A really funny aim covo

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OMG, the convo me and my friend had this night. FOR me it was HILARIOUS you guys rate from 1-10. I almost threw up lol its just so funny to me. Maybe you wont get it... but i do!!!!

nba744: wat up wanksta
PacersFan763: SUP
PacersFan763: 228 posts
PacersFan763: yea!!!
Nba744: on hl2?
PacersFan763: yea
PacersFan763: i got 90 in 1 day
PacersFan763: lol
Nba744: and?
PacersFan763: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=94030
PacersFan763: my thread
PacersFan763: 7 pages in 1 day
Nba744: that would ****ing suck
Nba744: no graphics
PacersFan763: who cares'
PacersFan763: and hl2 forums are so much funnier!
PacersFan763: nbalive there strict
PacersFan763: every1 hates rap in hl2
Nba744: wtf
PacersFan763: http://media.putfile.com/you-are-me-2
PacersFan763: THAT IS AWESOME!
PacersFan763: do u like it?
Nba744: wtf is ti
Nba744: its jsut a song
PacersFan763: fruitty loops
Nba744: u made it?
PacersFan763: no
PacersFan763: dam test 2marrow
Nba744: WTF
Nba744: o yea
Nba744: your math text
Nba744: hahahhah
PacersFan763: yes
PacersFan763: was urs hard?
Nba744: :-D
Nba744: no
PacersFan763: i got bees on my head
Nba744: huh?
PacersFan763: lol
Nba744: that wasnt funy...
PacersFan763: ill update 2marrow
PacersFan763: to lazy
PacersFan763: i won
PacersFan763: 10-91
PacersFan763: 104*
PacersFan763: lol
PacersFan763: 10-91
PacersFan763: yea
PacersFan763: thats it
PacersFan763: wanna c a screen su0ot of scores?
PacersFan763 wants to directly connect.
PacersFan763 is now directly connected.
Nba744: nate the great only 5 points??
PacersFan763: yea
Nba744: im gonna get him in my dynasty
PacersFan763: and emeka
PacersFan763: 25 blocks all together
Nba744: lol
PacersFan763: lmfao
PacersFan763: .520 in shooting
PacersFan763: that good
PacersFan763: what does PF mean?
PacersFan763: ?????????????????
Nba744: guess
Nba744: just guess
PacersFan763: no clue
PacersFan763: i no its not power forward
Nba744: the magic number is 6!
PacersFan763: huh
Nba744: any hint?
Nba744: think of 6 and pf
PacersFan763: n e more hints?
Nba744: umm
Nba744: they arent good
Nba744: the bigger the number
Nba744: the worse
Nba744: and magic number is 6
PacersFan763: OH!!!!!]
PacersFan763: lol
PacersFan763: i getit
PacersFan763: lol
Nba744: what?
PacersFan763: personal fouls
Nba744: yes!
PacersFan763: im gonna get 10 posts by next week
PacersFan763: 1000*
PacersFan763: doom 3 is SO cool
PacersFan763: online play is the best
Nba744: ya hatchu!!! deliver o menya!!!!
Nba744: :-D
PacersFan763: wtf
Nba744: ill give you a hint
Nba744: its russian
PacersFan763: lol
PacersFan763: LMFAO
Nba744: dude:-( what is wrong with your sense of humor:-(
PacersFan763: lol
PacersFan763: i love that
PacersFan763: u found on some site
PacersFan763: LOL

