down to Uru:ages beond Myst to farcry ect ect ect... my reses are limited by my screen (i can have res into the 2000... ex. 2048 i think is the highest you can get on any card but my screen only alows 1024 so thats what i run games in
The 5200fx probably deserves the award for the second shittiest card nvidia has ever produced....right after the 5800.

A GF4 is faster.

the only reason you see so many 5200's is becuase of Dell,HP etc

there cheap...and alot better than onboard gfx... there Dx9 support is a joke.
crabcakes66 said:
The 5200fx probably deserves the award for the second shittiest card nvidia has ever produced....right after the 5800.

A GF4 is faster.

the only reason you see so many 5200's is becuase of Dell,HP etc

there cheap...and alot better than onboard gfx... there Dx9 support is a joke.
hey dumbass if its so shitty why am i running evrey game i have in good res and good frams?