A post-apocalyptic game idea.

It'd be cool if it was all piratey. Arr!

It seems like you'd have to make the levels actually interesting and varied:
- a scramble to take an only-just-discovered piece of land, a huge dirt mount in the middle of the ocean
- a skirmish with gigantic moving icebergs and treacherous icefloes
- huge interconnected floating ramshackle city map
- the wreck of an aircraft carrier caught on a mountain peak inthe himalayas or something

stuff like that!
Sulkdodds said:
It'd be cool if it was all piratey. Arr!

It seems like you'd have to make the levels actually interesting and varied:
- a scramble to take an only-just-discovered piece of land, a huge dirt mount in the middle of the ocean
- a skirmish with gigantic moving icebergs and treacherous icefloes
- huge interconnected floating ramshackle city map
- the wreck of an aircraft carrier caught on a mountain peak inthe himalayas or something

stuff like that!
you want ideas from my adandonned mod.
A looting match in post apocalyptic supermarkets and malls, using physics items......load as much shit into cars/old trolleys etc as you can.
Different items have a different points value.
Team who collects highest value wins.

And many others i came up with, shame our mod couldn't be completed, it would have been great.
There really isn't a precedent anywhere in the SDK for boats other than the half-assed airboat (which is as much a land vehicle as it is a water vehicle), and large maps are pretty much out of the question, especially for multiplayer. Sails, wind, waves, and everything else would have to be hacked into the engine and I can't imagine the results being pretty or even remotely functional. Ideas are fine, but what's missing from this thread is a realistic consideration of how many lifetimes you'd have to devote to see even half of these features implemented.

Personally, I think that a mod that had a single type of boat and implemented a system that allowed people to occupy different positions and shoot at each other would be absoloutely awesome. You have to shoot low if you don't have an experienced coder, and try to work within the technical limits of the engine instead of assuming that it can do anything you want and that the only thing you need to complete a mod is a solid set of ideas and a little dedication.

I would suggest FarCry but the SDK for that game is "less than ideal", and UT 2k4 doesn't even have boats (I think, haven't played it though). Maybe BattleFeild 2? There is already an established system for multiple positions in the same vehicle, as well as vehicle-mounted weapons. And boats are in the game, too, so there is far less work to do and you could concentrate on some of the more sundry features, like weapons, teams, etc.

I'm not trolling here and I'm not saying this is a worthless idea. Threads in this forum touting uninteresting or sure-to-fail mods are a dime a dozen, and I don't post in any of them trolling or flaming people. I'd like to see this get made, though, that's why I'm offering what I consider a realistic view of the whole situation.
for solving the issue of boats being water based and hl2 only really supporting land based stuff. there are mapping ways around this i expect, if you try at least. For example, make it so they are technically land based vehicles. By this i mean you just make an invisible platform that is covered by water. and you drive on this. If a vehicle needs to go below the platform for size issues (like a jet ski will be shallow, while a tug boat would be like 10 times as deep) then you can make it so platforms only apply to certain sized boats, so the platforms would be multi-layered. This would also help for players who go in the water, since platforms won't react to players, so they go right throu them. having below deck cabins will always be a problem though i expect, for any engine, unless you can like create a negitive space type entity that removes water where the entity is.

About the sails, well you have to have them imo. They add control to you boat, not speed, though well maybe a little speed, but control is the main aspect. Someone who operates a sail will no doubt be a player skilled in that area of gameplay, since it'll require a lot of practice to use effectively, adding dimension to the game. Sails will be useful for sharp turns, getting surprise on the enemy, maybe even knocking boarders off your ship lol (would look cool tbh), and above all... the brakes. Boats tend not to have breaks, since a motor will make you move at speed, but it won't stop you that quickly. Rising a sail against the wind will help stop you faster thou.

Wind is already in HL2 as well, but on a small scale. It can be seen in the opening map to HL2. Using it on a large scale might be buggy, but lol, if ppl lag because of it, how do they know it wasn't the wind :) To combat this, you could have like wind pockets, so that people can like "ride the wind".

for size of maps, well tbh, that isn't a major issue for a HL2 mod. It's apprently quite easy to increase or decrease the max size of HL2 based maps, if the coder does a few little tweeks, there's plenty of tutorials for it. Increase map size however would reduce map detail, but when detail is a flat water landscape, your not exactly losing much :)

But im still looking for someone to create this mod, im not experienced enough to do anything except story writing, gameplay ideas and webdesign.

