A question to you UK people about walking..


Aug 29, 2004
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Now as you all know, Americans drive on the right side of the road. We also tend to walk on the right side of halls (though this rule is a tad less stringent than the driving one). So if you all drive on the left side of the road, do you walk on the left side of halls as well?
I always walk on the left. Always have done. Ever since school really. As we were quite a busy school, they had a rule where everyone should walk on the left so you wouldn't get in the way of each other.

Now, I've kept this rule going, even to this day when I work. Unfortunately, other people do not and I feel the urge to throw them down the stairs as they walk towards me expecting ME to walk out the way just because I'm walking on the left. Bastards.
Do the jeeps have the steering column on the right side in the English version of BF2? I've always wondered.
I generally walk on the left, but on the rhs on roads, so you can leap outof the way of oncoming traffic.
you crazy brits have got things backwards!
I walk where I walk, no need to regulate which side I walk on.

"Oh noes! You walking on teh wrong side. lol!"
People generally walk on the left side of halls, footpaths and whatnot in New Zealand, where we drive on the left.
SimonomiS said:
I walk where I walk, no need to regulate which side I walk on.

"Oh noes! You walking on teh wrong side. lol!"

Damn you societal rule breaker! You make people uncomfortable!

Another thought about all of this, seeing as the driving side and the walking side appear to corellate within cultures, would this mean that each country chose which side of the road they would drive based on their walking habits, or did walking habits evolve due to the introduction of cars?
Well in school we were just told to walk on the left so people could just get to where they were going to without having to walk around 200 people who are too ignorant to move out of your way.

I walk anywhere outside. In hallways and corridoors i generally just walk on the left.
Yeah you kind of naturally adopt the left side of the corridor or stairway in college or school etc because it feels right. You crazy americans screwed up our language and our road systems *shakes fist in a general western direction* :)
Hectic Glenn said:
Yeah you kind of naturally adopt the left side of the corridor or stairway in college or school etc because it feels right. You crazy americans screwed up our language and our road systems *shakes fist in a general western direction* :)


Leftyness ftw! (I am left handed and as such support all things lefty! :bounce: )
Evo said:

Leftyness ftw! (I am left handed and as such support all things lefty! :bounce: )
Ah me too! *does retarded left handed high five*

We are still human :rolleyes:
Hectic Glenn said:
Ah me too! *does retarded left handed high five*

We are still human :rolleyes:

Wahoo! *does NON retarded left handed high five back*
SimonomiS said:
Lies! Lefties are an inferior species.

and that is why we americans walk and drive on the right
Ennui said:
and that is why we americans walk and drive on the right
Your gonna listen to SimonomiS, he doesn't know his arse from his elbow, FACT. Lefties have many disadvantages, but also many advantages that are kept secret within the left handed society of development. Screw you sheep fitting in with the crowd.
Hectic Glenn said:
Your gonna listen to SimonomiS, he doesn't know his arse from his elbow, FACT. Lefties have many disadvantages, but also many advantages that are kept secret within the left handed society of development. Screw you sheep fitting in with the crowd.

Ah, the elusive secret of Welsh left handers sheep shagging all day is finally revealed :| :D :bounce:
I pinball my way down the corridor like a total pisshead.
Shodan said:
I pinball my way down the corridor like a total pisshead.
lol in real life :D

also glenn, i am right handed with the exception of wankin' it - i am left handed there for reasons that i cannot fathom.
If you sit on your left hand until its numb and then do it, it feels like someone else.

Think that's a Billy Connolly quote.
SimonomiS said:
If you sit on your left hand until its numb and then do it, it feels like someone else.

Think that's a Billy Connolly quote.
LOL, and Ennui i believe you adopted that so you use the mouse in the right hand to change between the porn sites or videos on the computer while you do the business with the left, we know about you.
Hectic Glenn said:
LOL, and Ennui i believe you adopted that so you use the mouse in the right hand to change between the porn sites or videos on the computer while you do the business with the left, we know about you.
could be true, i haven't thought about that possibility
This has turned from a good topic into unhealthy filth :(
Ennui said:
could be true, i haven't thought about that possibility

It's true, he's just tryin to hide the fact that he plans his methods :E
lies! i think, i could have done that on purpose but i dont remember
Well i am mouse right handed and, well i won't say any more *ahem ahem*
Evo said:
Well i am mouse right handed and, well i won't say any more *ahem ahem*
me too, i learnt this way to make things easier.

btw the thread title said WALKING, not what you guys thought.
We can blame Ennui for changing the thread to the dark side, but lets not actually blame him, he has super admin powers!! :O
I suppose I am responsible for the derailing of this thread.

Oh well, it was an accident.
Ennui said:
I suppose I am responsible for the derailing of this thread.

Oh well, it was an accident.

Well, shit happens :cheers:
Evo said:
Well, shit happens :cheers:
Ennui is the shit! Take that like a man. eh eh eh Mr Frodo! lol i'm so tired its 1:20 am here now geez, bed time, over and out. Lefties > Righties (even though our life expectancy is shorter) HOLD ME EVO. G'night.
Hectic Glenn said:
Ennui is the shit! Take that like a man. eh eh eh Mr Frodo! lol i'm so tired its 1:20 am here now geez, bed time, over and out. Lefties > Righties (even though our life expectancy is shorter) HOLD ME EVO. G'night.

*Holds Glenn*

Sleep is for the wea *zzzzzz*


SimonomiS has been hijacked by Shens?

Back in Scotland, most of the roads were likie country lanes so they didn't have pavements, only steep grassy verges. This meant you had to actually walk in the road, and when a car came along you had to climb the verge and stand there until it had passed. Since the cars drive on the left, you always needed to walk on the right so that you could see them coming as you were walking along.
SimonomiS said:
Opposite of right is wrong.
Therefore left is wrong.


meh i prefer walking toward cars, so i can see if theyre going to hit me or not. hate walking with cars coming up from behind me, it scares me as i cant see what theyre doing. for all i know, they could be swerving out of control right into me, and i would think it was just another car about to pass...

oh and no 'he likes it from behind jokes' please :E
Chris_D said:
I always walk on the left. Always have done. Ever since school really. As we were quite a busy school, they had a rule where everyone should walk on the left so you wouldn't get in the way of each other.

Now, I've kept this rule going, even to this day when I work. Unfortunately, other people do not and I feel the urge to throw them down the stairs as they walk towards me expecting ME to walk out the way just because I'm walking on the left. Bastards.

me too.
Ennui said:
lol in real life :D

also glenn, i am right handed with the exception of wankin' it - i am left handed there for reasons that i cannot fathom.

I can wank with both hands. :D Oh and I'm right handed also.