A problem with a friend....


Jun 11, 2003
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One of my friends, who I have known for a long time, seems to act like a sheep to me...

Whatever I enjoy, so does he, everything we do together is a big deal and he even stole most of my good jokes and lines for his own personal use. Now, at first I found nothing wrong with this, but it feels odd that he seems to follow whatever I do and seems to conform to my likes.

Oh and before any gay jokes come up in this thread, he has a gf, so I doubt he wants to fudge me.
Just seems like he looks up to you. Nothing to worry about, I think. Like a little brother, ya know?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Just seems like he looks up to you. Nothing to worry about, I think. Like a little brother, ya know?

Yeah, but it is hard to be friends with a guy who acts like a little brother, I want my friends to be on my level, with their own opinions.
Dalamari said:
Yeah, but it is hard to be friends with a guy who acts like a little brother, I want my friends to be on my level, with their own opinions.
True dat. Push him around a bit. Talk about stuff you KNOW he'll want to disagree with.
Farrowlesparrow said:
You're probably just the stronger personality.


I second what Farrowlesparrow stated. :thumbs:

or Just slap him and face him with wOOt! you feel
Farrowlesparrow said:
You're probably just the stronger personality.

This sounds about right.

Happens to me now and again... its nothing to worry about. But it can be awkward when you are arround someone with an even stronger personality....

Kinda hard to explain.... :thumbs:
I am thinking I might start bringing up things that he hates like suggested, see how he responds...

Or bash his head in with a brick.
People with 'strong personalities' and often talk rubbish... is just wrong. So i find another person of equaly strong personality as me, and gang up on them, win the argument. friendship over. pwnage.
Ask him if you can borrow his girlfriend for a week. If he says yes, then there's nothing you can do with him.
AntiAnto said:
Ask him if you can borrow his girlfriend for a week. If he says yes, then there's nothing you can do with him.

Lets look at the positives. If she accepts, theres a lot you can do with her...

I'l just leave shall I? :p
Dalamari said:
Oh and before any gay jokes come up in this thread, he has a gf, so I doubt he wants to fudge me.
well maybe he'd like you to fudge his girlfriend while he watched? getting the best of both worlds and all.....

i don't really see the big issue in you having a puppet though :)
If you are good friends and it bothers you, just talk to him about it.
You think that's annoying, how would you like it that everytime you meet someone new they have to stroke your hands because "they are so soft!"

They're not even that soft!
Murray_H said:
You think that's annoying, how would you like it that everytime you meet someone new they have to stroke your hands because "they are so soft!"

They're not even that soft!

Well thats what you get for using the sweat of virgins, otherwise known as Dove soap, to wash your hands with.
Murray_H said:
You think that's annoying, how would you like it that everytime you meet someone new they have to stroke your hands because "they are so soft!"

They're not even that soft!
Take a job at a sewage plant. They'll stop touching you then.
tell them that u often get intimate with urinals ...that should just about do the trick ...
btw any updates on this problem ?
The Dark Elf said:
Take a job at a sewage plant. They'll stop touching you then.

Go around mumbling to yourself; audible words should include: "kill em all", "I'll show them", "blood", "they'll suffer", "they dont know pain".
Occasionally stare at walls for an hour or two, and suddenly break down crying.
If you do art, paint horrible, wretched things... take Doom 3 as an example.

Now, you're "psychotic"... people will do what they always do, and isolate you completely :)
Problem solved!
(warning, be careful doing this in schools, because depressed children may attract the attention of the FBI, SWAT, or armed students)
bliink said:
Go around mumbling to yourself; audible words should include: "kill em all", "I'll show them", "blood", "they'll suffer", "they dont know pain".
Occasionally stare at walls for an hour or two, and suddenly break down crying.

I just had an image of you doing that at work this afternoon and freaking everyone out :p
The Dark Elf said:
I just had an image of you doing that at work this afternoon and freaking everyone out :p

No, the place where I work already has an "office psycho" lol... everyones counting the days until he comes in with a rifle lol
bliink said:
No, the place where I work already has an "office psycho" lol... everyones counting the days until he comes in with a rifle lol
We you can't have that, show him up. Walk into work tomorrow with a bear trap and hide it in the bosses office.
The Dark Elf said:
We you can't have that, show him up. Walk into work tomorrow with a bear trap and hide it in the bosses office.