so long as your good at all those areas and are dedicated to the cause, you shouldn't have problems. imo, a mod leader is best to be the web guy, since they are the ones responsible for adding news updates or whatever. Though having some modding skill is best. I'd suggest learning the basics of mapping, since this mod won't need great amounts of mapping skill. When learning to map, the first thing you usually learn is how to make a room... thats half the job right there tbh for this type of game, and you can learn more advanced stuff later. I can help give pointers and stuff like that for mapping, or be a mapper for you if you like (examples upon request available) just contact me via PM or mail me @ [email protected]

finally i'd like to suggest a Scavengers/Pirates Vs Outpost type team game. And it would be more like Outpost ppl protect their command points (CP) from Pirates, and the way you capture a CP is to add parts to the command point, like you mod it to come under your influence/control, or if your an Outpost player, you have to repair and destroy parts added to return control. I also suggest defense vs attack, because then parts can be found from destroyed boats, which you'll gain by destroying the defending team. But attackers need to protect the CP modders (or whatever term you prefer), because defenders won't respawn to far away and can be back in the fight quickly, adding an aspect of teamplay to the mod instead of it being a case of everyone spamming a CP until your team captures it.
Well i am a webdesigner, i know basics in modelling, i can unwrap, texture and export my models into Source. I can do basic maps. And theoreticly i know how a game works and is built. But that is for sure not enough, i can show the way for a team to create a mod, there must be someone that knows alot more than me to make this happen. The thing is that i somehow want to give this idea to someone with alot of talent, but still be working on it too. I dont want to be a leader.
i think you should be the team leader. if you get a team together let me know.
tbh, u sound like the perfect leader, cos u don't wanna be it :D I already run a mod otherwise i help run it :) It started out as noleader, but i was organising stuff so really i just became the leader by default, and i'm sure that'll happen to you :)

You also sound like you have a lot of various skills thats good for a leader, since you can relate to a lot of different modding areas easily, plus you have the skill base to do all the jobs no one wants to do :) Well i mean all the little minor jobs, like maybe you can't make a whole boat model, but you could make pieces of scrap metal or whatever. Also you sound like you'll prob be good on the PR side of things, handling the website/forum and other relations to promote the mod.

In a way, your not the leader, your just making sure all the people with advanced skills are doing what they do best to get the mod running smoothly. But like i've already said, that kinda makes you the leader :)

I think you should at the very least start contructing your website to how you want it, because as this thread has already proven, you have the interest in the mod already, you just need to get things moving.

Also lemme know if you need help, cos i can help with some hosting as well if you need it.
Nagash said:
for solving the issue of boats being water based and hl2 only really supporting land based stuff. there are mapping ways around this i expect, if you try at least. For example, make it so they are technically land based vehicles.

What about swimming?

for size of maps, well tbh, that isn't a major issue for a HL2 mod. It's apprently quite easy to increase or decrease the max size of HL2 based maps, if the coder does a few little tweeks, there's plenty of tutorials for it. Increase map size however would reduce map detail, but when detail is a flat water landscape, your not exactly losing much :)

If you have a link to a tutorial that lets me make a few little tweaks to make the map size larger, I'd certainly be interested in it. But I'm pretty sure that HL2 does not support large maps.
Nagash said:
tbh, u sound like the perfect leader, cos u don't wanna be it :D I already run a mod otherwise i help run it :) It started out as noleader, but i was organising stuff so really i just became the leader by default, and i'm sure that'll happen to you :)

You also sound like you have a lot of various skills thats good for a leader, since you can relate to a lot of different modding areas easily, plus you have the skill base to do all the jobs no one wants to do :) Well i mean all the little minor jobs, like maybe you can't make a whole boat model, but you could make pieces of scrap metal or whatever. Also you sound like you'll prob be good on the PR side of things, handling the website/forum and other relations to promote the mod.

In a way, your not the leader, your just making sure all the people with advanced skills are doing what they do best to get the mod running smoothly. But like i've already said, that kinda makes you the leader :)

I think you should at the very least start contructing your website to how you want it, because as this thread has already proven, you have the interest in the mod already, you just need to get things moving.

Also lemme know if you need help, cos i can help with some hosting as well if you need it.

Interesting thoughs, you may be right but id still need another leader type, someone that is a good programmer and would most likly know basics in everything about game development too. I already have a sponsorship agreement with a hosting company and i wont need any help with PR things, that i can handle on my own ;)

All i need is to find a couple of interesting guys with as much time and will to make this as i have, then everything should start to run pretty good.
- Updated idea -

The Forgotten World

- Story (possible story)

Our home, planet earth have suffered greatly after the melt of the polar ice caps. Stories have been told that the third war went horribly wrong and this caused the water age. Though no one actually knows whats true or not, due to all myths and lack of information. It's said that almost our entire population moved far far away, but where we, never got to know. The rest were left behind and forgotten by the new world. A small civilization was created within the walls of a floating city. As almost all resources were used and gone, people began to kill eachother for their own survival. The new civilization was lost and pirate-gangs were formed.

There is no god, rules and laws no longer exists. Do what you have to, only for your own survival...

- Overview

The forgotten world is a post-apocalyptic combat modification for Half-Life 2. You are brought to the world of water, where laws and rules no longer exist. Armed with only your team and a couple of war modified boats, tactical gameplay is required to accomplish your objectives.

