A proposition to limit the damage done with the leak

They could make it open source and tag it with a much more restrictive licence than the GPL, then they would at least gain some sort of control over it. This may even make them more money as more developers would have a chance to look at source and possibly want to use it in their games.

At the moment about 90%of the people who have it have no idea what to do with it, 1% want to use it for cheats and the remaining 9% will be using it as a glorified SDK.

Releasing an SDK would deal with this 9% but not the remaining 91%.
I wonder, isn't Steam the ideal way to update whenever Valve feels it's necessary to?
Then they can just release mid november and update as they rewrite certain code not giving the cheaters any chance to make cheats.
Or can now they have the source code this be disabled?
There is no point in delaying anymore. Its not like they can fix the situation through more code. ?I think they will make some minor changes and keep on as planed. Nothing they can do about it now. Gabes probably feeling horrible right now thats what i'm really concerned about.
...and all of this could have been prevented if Valve would have released the game on the 30th.
Originally posted by rec
I'd be happy for them to delay it until Sept 30th next year if that's what it took for them to make a confident retail release.

i wouldn't. i just finished spending all the money i've been saving on a new computer. one year from now, half-life 2 will already be out of date (or at least just an average game), and my computer won't run it nearly as well i what's out then.
Originally posted by Skull Kid
...and all of this could have been prevented if Valve would have released the game on the 30th.

that's a very ignorant comment. if valve had released the game on the 30th, the online game would be hacked to death, and it would be screwed.
Originally posted by Skull Kid
...and all of this could have been prevented if Valve would have released the game on the 30th.

why do u think so?? the leak was 09/19 so what? giving ur creditcard information through steam to those asshole of haker because u bought in over steam???
Originally posted by rec
I'd be happy for them to delay it until Sept 30th next year if that's what it took for them to make a confident retail release.

NO :flame:
Originally posted by PvtRyan
I wonder, isn't Steam the ideal way to update whenever Valve feels it's necessary to?
Then they can just release mid november and update as they rewrite certain code not giving the cheaters any chance to make cheats.
Or can now they have the source code this be disabled?

Best Idea yet. I say they should release the game in a month or two, change some coding, do some finishing touches and then every couple of days, via steam, release mini patches that change the code, This way, hackers will never keep up...
Hey, at least now the rumors of code optimized only for ATI can be proven/disproven by looking at the code....
im just planning to wait. plus the whole problem is just giving me more time to fix up my computer for when it does come out. VALVe is a smart company, they'll know whats best.
Gabe right now is probably drowing his sorrows through is own stupidity
I wouldnt be supprised if he didnt take his own life by slashing is wrists
and writing on the wall with is blood WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!

well you need to ask your self.. why did this have to happen ?

Well use your noodle Gabe, having your PC connected to the internet 24/7 is asking for trouble and especially when you have sesitive material on it e.g 5 years of source code worth which you dont want know one else to have. YOU CAUSED THIS PROBLEM BY YOUR OWN STUPIDITY AND NOW IT NEEDS RECTIFYING AND FAST AND ITS US WHO HAVE TO SUFFER.

I just hope you feel good about yourself and after you have read my post I hope that you have learnt from your lesson not to have your PC constantly connected to the NET in future or not at all then it will stop
this from happening ever again

this goes out to all the other devleopers out there aswell.. and dont think your smart either hiding behind a firewall because where theres a will theres way

And if you do commit suicide Gabe after reading my post...please shout my name that i told you to do it. hehe
Originally posted by 3litehax08
Gabe right now is probably drowing his sorrows through is own stupidity
I wouldnt be supprised if he didnt take his own life by slashing is wrists
and writing on the wall with is blood WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!

well you need to ask your self.. why did this have to happen ?

Well use your noodle Gabe, having your PC connected to the internet 24/7 is asking for trouble and especially when you have sesitive material on it e.g 5 years of source code worth which you dont want know one else to have. YOU CAUSED THIS PROBLEM BY YOUR OWN STUPIDITY AND NOW IT NEEDS RECTIFYING AND FAST AND ITS US WHO HAVE TO SUFFER.

I just hope you feel good about yourself and after you have read my post I hope that you have learnt from your lesson not to have your PC constantly connected to the NET in future or not at all then it will stop
this from happening ever again

this goes out to all the other devleopers out there aswell.. and dont think your smart either hiding behind a firewall because where theres a will theres way

And if you do commit suicide Gabe after reading my post...please shout my name that i told you to do it. hehe

what a fag..... that has got to be the most non-well thought out post i've ever seen.
Exactly, idiots literally writing short stories......as though its some kinda contest to make up the most in-accurate, made up theory the world as ever seen.

Stick to the facts ppl!
wtf.. just cause gabe and his team made the coolest game ever doesnt mean we have to praise or like them.. i dont give a shit about gabe.. or his team.. i just want the game.. i pay money .. i get game..
hey im just stating facts..it was his own fault though that it got leaked
having his PC constantly connected to the NET

Now whos the FAG :flame:
heh the guy who hacked gabe or w/e supposedly got the source code and the 1.13 gb file (most likely the game).. i read this in the source thread..

could this mean the game can be out anytime ?? 0_o
most probably...but its only rumors flying left, right and center all over the forums and IRC chans so you never know.

I'll believe it when i see it and not until
Originally posted by 3litehax08
Gabe right now is probably drowing his sorrows through is own stupidity
I wouldnt be supprised if he didnt take his own life by slashing is wrists
and writing on the wall with is blood WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!

well you need to ask your self.. why did this have to happen ?

Well use your noodle Gabe, having your PC connected to the internet 24/7 is asking for trouble and especially when you have sesitive material on it e.g 5 years of source code worth which you dont want know one else to have. YOU CAUSED THIS PROBLEM BY YOUR OWN STUPIDITY AND NOW IT NEEDS RECTIFYING AND FAST AND ITS US WHO HAVE TO SUFFER.

I just hope you feel good about yourself and after you have read my post I hope that you have learnt from your lesson not to have your PC constantly connected to the NET in future or not at all then it will stop
this from happening ever again

this goes out to all the other devleopers out there aswell.. and dont think your smart either hiding behind a firewall because where theres a will theres way

And if you do commit suicide Gabe after reading my post...please shout my name that i told you to do it. hehe

Good job assmonkey, but I do think Valve has a tiny bit more experience when it comes to software. I seriously doubt YOU could teach THEM. It was just a **** up, shit happens. Small leaks are always present, and crackers will find them if they really want to like now.
assmonkey ? how original...did you mom tell you to say that ?

I never said that I would teach him a lesson. " I QUOTE "
I hope it teaches him a Lesson " for the mistake that he made
leaving it connected to the internet.

and if it wasnt connected to the internet then maybe you could
enlighten me to how crackers could still get the source code ?

Insider..maybe but that defines the point that the cracker did nothing
to get it and why **** would a valve employe release it anyway as they put in there own $$$ to fund the game
It would have to be a very small monkey.

And you can always learn no matter how much you know.