a proper question about drugs

Do you think cannabis is a harmfull drug

  • No its perfectly fine

    Votes: 9 17.3%
  • It depends who smokes it and their character

    Votes: 26 50.0%
  • yes this stuff is evil

    Votes: 17 32.7%

  • Total voters
Taken weed, taken speed. Nearly took extacy but flushed it instead.
Not planning on taking anything else or any more speed.
ductonius said:
I left it out becaue its a legal substance and by itself its effects are similar to caffine with the only drawback being a greater chance of dependancy (which is pretty much nil with caffine).

First, there are plenty of short term research done on people who have used it for a long time. Given that longitudinal studies can take a decade or two I think the use of short term research is entierly appropriate.

Demanding long term research as the only valid kind for this topic is simply an excercise in stone-walling.

fair enough :)
Ecstacy is relatively safe. If you know what you're doing and get your stuff from a regular dealer you'll have no problems. Apart from a horrible come down that is.
I did a tonne of different drugs mainly in the name of good times and experimentation when I was first at college. I've smoked/ingested weed, dropped both E's and Acid, Snorted Coke and Speed and smoked opium.*. I never did anything like Crack or Heroin though, because you have to be insane or have a death wish to even think about taking drugs that addictive.

I found that weed is a great drug if you are in the right company, ie with people that you know really well (introduce strangers and the paranoia kicks in bigtime) but it isn't a particularly sociable drug, because it is hard to really talk on it (as opposed to booze). Great for monging or shagging on, but that is about it. You don't get hangovers like with beer, but it does mess with your short term memory. You find yourself forgetting what the **** you did the day before, etc. Famously in our student house we decided to rearrange the lounge furniture one evening whilst completed wrecked, and the next day came down and thought we'd been robbed because the TV was missing (we'd put it behind the couch for some twisted reason).

In my experience the thing I noted about all of the drugs I took was that everything has to be gauged in moderation. It is all too easy to binge out on certain drugs in the belief that they will get you ever higher (why do 3 E's when 4 will get you even more blissed). But for every high there comes a low. With booze it can be a splitting headache that lasts half a day, with E's it's the midweek blues, Acid it's the mangled mindset that haunts you for weeks. There is always a cost, if you are knowledgable about your drugs then you know how and what you need to combat and lessen the costs to a degree and also to take them in moderation.

Personally it was fun to experience these things and certainly I gained a lot of enjoyment out of them at the time, but they aren't part of my lifestyle now or have been for some years. Also I don't think that there is anything particularly spiritual to be gained from taking them (despite what the hippies will tell you), they won't help you reach enlightenment or somesuch (more confuse the **** out of you instead). But they soon grow boring, the company you keep is more important than the substances you take. Alcohol despite it's simplicity is still the best social drug to my mind, because it loosens people up but still allows them to vocalise their thoughts.

*And for the record I'm not a member of the rolling stones :smoking:

PS heh just read, this....I sound like a right fiend :angel:
Chris_D said:
Ooo, crack... That's a nasty one. I haven't done that, and never will. That and heroin are definitely the worst. The others are as safe as eating sweets in comparison.

Exactly why i never did it again.... its not really something im proud of.
Kadayi Polokov said:
I did a tonne of different drugs mainly in the name of good times and experimentation when I was first at college. I've smoked/ingested weed, dropped both E's and Acid, Snorted Coke and Speed and smoked opium.*. I never did anything like Crack or Heroin though, because you have to be insane or have a death wish to even think about taking drugs that addictive.

I found that weed is a great drug if you are in the right company, ie with people that you know really well (introduce strangers and the paranoia kicks in bigtime) but it isn't a particularly sociable drug, because it is hard to really talk on it (as opposed to booze). Great for monging or shagging on, but that is about it. You don't get hangovers like with beer, but it does mess with your short term memory. You find yourself forgetting what the **** you did the day before, etc. Famously in our student house we decided to rearrange the lounge furniture one evening whilst completed wrecked, and the next day came down and thought we'd been robbed because the TV was missing (we'd put it behind the couch for some twisted reason).

In my experience the thing I noted about all of the drugs I took was that everything has to be gauged in moderation. It is all too easy to binge out on certain drugs in the belief that they will get you ever higher (why do 3 E's when 4 will get you even more blissed). But for every high there comes a low. With booze it can be a splitting headache that lasts half a day, with E's it's the midweek blues, Acid it's the mangled mindset that haunts you for weeks. There is always a cost, if you are knowledgable about your drugs then you know how and what you need to combat and lessen the costs to a degree and also to take them in moderation.

