A particular bit of dialogue in HL2


Dec 27, 2006
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The Wikipedia entry on antlions quotes the following passage of dialogue from the game (presumbaly Sand Traps): ."Warning, primary target is, uh, engaged in, uh, command and control tactics with biotics. Repeat: Primary target has tactical C&C over biotics."

I've played through the assault on NP exterior sequence a number of times in an attempt to find this bit of dialogue, even going so far as to turn the closed captions on to see if it came up in the text. Does anyone remember exactly when and where it can be heard?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed light on this.

*edited to eliminate extraneous text
It's not impossible that it's heard inside Nova Prospekt. There are some troop radios, if I remember it correctly.
There's some hard-to-decipher radio chatter inside one of the bunkers, could that be it?
I recall hearing it just beofre fighting the Antlion Guard in the Nova Prospekt showers.

I don't like the fact that Combine radio chatter is overly garbled.
I'm pretty sure I heard it when I first emerged inside the prison itself - there was a partly-underwater room, then some stairs up into an open area with sentry towers.
Roffle, I was just playing that part a little while ago. I don't really listen to the dialog anyway.
To bad it has to be so professional and on-protocol.
i do recall hearing something like that, I have no clue what it means
It means that the soldiers are really damned surprised that somone is controlling the antlions, apparently the Vortigaunts kept their secrets well, even under torture.
It means that the soldiers are really damned surprised that somone is controlling the antlions, apparently the Vortigaunts kept their secrets well, even under torture.

ah I see... vortiguants are so cute and jamaican, poor fella's
yes I understand, biotics is a weird term for antlions though, what do they refer to the zombies as neurotics or something? I assumed its derived from necro, having to do with death

According to Wiktionary:
"Of, pertaining to, or produced by life or living organisms"

Basically, it's a fancier and more professional way of referring to Antlions. Quite simply, it sounds cooler.

And yes, Zombies are referred to as "Necrotics", which derives from "necrosis"
yes I understand, biotics is a weird term for antlions though, what do they refer to the zombies as neurotics or something? I assumed its derived from necro, having to do with death

"Necrotic" has its root in the Ancient Greek "nekron", meaning "corpse." Hence the English words "necrophilia" and "necrophobia," both of which have to do with corpses.

Funny to think of "neurotic" zombies though, repeated checking the locks on their doors and wondering if they call their mothers often enough.

Thanks to Destron for providing that link. I'm off to see if I can hear it in-game.
That sounded so much funnier in my head. Just imagine it being said in a WTF tone of voice.

I like that's it's so deadpan. The voice actor must have listened to a police scanner for hours to perfect that bored, disinterested tone.
Heheh, maybe they hired a police dispatcher dude to do the voice. :D
A woman named Ellen McLane did the voice for the Overwatch dispatcher. Not really sure if she was a real dispatcher, though.
I love the dispatcher's voice performance. It's totally convincing and a nice throwback to the "Black Mesa Inbound" voice recording (which is even more awesome in Russin, incidentally).
The Wikipedia entry on antlions quotes the following passage of dialogue from the game (presumbaly Sand Traps): ."Warning, primary target is, uh, engaged in, uh, command and control tactics with biotics. Repeat: Primary target has tactical C&C over biotics."

I've played through the assault on NP exterior sequence a number of times in an attempt to find this bit of dialogue, even going so far as to turn the closed captions on to see if it came up in the text. Does anyone remember exactly when and where it can be heard?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed light on this.

*edited to eliminate extraneous text

Not Sandtraps: Nova Prospekt. After opening one of the gates with turrets behind it.
i swear i heard it after deactivating on of the thumpers near the cliff..
Here it is:


EDIT: Nevermind, somebody beat me to it.
i swear i heard it after deactivating on of the thumpers near the cliff..

That's a bit different. The Overwatch announcment says soemthing like "Priority warning. Outlying stabilization (something I can't remember) disengaged. Security alert." And shortly after that, the guards come out to play. ;)
Hmmm...I just played through NP from the water-logged room to the antlion guard. I didn't hear the transmission.
speaking of dialogue in the game, I am sure this has been mentioned, but I just realized, it happen twice, sometimes one of the rebels will say "Sometimes... I dream of cheese..."
Cause they only eat Combine food rations - which really can't be known as food in any instance. Think of eating protein bars for years.
After you deactivate the thumper located in the center view of one of the bunkers, put in host_timescale 0.2 and then superjump (the jump that makes Gordon go really fast) up inside the bunker. Then put it on host_timescale 1, press the button near the entrance to the bunker, and then that's when you hear it. (If I remember right, it's the one that has all the boxes behind it, and what looks like an old supply depot that was blown up previously.)

Hope that helps. :)

and btw, I just played and did this, and that's where it's said. You don't have to put in the host timescale crap though, that's just really cool to me. :)
Cause they only eat Combine food rations - which really can't be known as food in any instance. Think of eating protein bars for years.

ah yes, well I always imagined it as tv dinners, because apparently CP do get decent meals

But anyways, I bet this has been brought up, but I don't understand why Ant Lion Guards still attack you even though you have those "pheripods"'s smell on you, or whatever they are called.

I am guessing because it senses you as another Ant Guard in it's territory?
ah yes, well I always imagined it as tv dinners, because apparently CP do get decent meals

But anyways, I bet this has been brought up, but I don't understand why Ant Lion Guards still attack you even though you have those "pheripods"'s smell on you, or whatever they are called.

I am guessing because it senses you as another Ant Guard in it's territory?

Exactly. Antlion Guards obviously aren't fooled, though.
ah yes, well I always imagined it as tv dinners, because apparently CP do get decent meals

But anyways, I bet this has been brought up, but I don't understand why Ant Lion Guards still attack you even though you have those "pheripods"'s smell on you, or whatever they are called.

I am guessing because it senses you as another Ant Guard in it's territory?
I guess it is not. Since Ant Lion Guard is full-grown, more exprienced and intelligent, it can some how distinguish Gordon from other antlion guards. You know, Gordon does never look like an antlion and he doesn't groan that way. Only foolish baby antlions will fall into deceptions like the human-carrying pheripod.

The Overwatch announcment says soemthing like "Priority warning. Outlying stabilization (something I can't remember) disengaged. Security alert." ;)

Priority warning. Outlying stabilization form's in Nova Prospeckt. Perimeter restrictors disengaged. Priority warning, Perimeter restrictors disengaged.
BTW, that line isn't dialogue, it's monologue. Dialogue occurs between two or more people.
Oh yes they do, we just don't hear them as it's a ear plug.
Neat - thanks for the .wav, Destron. That particular part of the game is really engaging for me and I don't think I ever paid attention to their voices. Funny to hear their 'surprise' though.
I believe the term "dialogue," as used to refer to spoken elements in printed and recorded media, also emcompasses monologue. This is supported by one of J.A Cuddon's two definitions of the term as "the speech of characters in any form of narrative." (Cuddon, Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, pp. 239). Note the definition doesn't specify dialogue as occuring specifically "between characters," but indicates a broader element of spoken, lexical content in narrative.