a question about the end of hl2


Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score
when breen is already in the teleporter and gordon leaves the elevator , breen sais something like "....so you wont be completely forgotten ........ and you will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed". i couldnt understand because he speaks so fast and english isnt my native language .... i just wana know what he ment , is he going to blow up city 17 after he ports out ? well - ..
Uhm, no. But you're inside the reactor. That can't be good for anyone's health. He's referring to the fact that as soon as he teleports, the massive energies involved will kill you instantly.
Yup, but as we can see in Aftermath - Gordon and Alyx survive, so either Breen was lying to convince Gordon not to destroy the teleport, or something went not exactly as it should, maybe the explosion was followed by an implosion, thus nothing really happened? :p
Breen didn't know Gordon would climb up and destroy the teleporter.. what he said and what happened at the end end have nothing to do with each other. It was just a pretty way to say "haha you will die magicaly now. don't even try to stop me, you cant."
Breen spoke out of fear. What he said doesn't make sense because, well... he's human! He was fearful that you would destroy the reactor, and stop his ascension into the Combine's world.
Yes, he did. You can see quite clearly from the platform, he is alive.
the thing didn't look fully esploded to me, by the time the game ended.
It was in the process of exploding before the G-man came and manipulated time. I'm sure if he lets go of his hold on time, the tower would fall, killing Breen under it... unless he had plans for Breen as well...
I dont think it killed him, I saw a trailer for Aftermath.
Im just supposing that he mite have lived since Gordon and Alyx lived.
Gordon and Alyx only lived because the G-man pulled them out. I see no reason for Breen to have survived, unless the G-man had plans for him as well.
I sincerely doubt that we've seen the last of Breen. There's enough potential in that character to last an expansion or two. Possibly another game.
Well.. the diference between breen and gordan & alyx is that breen is engulfed in a big firey explosion while the latter are not...
FireCrack said:
Well.. the diference between breen and gordan & alyx is that breen is engulfed in a big firey explosion while the latter are not...
Actually he collapes down the shute to the bottom of the reactor room. He was further away from the actual explosion than Gordon or Alyx. Plus he's in that bullet/grenade/gravity/RPG-proof bubble of his.
FireCrack said:
Well.. the diference between breen and gordan & alyx is that breen is engulfed in a big firey explosion while the latter are not...

Actually, the difference is that Gordon and Alyx were much closer to the explosion than Breen was. Breens a little further down.
And even if he were engulfed in a fiery explosion, there could always be an explanation for is escape considering the nature of the HL2 universe.
Breen's character was built up too much to just die at the end