A question about the videos and the size they are...

Jul 14, 2003
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Aight, so todays DL was about 400megs right? I know my chache or whatever was a bit over 400megs, and it wasnt there before.

Im thinkin todays DL had all the necessary files we need to use bink, and all this other junk. Thats why the video file was only 68megs. So maybe tomorrow, if they release another 400meg file, it wont have to dl the other crap like todays DL did, therefore making it alot longer.

Im speculating, but does anybody else see where Im comin from? Or am I just confusing the hell out of you?
Today's download was 68.6mb :)
Bink doesn't require any kind of codec to be downloaded.. you just execute the file and it plays.

edit... oh shit dude there's a file in there that is 400 megs lol.

damn i must have gotten that 400 megs awefully fast cause i didnt notice a damn thing till someone mentioned it
Hmm weird... gcache.gcf in my Steam CS folder is also exactly 400mb. Coincidence?
I mean, ya know when it says ur dlin at 300kbs er, 750kbs? What if its really meant like that? Instead of 750kbs really meaning about 85-90k/s. Cuz if that WAS the case, we could DL 400megs quickly. But I dont see how...
Im just tryne to figure out possibilities as to how I got a 400meg file in my folder. As do you all too...
I think the 400 megs are stuffed .. with stuff .. just to reserve space for other videos or something.
Well if they release 30sec video's everyday, its gonna take about 45-50 days for this, INCLUDING weekends. I just dont see'em doin that.
The 400MB cache has nothing to do with the movie as far as I can tell. Bink movies are completly self contained. You can copy the .exe movie to another computer without the cache and it will still run exactly like it should.

As for the cache, there is one in every game's folder, and they are all around 400MBs (except for the platform). I have absolutely no idea what they do.
seems like pre-allocated space rather than an actual 400meg file that you downloaded. Which only begs the question: what are they taking up so much of our hd space for?
it says it stillneeds to update even after i finish dling the vid. whats happenin
i think the cache just has that space alloted.. but it's not using it, it is cache after all.. kind of like when you download a bittorrent file it alots all of the space before the download even starts.