He's really not the type who would notice if he stepped on a bear trap lol..
EDIT: better be careful about what I say on the net about my job or I'll get fired! heh
Ok, here is a brief list of things I have considered and the reason I won't do them

-Confronting him and telling him: Cmon, that sounds a little relationship-y and GAY, yeah I'm a homophobe high school student, SUPRISE SUPRISE!

-Shocking him with a statement and seeing what he does: If I do something like that he will know I'm testing him

-Calling him a "tool" and to "back off": He's a good friend, except when he drinks all my damn coca cola, that ass.....
Dalamari said:
Ok, here is a brief list of things I have considered and the reason I won't do them

-Confronting him and telling him: Cmon, that sounds a little relationship-y and GAY, yeah I'm a homophobe high school student, SUPRISE SUPRISE!

You're gay because you have an honest conversation with a friend? Come on. :rolleyes:

Look, you have a problem with how a friend acts. The only way to solve it is to confront the problem and work it out between the two of you. This may come as a surprise to you, but talking with someone is not synonomous with homosexuality.
Dalamari said:
Ok, here is a brief list of things I have considered and the reason I won't do them

-Confronting him and telling him: Cmon, that sounds a little relationship-y and GAY, yeah I'm a homophobe high school student, SUPRISE SUPRISE!

-Shocking him with a statement and seeing what he does: If I do something like that he will know I'm testing him

-Calling him a "tool" and to "back off": He's a good friend, except when he drinks all my damn coca cola, that ass.....
Well with an attitude like that i feel sorry for your friend looking up to you. Maybe its best you DO say some of that, he can do better :)
Dalamari said:
Ok, here is a brief list of things I have considered and the reason I won't do them

-Confronting him and telling him: Cmon, that sounds a little relationship-y and GAY, yeah I'm a homophobe high school student, SUPRISE SUPRISE!

-Shocking him with a statement and seeing what he does: If I do something like that he will know I'm testing him

-Calling him a "tool" and to "back off": He's a good friend, except when he drinks all my damn coca cola, that ass.....

Its the subtle things that work best in situations like these- coming across too strong will just make him defensive
bliink said:
Its the subtle things that work best in situations like these- coming across too strong will just make him defensive

I disagree...in fact, I think we should take TDE's idea of a bear trap and use it in this situation. If the guy doesn't back off (Or at least try to, while tearing his leg up) then maybe he's a lost cause.

Other than that I'd say just get used to it...I really don't see the problem. If a guy looks up to you, then maybe you should try to be a the best person you can be, and hope that he follows suit.
Maybe He just has the same opinions and ideas as you? I mean if you are good friends, than it goes without saying that you would both be similar. Just let it go, He will grow out of it or change.
Act like someone he hates, then he will stop.
Danimal said:
Act like someone he hates, then he will stop.
This is a good suggestion, but you will look like more of a wanker in the process.
So? It's not as if i'm doing what I suggest =P
He may not exactly be confident, and he maybe just looking upto you as a cooler, funnier being. Not to boost your ego, you may very well not be. But its the same situation in my group of friends. I'm funny, my friends funny and we have people who are occasionally funny but attempt to use our humor. We just then laugh back at them.
i know a guy who is like your problem - i think its in the personality...this will probably go away after a while and he will find someone else to idolise - if he trys to impress you with facts about something you're interested in (even though you dont care about the facts) then you probably already know my friend....
Hey I hate to rain on your parade here, but maybe I am stupid, or maybe just typically British but I don’t see your problem.
You have a guy who looks up to you and admits you. He values your opinions and your friendship.
Hey pal, maybe you should look at yourself. Have you ever thought that, maybe, just maybe, when you are all alone and you life as gone pear shaped, and all have turned their backs on you; this one guy will stand by you.
Basically if you want to act like a prick treat people around you like pricks, before you know it you will get what you want.
Friendship isn’t mandatory it is mutual.
Your call.
baxter said:
Hey I hate to rain on your parade here, but maybe I am stupid, or maybe just typically British but I don’t see your problem.
You have a guy who looks up to you and admits you. He values your opinions and your friendship.
Hey pal, maybe you should look at yourself. Have you ever thought that, maybe, just maybe, when you are all alone and you life as gone pear shaped, and all have turned their backs on you; this one guy will stand by you.
Basically if you want to act like a prick treat people around you like pricks, before you know it you will get what you want.
Friendship isn’t mandatory it is mutual.
Your call.
quoted for emphasis and whatnot