A possible fix!



Sorry if this is old news, but for all those who crash after the load screen, I have a fix that worked for me.

right click on properties, add...

-dxlevel 70

...to your desktop shortcut to half life 2. That defaults directx to v7, instead of v9. Apparently a lot of the crash problems have to do with some new direct x features that other games don't use.

Whoo! I can play now!

Hope this helps other people play too :)
Well, it didn't fix it for me, but I think you're onto something.

When I added it, I no longer got the blurry, loading screen--it actually showed up like it's supposed to, however, I still got the error message while trying to start a new game... :angry:

-dxlevel 70 didn't work, but dxlevel 80 did! I CAN PLAY HL2!!! I LOVE YOU, MAN!!! :cheers:
Okay, how exactly do I add this line to HL2 and how bad does it make the game look?

Also, has anyone tried reinstalling DX9?
indyjones2131 said:
Okay, how exactly do I add this line to HL2 and how bad does it make the game look?

Also, has anyone tried reinstalling DX9?

Open steam and click "Play Games." Right-click HL2 and add it to your desktop as a shortcut.

Go to your desktop and right-click the shortcut. In the box labeled "Target" you want to go to the very end of that line of text and add -dxlevel 80

Click apply or ok then double click the icon to start HL2.

If this doesn't work try -dxlevel 70 or some other variable.

I used -dxlevel 80 and the game still looks just as pretty as ever to me.
indyjones2131 said:
Am I supposed to have DX 9.0c installed?

It wouldn't hurt...You can have DX 9.0c installed and still change it to -dxlevel 80 (or 70) with no problems.
Tried it and it still has the damn blurry background and then crashes to desktop
Well, I made a good dent in the game, but it just crashed again on me as well... :(
It's had no effect, it's still crashing after loading a new area.
indyjones2131 said:
Tried it and it still has the damn blurry background and then crashes to desktop

Just to ease your mind - the background is meant to be blurry. It will fade into focus once the menu options load. Well, thats what it does for me anyway, but then again - I can play no problems...except for running offline mode. Still can't nail that bugger yet.