A real company called Northern Petrol

[AUS]-TheOne said:
what the smeg does this have to do with hl2? :p

In the 670MB Video from GameSpy.. The part when Gordon use the Crane. Just before he use it, there's a big hangar on the right with the name Northern Petrol on it...

:hmph: I believe there was a building in the 2003 E3 with "Northern Petrol" lights on top of it(coast scene, with buggy)... that's what it has to do in Half Life 2.
IIRC, Northern Petrol is the big-name supplier of most of North America's petrol goods
I think "Northern Petrol" is a common enough name that it could exist simply as a coincidence.

what about all those crates and warehouses with "AP" on them?
Wow this is strange, its really weird to read. I found mention of Northern Petrol on a Vietnamese Communist site written more or less in English. The Vietnam war is apprently called the anti-US resistance war.


Ctrl+f for Northern Petrol


brief mention in an editorial article from Ireland.

Looks like a worldwide oil supplier , I find it odd that they dont have a website. How can any company not have a website nowdays? Too bad , I was hoping it would be a former Soviet Bloc exclusive company or something else placing like that.

Maybe they are crates of Combine ^.^

ffs screw jack-in-the-box we got striders-in-the-box
Um... just a thought. Not sure where I read it, but it was a while back.

A company let Valve base an in-game ship on one of it's real ships. Perhaps this company was Northern Petrol?

I remember reading that the in-game ship is a decent copy of the real one, including using textures made from photos taken of the ship's surfaces.

As gratitude, Valve decided to include their name in various parts of the game?
That was a bunch of Half Life fans, probably not the company they worked for... They let the VALVe dudes come aboard and map the ship, just to see it in HL2...