A question for all you men-folk...

He's a werewolf, so maybe I should tell him I'm a vampire? :3

I still say you should slap him. Slap everyone. It's so final. Not only will he get the message without any awkward conversation and awkward after-effects (like every time you see him), he'll dislike you slightly, but still respect you and be friendly. That's exactly what you want.
Also you could make him forget he was ever attracted to you.

I say chop off her head and then use it as a puppet. Put it on a stick and then on some boxes that kind of look like a body and wheel it around town and show people how she does love you.
Be nice. I don't get it, how can girls be so darned cruel? How can anyone make common practice to treat someone like shit?
Sorry hakojo, it's nothing personal, it's just that I happen to be going through something quite similar.

Also, sorry to hear about your dog's tumors. :(
Thanks y'all. The thing that drives me nuts about this whole stupid situation is that it's not like this is all new to me or anything - this is like, my third guy who seemed nice but was later revealed to have some horrible, game-breaking secret, and I was able to let the other two go pretty easily just by saying "I don't like you that way, please stop your advances" before anything got too serious. I should be able to do the same thing here, but I feel like I'm about to go kick a puppy or something.

Next time he starts in on the crazy affection, I'll just ask once and for all what his deal is and see if we can get this sorted without too big a fuss.

I think you should give it a shot. Everyone has a dirty little secret. You're not going to find someone ideal in your life. You have to go with what you're presented with. Don't wait. Life's too short. Then again, don't stick around with someone that's no good for you. You're the one that went through it, so you know best, I'm just referring to what it looks like from my perspective. You might find yourself very happy with this guy if you just give it a shot... Everyone has problems. You can't shut someone down because their problems are worse than you'd expect. You'll miss out on a lot.

Then again, it's your choice, and it's you're life. I'm sure you'll figure something out.

Oh.. You're a girl. I was confused.

I say chop off her head and then use it as a puppet. Put it on a stick and then on some boxes that kind of look like a body and wheel it around town and show people how she does love you.

Replace the feminine subjects with male. Or kill him for advancing on you instead of declaring full out war. What a dick.
Just say "You're like a brother to me" and be over with it.
So say there's this girl you see about twice a week, whom you have sort of a thing for. You've gone out (that is to say, gone somewhere alone together) twice in the past, although she insisted on splitting the cost of food and/or gas both times. Although lately she's been trying to make herself unattractive to you by bitching about her period, her job, and her dog's tumors, not to mention loudly and repeatedly declaring her wish to somehow have sex with GLaDOS (among other female fictional characters), you're not getting the message. It's not that you aren't a nice guy, it's just that you have a lot of growing up to do still, and this particular girl doesn't want to get near your family issues with a 20-foot pole. Also, you have a fursona.

What could this girl possibly say to you to make you stop pursuing her romantically, and yet not make you cry like the pantywaisted man-baby you are?

"sorry dude you're friendzone'd, give it up"

"I'm more interested in a friendship. do you really want to ruin our friendship over soemthing we both know wouldnt last beyond the fling stage?"

what you shoudl really say

"look it's obvious to me you only want to get in my pants and based our "friendship" around it so if you dont mind I'd like to quit you entirely as you're kind of a dick"
You need to be very firm and up-front and blatant and just flat-out tell him that you are not interested in him as anything more than a friend, nor is it likely that will ever change. There's no real way around it - denial / desire can go a very long way, so if you hedge around the problem by dropping hints and implying that you like him as a friend rather than being straightforward it won't fix the problem. It will hurt his feelings but he's put himself in that situation, and it will only get worse if you avoid confronting the issue.
If you're still being friendly with him then this is your fault, stop being friendly. If you're being unfriendly but the guy just can't get a clue then **** his feelings at that point, tell him straight up.

You're welcome.
Rub your tits all over him, and then tell him you're not interested in him.
Buy him a fursuit, present it to him as a gift, but right before you hand it over to him, light it on fire, throw it on the ground, cross your arms, and give him the stink eye. That should get the point across. Otherwise you're ****ed and need to spend the rest of your life with him.
I tend to ignore and avoid. That way, everyone becomes bitter and wretched. Remember, one must always share the misery as much as possible.

Yeah ok bad advice.

Just be glad you don't have to deal with someone who will be attending your school for 4 years, and 2 months into it has already started sending you emails inviting you to dinner where the subject line is an entire sentence in all caps and has 4 question marks in a row at the end of it. Because it just wasn't enough to send the previous email where the text was simultaneously (1) in partial all-caps, (2) had 3 question marks in it, and (3) blamed you for getting them sick because you saw them for 2 minutes and were like "I'm sick, I don't want to go to dinner." :|
I mean, at some level this person has to realize that the problem is not that I'm too blind to read the text.
I have a similar situation, albeit a little more complicated.