Personally it was fun to experience these things and certainly I gained a lot of enjoyment out of them at the time, but they aren't part of my lifestyle now or have been for some years. Also I don't think that there is anything particularly spiritual to be gained from taking them (despite what the hippies will tell you), they won't help you reach enlightenment or somesuch (more confuse the **** out of you instead). But they soon grow boring, the company you keep is more important than the substances you take. Alcohol despite it's simplicity is still the best social drug to my mind, because it loosens people up but still allows them to vocalise their thoughts.

*And for the record I'm not a member of the rolling stones :smoking:

PS heh just read, this....I sound like a right fiend :angel:
I've been through most of that... like you say, in the name of fun and experimentation.

Weed, Ecstacy, Ketamine (!), Base (a bit like Speed but worse), Cocaine.

I don't actually regret doing any of those really.
I think weed is alright, but only for certain people. You give it to others and thats when you start havin problems.
Chris_D said:
I've been through most of that... like you say, in the name of fun and experimentation.

Weed, Ecstacy, Ketamine (!), Base (a bit like Speed but worse), Cocaine.

I don't actually regret doing any of those really.

It was always a social thing, in the respect that it was a bunch of us getting wrecked on whatever we could lay our mitts on from one dealer or another. The fun lay more in what you did and who you did it with on drugs, than the effect of the drugs themselves. I've never ever woke up in the morning and felt the urge for anything harder than a cigarette and a coffee, and nowadays I'm purely on the coffee.
I live in the only country where you can ask a cop to light your joint :D

It's pretty much legal here, there are some restrictions though. It's legal to have up to three plants (I think, not sure) in your house, and <5 grams of it (not sure too).

I think totally legalizing it solves a lot of drugproblems, jails don't get crowded just for some drugs that are not more harmful than tabacco or alcohol, no organised drugcrime , more control if it's legal compared to when it all goes underground, so it's safer.
I'm all pro softdrugs legalizing, even to distribute harddrugs to addicts so that they don't have to commit crimes to get the money to buy it. Experiments proved succesful.
I'm not pro softdrugs for myself, haven't smoked any weed or even smoked at all, but it solves a lot of problems. We have much less drug related crimes than in other countries.
Because I was almost killed once by a car full of potheads I feel that if it is legalized it should be like alcohol and not used outside your home or while driving. I have never used it because I dont see the fun in losing my judgement and my job performs random drug tests and if I was ever caught I would lose my job.
CokeLite said:
Because I was almost killed once by a car full of potheads I feel that if it is legalized it should be like alcohol and not used outside your home or while driving. I have never used it because I dont see the fun in losing my judgement and my job performs random drug tests and if I was ever caught I would lose my job.

i agree about the "not while driving" part...but c'mon...don't use the "car full of potheads" thing...i've been almost killed by a car full of morons who *aren't* stoned...or by other morons in other cars.

it's all about whether or not you feel you have the right to tell others what they can and can't do...even if it doesn't affect you personally. someone smoking weed for recreation in their own home has pretty much no effect on me...

if people wanna give the "but it makes them worthless to society and therefore it affects you" argument, then i'll say look at the number of obese people and how worthless some of them are just by using food.

obesity costs healthcare systems everywhere billions of dollars every year...but you can't be put in jail for being obese or in posession of a big mac :\
i don't have an opinion on whether drugs should be legalized or not... simply cause i haven't tried them.. i have had alcohol occasionally in the past, but not as recently as in the last 2 years..

i really don't know what to make of legalizing drugs or not.. its not a simple "yes" or "no" at least i don't think so..

hmm.. i knew alot of guys that tried all kinds of stuff from weed to cocaine.. lsd.. the list goes on.. but never got into it.. mainly cause everyone knew my family background and it was never a question of "should we ask if he wants some?" i come from a strict background.. combine that with not being a good liar and u can see why i did not try anything.. :LOL: :dork:

i do wish i had tried something light... hm.. but i never knew who to go to even tho i knew enough pple that did it.. (probably cause i didn't want them to know :p)


/me whispers to Chris_D yo.. h00k up a brutha :thumbs: :LOL:
I say just make it all illegal... viva la prohibition!
okay i know TONS of people that say it's addictive, so that's a strike against, but at the same time, i think it's less harmful than cigarettes, so point for. hmm i think the main thing with it, is it should be legal if you're an adult, because around the age of 21 or so, your brain is done developing, and you're not gonna get the same problems you'd get if you smoked up a lot when you were 16 or so. (i wish there was a voting option for "it's fine if you're ~22 years old" ... in addition, i think it's important to see the positive effects for terminally ill people to use it. another reason why i think it's good... is with hemp... talk about a miracle plant. okay i'm done :)
ductonius said:
Not quite.

