A Question For Anyone In The Know of HL2 (Valve Maybe)

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G Man

Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Hey All, I Was Wondering How The Story Would Go, I mean You Get Off The Train in City 17, Where Do You Go, Do You Have A House?!?!?!? Do You Go To The Resistance HQ Every Evening To Sleep??? Or Is It Like HL1 Where You Just Keep Going Regardless Of Time Of Day..... Also Will You Have Specific Objectives Like Break Through The Combine Blockade Or Will You Just Wander The Streets And Help Out Resistance Fighters When You See Them???
G Man
Well... Someone In Valve Must Know, The Game is Finished Just Being Tested...
What's With All The Capitals At The Start Of Each Word?

No One Knows Whats Gonna Happen, Its Like....A Secret.....

EDIT: Apart From Valve, Of Course
Capitols Are Cool..... Lol. So I Guess We Wont Find Out Until Its Released... Well If Valve Wants To Release Any Details..... Feel Free Guys!
PLEASE VALVE! Your Torturing Us Enough!!!!!
Oh Well........ *Snivel* By The Way, Lightning Fast Posts Guys, Thanks This Really Is A Great Forum!
I know...

no i don't.

*Rafa 5.0 runs to the corner and sobs*
You don't have to sleep in the game, it isn't an RPG.
In the E32004 vid it shows you in an apartment building, you probably don't stay there for long.
It will be like HL1 where you just keep on going.
Ok But I Think We Would All Still Love It If Valve Could Talk About It Aswell
But they probably aren't going to, because they're making this thing.

What was it? Ha.. no, yeah, half-... half-fat, half-lite, OH YEAH, Half-Life 2

Sorry for being a jackass, I'm facking tired.
No sleep and no something to do make nw909 go crazy.
I Know nw909 I Know I'm So Bored Too... I've Seen Every E3 Video About 100 Times Over, (Great Videos By The Way Valve) And Seen Every Screenshot.... I'm Going Insane!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!
Super Ultra Mega Hyperactive Shift Key Attack!

I Can't Help Thinking That Each Word In A Sentence Typed Like This Should Be Said As A Separate One Word Sentence If Read Out Loud.
It'll be a continuos story, like HL. You wount get a mission, compleat it, then screen blacks out, and you kinda jump forward in time until you get new mission.That wouldent be HL like, becouse your Gordon, ALL the time! Thats why they dont have cutscreens either.
Have You Ever Written A Paper For School? You Cannot Write Like This In A Formal Paper... So Why Even Bother.

Try typing normally, you will thank me when your shift key doesn't break!
Everytime i read your posts G Man, it sounds like a bad William Shatner impression in my mind.
*Group Hug!*

I don't think that you have to sleep or eat or anything like that. Like everyone else have already said, it's not an RPG. :)
OMG - Are you ok guys?
Group hug?!? :eek:
I guess hearts and lips emoticons will be drawn here soon enough, and this thread will become a social help thread, instead of a HL2 thread...

*Maniac joins the group hug :naughty: *
Wow This Is a Special Thread.

Hey, Has Anyone Ever Wondered If Gordon Wears His Suit All The Time? Like Even In The Apartment Building? If I Saw Him I Think I Would Laugh At Him.

Man, It's Hard To Type With Capitals
Lol HeadcrabCakes..
It's Really Easy For Me, Don't Know How Come Though....
I Used To Type With Capitals For Every Word, For A Very Short Period Of Time (like a few days, back in '97), But Then I Found That It Made Me Look Pretentious So I Stopped.

Damn, that was harder than I anticipated.
Tell Me About It!

I Learned The All Caps Trick Back In 'Nam. Saved My Life.
^^^^ Brilliant!


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