A question to you UK people about walking..

Oh and btw, Leftys and Reds and liberal people are evil.

민주위장 좌익사범 살펴보고 신고하자

-babelfish: Democracy stomach left flank teacher observing report hardship flaw

-Real translation: Watch for lefty criminals disguised as democracy supporters and report them to police.
staticprimer said:
Damn you societal rule breaker! You make people uncomfortable!

Another thought about all of this, seeing as the driving side and the walking side appear to corellate within cultures, would this mean that each country chose which side of the road they would drive based on their walking habits, or did walking habits evolve due to the introduction of cars?
I think its some kind of old British knight tradition. Something to do with having your right hand free to smite your enemies as you ride past. I guess this still applies with chavs doing drive-by shootings. :D
see here
My school (in the UK) had a rule about walking on the right side of corridors and stairways... weird. Anyways, the city I live in sometimes (Milton Keynes) has guidelines for walking on the redways, which is cyclists on the left and pedestrians on the right... which most people interpreted as cyclists on the left hand side of the left half of the path, and pedestrians on the right hand side of the left half (otherwise it'd get messy). No one cares though.
Ennui said:
you crazy brits have got things backwards!
Whatever, you're just jealous of our superior wit and intellect. Now sod off and go and spell night, colour and paedophile wrong and then run around saying "erbs" :hmph:

Love and kisses,
el Chi
Yeah, pedestrians are supposed to walk on the right, towards oncoming traffic.

And left = best. It's the French who invented right hand travel, to be sneaky and unchivalrous, and most of you [the world] fell for their dastardly trick!
SixThree said:
Do the jeeps have the steering column on the right side in the English version of BF2? I've always wondered.
All english vehicles have the steering wheel on the right.

you crazy brits have got things backwards!
"Now class, who invented roads?"
"Err...the Romans?"
"Good Jimmy. Now, does anyone know what side of the road they drove their chariots on? Yes, that's right THE LEFT YOU BACKWARDS AMERICANS!"
Plus, the left side makes more sense because you're sitting on the right side of the car, incoming other cars will be in front of you/on your right and most people are A. right handed and B. right brain dominant.

It was the French who decided to change things, just to be different.

"HAWHAHAWHAW, we vill drive on zee right, to spite zose stoopid English!"

And they did. The Americans, and most of the world followed, like lambs to the slaughter.

Here's a list of left hand side drivers: They're mostly commonwealth nations

In Finland, there's an unspoken rule about escalators. Unless you're walking down/up then, stand on the right side. Also, people tend to pass eachother on the right.
Does anyone actually know the history why people drive at the right side of the road?

If not, disgraceful.
MaxiKana said:
In Finland, there's an unspoken rule about escalators. Unless you're walking down/up then, stand on the right side. Also, people tend to pass eachother on the right.

We have the same - but it's a written rule on the underground.
I usually walk on the left side most of the time, i wish everyone else would to cuz don't you just hate when someone you don't know walks towards you directly and you both start farting about "oops, sorry" *nudges right* "lol - sorry" *nudges left* "just ****ing stay still will ya!". Well annoying.
I'm tall and heavy. I walk on whatever side I damn well please and people move or get crushed.

I'm going to buy an 18 wheeler on the same principle...