Ever been to amsterdam? Notice how there are no new bikes in most of the city? Thats becaue they get stolen all the time so there no point in owning a good bike. Of cource, its not like that everywhere, but it is a consistant problem.

I could also point out the problems that come with living near a grow-op, even a relaitvly benign one......

lol! Bikes are getting stolen in Amsterdam for decades, don't suddenly blame this on cannabis and how it has become legal here.
Go inform yourself about how crime actually works.

I live in Amsterdam, and i know what's happening around me.
Chris_D said:
Anyone else here done anything harder than weed?

I'v taken harder drugs mainly because the weed I was smokeing had more in it than weed, I think alot of hard drugs are over hyped and the effects arn't much worse on me than a strong dose of alchahol. However i have had magic mushrooms and whatever my weed was laced with and they ****ed me up big time, if you have a bad trip it's like a nightmare that you can't wake up from and seems 100% real.

I occasionally smoke cigars and weed but only when I need a pick up or I'm at a party. I would never recomend takeing anything harder, not even E's or any kind of tablet. It doesn't matter where you got them from because at the end of the day you don't truly know whats in them nor does the person who gave them you. As for injecting your self with shit thats stupidity at it's best and shrooms can be very dangerous if you take the wrong kind or just take too much.
Oooooookaaaaaaaay: Never taken any drugs except my Athsma inhaler (and I hear that if you overdose on that stuff you can actually have some sort of really weird trip). Never smoked, never drunk alcohol, never snorted, popped or mainlined...

Bastard Loud: Pot can make you hallucinate, a person I know once hallucinated a scuba diver while stoned. It was swimming around the light fixture. I've also read an article about pot that mentioned the hallucinations (Scientific American, I think it was... about three years ago).

I think that you can get addicted to anything that gives you a good feeling... I reckon I'm addicted to these forums, and I know that my mum's addicted to eBay.

I don't think that cannabis is as bad as many other things out there... and it is good for dealing with some medical problems...

Depends on what it's being used for...
Logically if you smoke weed, then its going to damage your body, you are burning something therefore you inhale carbon dioxide and erm the other stuff i forgot about cos i dont do chemistry any more. Not too bad i suppose but it damages you slowly and therefore after a while it could be significant
nobody has justified why it's "evil" though...even though 16 people voted that way
Its "evil" because there isnt a "i disagree with it" option
omg here we go again.

Drugs r bad m'kay
Weed makes you hallucinate if your allergic to it, which is more people then you might think. Also, people shouldn't be driving when stoned, EVERYone knows that! If we made it legal, maybe we could stop things like this happening (like how drunk-driving is illegal). And if it was legal, maybe more scientists would do research on it, and really find out the side-effects. And yes, it is addictive for some people, but that's the weak-minded morons who get addicted just because they have no self-control. Like, I've had weed a few times, and my girlfriend used to smoke it alot (like almost everyday). Now I don't smoke it anymore, cause frankly, it's not THAT great. My girlfriend stopped because she literally felt the effects, i.e. her memory was really going to pot (pun not intended). Now that shes stopped for a few months, her memorie's getting better again. Now if we ever do it, it'll be like once a month, just for a little bit of fun.

Her sisters on the other hand, hoooo boy. One of them can't stop smoking it because she's "got such back problems" (I don't believe that's the case.) And the other is the aforementioned weak-minded moron. No job, lives with her parents, dropped out of high school, etc.etc.

So, frankly, I think it depends on ther person.
Fat Tony! said:
Logically if you smoke weed, then its going to damage your body, you are burning something therefore you inhale carbon dioxide and erm the other stuff i forgot about cos i dont do chemistry any more. Not too bad i suppose but it damages you slowly and therefore after a while it could be significant

You inhale carbon monoxide aswell, and a shitload of other fully/partly combusted organic compounds (i think my teacher said 1600 toxins). One of which is benzene, which is a carcinogen and not very nice at all. Thats why i don't like people smoking weed/cigarettes.