There's this fat chick at work, who's absolutely infatuated with me. Not to sound like a conceited cock sucker, but she refers to me at work as "beautiful" ("good morning beautiful", "hi beautiful", "see you tomorrow beautiful", etc etc), which is flattering and all, but can be quite awkward.

Now, I guess she isn't TERRIBLE on the eyes, and the issue isn't really so much about her weight, but moreso about the fact that she's 17 and acts like a 12 year old, and I don't know how to let her down, cause I don't want to be a dick about it and break her little heart.

On the flipside, there's this drop dead gorgeous woman who comes into the store every so often, and seems to really like coming into my line for checkout. When I say gorgeous, I mean like, holy shit, i'm surprised i'm still alive after laying eyes on her. And when I make eye contact with her, she seems to give me that look... like, "I like touch you", although I think that it might be that she's so god damned beautiful that her regular facial expression looks like she wants to make love.

I knew she was a little on the older side, and i've seen her walking around the store with what I assumed to be her husband, but today she came into my line with her kids, who looked like maybe 9-11, and it made me realize "holy shit, this woman is probably old enough to be my mom" (I just turned 19 and she looks like she's late 30's early 40's). At that point, I decided that I absolutely, positively, MUST **** this woman. She's too damned beautiful for me not too, and her age just really kicks up the chauvinist-sexual-conquest meter up to a million.

So i've got an awkward situation on my hands here. I need to somehow let this large girl down, but not so hard that her weight rattles the store to bits, and I need to come to terms with the fact that i'll probably never get anywhere close to this middle aged asian woman's underwear, no matter how much i'm in love with her.

Sorry, this was mostly an excuse to rant about the more attractive of the two. I mean ****, she was wearing this blouse today cut down the center, and her tits aren't really all THAT big, but dear lord I thought I was going to bust a nut all over her groceries.
Oh right, advice...

Uh, tell him you just want to be friends, and then take advantage of his desire to be close with you to complain to him about all your problems with other guys and life in general until his ability to feel compassion and love is nothing but a dusty husk of its former self, forcing him to become a womanizing douchebag in a subconscious attempt at revenge against the entire female populaton.

At least that's what most women do in your situation.
Not to be Captain Hindsight or anything... but if your main mistake was going out with him. Once you go out with a guy he believes that he's totally in and all it's going to take is more work.. no matte how good or bad it was. If you're not in to a guy at all - never go on a date with him. Also, bitching about things is just what girls do. I've accepted it. It doesn't even mean anything to me anymore. I know that women would rather complain about something than ever come up with a solution. I know that supplying a solution is akin to telling them they're retarded and you'll get pretty much the same reaction. Your only hope now is to sit him down somewhere quiet and say "You're a good guy, but I'm not in to you romantically. I think we should just be friends." That's probably the softest way to do it. You can add some fluff but if you add too much you'll lose him in the short male attention span.
Oh right, advice...

Uh, tell him you just want to be friends, and then take advantage of his desire to be close with you to complain to him about all your problems with other guys and life in general until his ability to feel compassion and love is nothing but a dusty husk of its former self, forcing him to become a womanizing douchebag in a subconscious attempt at revenge against the entire female populaton.

At least that's what most women do in your situation.

...You poor thing... Someone broke your heart, didn't they? :(
not sure if sarcastic

if sarcastic: it happens to the best of us, bro
I just want to point out that we expect you to post back, saying whose advice you took and how it worked out for you. Helplife2.net threads just don't get enough closure, and I'm sick of it.
That's right, and I'd personally like a notification for any slapping taking place.
...You poor thing... Someone broke your heart, didn't they? :(

I can't tell if you're being facetious or what, but i'm pretty sure every man over 12 years old has been in that position before.
the trick is to bludgeon them before they break your heart
Yeah totally. That's why sometime in college I realized it was a lot easier to just never try to talk to a girl again if she did that. That way you don't have to listen to all the BS girls have to talk about all the time. Plus they'll think you don't like them and for some reason girls are hardwired to believe that when a guy doesn't like them, they must make that guy like them. At least that's how they were in college.
Tell him. For god's sake, It won't do him any good for you to continue to drag it out in order to spare his feelings. **** his feelings, take care of your own.

Ask if he has any good looking friends that are single.

You could say "I met this really great guy, his name is Ted. He's hot and we're going out on friday, it's gonna be friggin AWESOME."

By the way what's a fursona?

Also, taking the splitting of checks as one of these "hints" requires a hell of a lot of reading into actions, aka, mind reading. But that other stuff, yeah, I don't know how he's not getting the picture.
Although some people are different and take the fact that you are talking to them as a sign of interest. Maybe he's one of those people. So stop talking to him.

Just be ridiculously overattentive, needy and clingy...it'll take a while but he'll eventually start to want to spend less and less time with you. Talking to him about your desire not to go out with him again rather than skirting around the issue, would seem, well, obvious.
Talk to him a lot about how a good friend he is etc. Make it clear that your view of him is that of a friend, and nothing more.