Play as a member of either the last civilians or the pirates. Both teams will be provided with different kinds of firearms, equipment and vehicles. While one team's objectives is to try to take control of a fortress, the other's is to defend it at all costs. Unique features and game modes will make the game even more fun and unique.

- Teams

The last civilians - The good guy's...

Pirates - Ruthless criminals, allways looking for more trouble...

- Game modes

Team Death Mach (TDM)

As another TDM game, both teams are balanced with weapons, equipment and boats. Objectives are to wipe out the enemy team to win.

Fuel Wars

Both teams have the same objectives, capture or defend the control stations (CTS) located on the battlefield. The team that has all station's captured will win the game. Each control station is provided with special equipment, mounted weapons and fuel tanks. Fuel tanks are important since both teams need fuel for motor boats. When one team controls all the CTS's on the map the other team will be out of fuel. This means, the more fuel tanks/ control stations your team has, the less fuel will be available for the enemy team. Though the game will not be over yet, both teams are provided with sailing boats, these are usually very slow but has alot of firepower, aswell as they do not need fuel to drive.

Attack and Defend (AAD)

One team will be set on a floating fortress, their objectives are to defend it at all costs with the help of mounted weapons and prison cages. The other team will use boats in attempts of taking over this fortress. To balance the game, the defending team will be able to capture enemies and put them in prison, the attackers will be provided with special boats and other types of vehicles. To win the game one team must either capture all enemies in prison or over take the fortress.

- Features

Realistic damage - Boat engines can brake if it gets hit by a bullet or explosion, more powerful weapons can shoot through boats to make them sink. Mines and other explosives can not only destroy a boat but also throw it high in the air.

Fuel resources - Each floating Control Station (CTS) will be using a fuel tank. Fuel will be provided to the team that has the current control of a control station.

Speech commands - As in many other games you can use the commands menu to call speech commands to your teammates.

Multiple-seat vehicles - Some larger boats can carry several players, each player can either control the boat or mounted weaponons.

Enemy capture - Some boats or floating bases may have small prison like rooms or cages. If an enemy is knocked of a boat, or just happens to be in the water you can capture him with fisihing gear and put him in prison. The more enemies you have in prison, the less you have to hunt down and kill. But the prisoner teammates can rescue him easily.
its basicly the same as the first, but alittle improved :>
Cool but i dont understand a single word of that article :I
Pajari said:
What about swimming?
well if your gonna quote what i say, at least quote all of the related stuff, instead of just a little bit of it. If you bothered to read what i said, you'd see what i said about entering the water as a player, which is basically swimming.

for making maps larger than they actually are, this is possible in HL1, so info on it has been available for ages, and exists in the mod ESF, and that race car mod which i forget the name of. Just think about it really, it's simple logic. if you make everything half the size than it should be, inc the players view, you have a map twice the original size. There is more technical ways of doing stuff like that, like resizing the units, since the units can be whatever size you want em to be. I no coder thou, so i dunno where to find a tutorial of this off hand, but if you try looking i'm sure you'll find what you need.

Garfield_ said:
All i need is to find a couple of interesting guys with as much time and will to make this as i have, then everything should start to run pretty good.

well like i've said before, contact me if you need me, i can map and also do model animations, amoung other things, though you seem to hve the other things that i can do pretty much covered.
Ah, but that's not enlarging the map's size, it's scaling it (that's probably where the confusion came from). Scaling isn't without its drawbacks, though. When you start thinking about scaling down the environments you lose certain levels of detail as you're effectively squashing bigger objects onto the grid where smaller objects would normally reside. Therefore you won't be able to put as much detail into the brushwork as you could at normal scale. This shouldn't affect models AFAIK as Hammer only worries about their centre point.

Whether you scale down your maps or not, you'll still need to control your draw distance to stop the user's system from rendering too much at once.
i've not seen that source mmorpg Twilight War in some time, but they've made maps bigger in the more traditional sense, so can't see why it's not possible in hl2. Though if scaling is the only option, it's worth taking. The main draw back in scaling is that you can lose some degree of psyhics, or so it says over at verc's webby. But when you consider that it's mainly about boats and not psyhic's, is that really a problem? Also there are many graphical things you can do to give the impression of more speed without actually going faster, then making the map seem bigger as a result.

besides, it's a post apoc mod right, in an environment where resources are limited mainly to what hasn't sunk yet, so why should all boats be super fast with like nitro injections or whatever. Unless your some type of scout vehicle like a jet ski, your not gonna be to fast a boat, just so you can conserve fuel. Thou speed is good yeah, i think ppl are to focused on it and not looking at the reality constructed by the background story :D
yup, i pressed sumbit twice by mistake, and it did the same post twice, so i editted one post so it had nothing that matters in it and a moderator can delete if they want. not that it matters now anywayz :)