A Photo A Day Thread

Yeah ive still got the Nikon 18-55 stock lens. Its got great colours but thats down to the sensor really, I need some better glass.

Need to figure out of I want a telephoto with a low mm of around 12 or just a wideangle which has limited mm (they're like 8-12 or something).
Buying lens is pretty hard to start with I found. Because until you own a few its hard to tell what you really like taking photos of.

A nifty 50 is great for taking portraits and often have a really low f stop so you can have loads of fun with depth of field but I find that it doesn't have quite enough zoom for taking pictures random people so will be looking into getting an 85mm at some point.

Wide angle lens are really good fun but can get a little expensive and also are a little restrictive zoom wise. So they are great if you can get up close but also nice for some landscape stuff too. But would defo get a telephoto lens before getting a wide angle, just generally more useful all around.

But yea a 50 and like a 70-200 telephoto is quite a nice combo. Then you have the 18-55 for lower ranges. But things cant start getting rather expensive :(

But then again Id rather shell out a good £150-200 on a great lens than £70 on a 3rd party lens.

Its just a shame Canon and Nikon have different connections for their lenses, or I couldve used my dad's ridiculous collection and found one I wanted.

It seems like you need good financing to get into it properly, and by that point you need to become a professional to pay off your new lens bills.

Or like...just dont eat for a month or something.

But then again Id rather shell out a good £150-200 on a great lens than £70 on a 3rd party lens.

It may well be a lot more then that :( But i guess you really only need to buy them the once. Its just annoying it takes a good 2 months or so to save for them.

I'm looking at getting 2 lens asap but its going to set me back around £900-£1000. Its more then my damn pc :/


Maybe a bit ott?
be very, very careful with the textures. you can not fake aging, wear, tear, errors, inconsistencies, glitches, light leaks, blots et all, whereas blatent photoshops like that stray into the christian rock album cover and bad high school photography class portfolio standard.

or it's just me that thinks badly of them, but still.
lol aye, not something I'm going to do very often, was just a little bored so thought it would be fun throwing some stuff around.
hehe, mum did all the prep... marinades etc and left it sitting around all day sucking up all the goodness. That my dad cooked :)

Got a few pictures of the bbq as well so will post them at some point later :)

It will have been the last bbq at that house tho. My parents are moving house today off into Hampshire from london!
I'm baby sitting my girlfriend's dog and I think I'm getting attached.
Been playing with some new lens recently, enjoying the additional range (spying on people ftw) and ironically having quite a bit of fun with macro photography on them as well.





Yes, I know I ride around in an ambulance.
Yes, I know I've made my point some time ago.
No, KA, I do not care.
you guys take nice shots, I just used my camera phone with some resizing



both were taken at my sisters house, they donated the land for the beach to the town and lots of people were there for the 4th of July camping. its really nice. in the 1st picture that little hill is where I took the 2nd picture
Bunch of shots from a holiday in Rhode, Greece.
















Some pics my dad took in Zambia with his new Canon EOS 1 DS MIII, and his insane combo of lenses and filters.











Couldnt be more jealous of the Leopard sighting. Been waiting my whole life to see one in the wild every time we go to Africa, and he goes and sees 3 in 2 days. ***tard!




^Nice shots, especially those of the sky, though I'd imagine it was harder to photograph the wildlife.

Nice Africa pics! cpl look quite washed out tho. The eagle is win tho f0 sure!

New Toy Finally arrived tho!

He's still learning his new camera's settings. He bought it just before they went.

Some of them are a shame, and he definitely needs to work on his focal points (you should see some of the other leopard shots that are ruined by focusing on the grass behind it, or are blurred when it moved).

But then again, with wildlife its all about preparation and having saved f number and shutter speed settings etc for movement. Plus, thats hard to do when you get a once-in-a-lifetime shot like that leopard above. He said he was too excited to care about the settings and just took as many shots as he could. It hung around for a while so he adjusted the f number a bit with the dial at the back of the camera, but it all passed too quickly and it disappeared into the bush.

He once shot a couple of hundred at some ruins, but he only realised when he got home (lol) that he had the white balance (if memory serves) set too high, so almost all of the shots where just blinding whites or with pretty much no colour or just a blank, white shot. Which could explain why some of his shots are a bit washed out.

Only reason for that was he had chosen a setting for it earlier that week, then forgot to change it back when we went out. I laughed like a drain, but did feel sorry for him that his own son had taken better pics than him.
Tell him to shoot in raw format. Things like choosing the wrong white balance can be fixed in applications like lightroom + lots of other kool editing stuff.



Just finished a 3 day portraiture class, I've never sculpted a head before! We had a feller called Scott Eaton in the studio teaching us all about bone and muscle structure and this is the final result!




Are you using a filter for this pic? If not, do you know what settings you were using?

Or was it just the light?

I kind of like that slightly greyer or darker look, more atmospheric.
Camera settings where pretty much left as defult. But I always take my raw images into lightroom and edit them there!
Yeah, I see Stormy likes low-saturation images. :) I on the other hand like vibrant colours in most of my photos. But it depends on the scene of course.

BTW, this was a good sandwich:

Do you guys use Flickr? Maybe we should make a group on there and we would be able to make weekly photography themes?

Anyone up for that?
Actually I was thinking recently about making an account on Flickr.

What do you mean by weekly photography themes? Like when someone throws in an idea and everyone shoots photos related to it? What's the relation of this to Flickr?
Well flickr groups would have its own little forum and you are able to add photos to the group pool.

So say we make a biweekly topic that would be "Red", you snap shots, can chat in the relevant thread and then post images into the group pool.

Its just nice to have a topic as it should encourage everyone to get off their ass and take some snaps, its always nice to have a topic in mind wile shooting.
I agree. Having a focus stops you from shooting randomly, and is the best way to learn. Focusing on one aspect, such as photos of a certain 'thing' at certain settings.

Seeing the final product after knowing how to take the photo is the way to learn.