A Question For Anyone In The Know of HL2 (Valve Maybe)

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Apple pie burns nicely

Okay... for some obtuse reason the word reredrum scares me.
I wouldn't rule out accounting for Gordon's sleep time. The dude can't be fighting for 72 hours straight. It would only have to happen twice. Kleiner's lab or the resistence hq would do nicely e.g. Alex saying, 'I'll show you to the beds'..... ah wonka chonk kshaah wonka chonk :afro:

:dozey: :dozey:

I guess image tags are fubar'd.
G Man: Dude, what's with you making a post every time someone posts something?
Is this all you do?

Your posts are like every other post I read.
eth8686 said:
G Man: Dude, what's with you making a post every time someone posts something?
Is this all you do?

Your posts are like every other post I read.

Your posts are like every 1562th post I read.

Is that all you do?
Well I think the original question posed has been answered.

Half-Life 2 will be continuous like it was in HL1. Also, Valve will not be releasing any more of the storyline until the game is out so it'd be pointless waiting for them to reply to this to tell you what happens after you get off the train.

Cut out the spam guys!

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