PacersFan763: u ever see amityville of horrer?
PacersFan763: the old one?
Nba744: nope
PacersFan763: is it with freddie?
PacersFan763: ?????????????????
PacersFan763: dude?
PacersFan763: is it?
PacersFan763: cuz its on at 11
PacersFan763: and i wanna watch
Nba744: omg
Nba744: i saw resident evil 2 today
Nba744: im pissed it was a cliffhanger!!!!#!#@
Nba744: cant wiat for 3
PacersFan763: u gonna get resident evil 4 for ps2?
Nba744: maybe
PacersFan763: DUDE
PacersFan763: THAT GAMe
PacersFan763: IS SOOOOOO
PacersFan763: COOL!
Nba744: http://www.chaosgfx.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=6410
Nba744: im gonna make a sig like that
PacersFan763: yes rite
Nba744: lol its so ****ing easy
Nba744: ill show it to you when im done
Nba744: then youre gonna curse at me and get mad at me
PacersFan763: idc
PacersFan763: im better than u at basketball
PacersFan763: so its fair
Nba744: see what i mean
Nba744: thats what youre gonna say to me
PacersFan763: omg u gotta c this
PacersFan763: its hilarious
PacersFan763: even u gotta laugh
PacersFan763: wanna c it?
Nba744: wait
PacersFan763: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/john.phillipson1/murray/pictures/mapper.jpg
PacersFan763: LOL
PacersFan763: lol
Nba744: i said wait
PacersFan763: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/john.phillipson1/murray/prisoner.jpg
PacersFan763: lol
PacersFan763: http://hypnotise.ytmnd.com/
PacersFan763: wow look a that
Nba744: :-(i dont even wanna talk to you anymore
PacersFan763: y?
PacersFan763: dude if u dont think the 1st 1 us funny ur gay
PacersFan763: every1 at hl2 forums said its hilarious
Nba744: ROFL
Nba744: link?
Nba744: well the people on hl2 thought your sigs wre good.....
PacersFan763: cuz nba live forums is stupid
Nba744: link?
Nba744: nba live forums kicks ass
PacersFan763: how many posts it got?
PacersFan763: it was up longer that hl2
PacersFan763: 1,608,000
PacersFan763: younggunshooter?
PacersFan763: who the **** is that?
Nba744: has a ****ing pervert from russia
PacersFan763: wtf?
Nba744: he kept telling me how his dick hurt
Nba744: form sex
Nba744: *from
Nba744: and hes 22
PacersFan763: omg i fell on te=he florr laughing!!!
Nba744: and i told him im 13
PacersFan763: LOL
PacersFan763: omg stop
Nba744: he like :mena gospitila
Nba744: ask him about porn
Nba744: he sent me www.playboy.com
Nba744: then he started...
Nba744: going
Nba744: :eek:hhhhhhh
Nba744: :-(
Nba744: he scares me
PacersFan763: omg my stomic hurts
PacersFan763: im crying
Nba744: huh???
PacersFan763: lol im posting all that on hl2 forums
PacersFan763: that was hilarious
PacersFan763: say more
PacersFan763: plz
PacersFan763: he says his penis hurts?
Nba744: i asked him if he had a wife
Nba744: hes like yea, i bang her all the time
Nba744: or sumting liek that
PacersFan763: lol
Nba744: ASK HIM
Nba744: TALK TO HIM!!!
PacersFan763: he signed off
PacersFan763: he imed me this moring
PacersFan763: he said his dick hurts lol
PacersFan763: omg i cant stop laguhing
PacersFan763: omg i cant breath
PacersFan763: lol
PacersFan763: thats goin in my sig
PacersFan763: ima quote that
PacersFan763: "he said his dick hurts"
PacersFan763: lol
PacersFan763: Nba744: he kept telling me how his dick hurt
PacersFan763: lol
PacersFan763: i cfent describe how funny that was to me
pacerzfan763 said:
OMG, the convo me and my friend had this night. FOR me it was HILARIOUS you guys rate from 1-10. I almost threw up lol its just so funny to me. Maybe you wont get it... but i do!!!!
what is the point of you?
Well, the funny part is when i asked him bout that guy that he said his dick hurts lol
90 in one day? I think my most ever was 60, and that was non stop foruming.

Oh, and let's not forget our ventures on AIM. You added me, signed off, signed on 10 minutes later, and asked who I was.
I mean 90 in one day for all my forums, boy. And yea cause I didnt add you, and then it said u viewed my profile so I asked who you where...
if only I was bored enough to read all that. i'm pretty bored, but not that bored.
pacerzfan763 said:
OK, this topic is really stupid now, just close it!

I love when people make threads and then request it closed within the first page. This is the reason why this thread owns.
My topic grew about 20 pages in 2 hours, until Pi felt the need to ruin all the fun.
TheSomeone said:
My topic grew about 20 pages in 2 hours, until Pi felt the need to ruin all the fun.

Your thread, which spawned two other threads mocking your thread, in which those threads got closed in a result of your thread being closed, resulted in all three threads, two threads based off of the root thread, were closed.

^ Heh.
pacerzfan.....this is like the 3rd pointless topic you've posted today. Go away.
Qonfused said:
Your thread, which spawned two other threads mocking your thread, in which those threads got closed in a result of your thread being closed, resulted in all three threads, two threads based off of the root thread, were closed.

^ Heh.

My thread was parodied?

I feel special.
If anyone really believed that, they wouldn't have left home.

PacersFan763: im gonna get 10 posts by next week
PacersFan763: 1000*

Hmm mods are going to be watching your ass now.

One can only poke a stick at what's going on over there...
Worst. Member. Ever.

kngHenry wasn't this bad for Christ's sake.
Woah. I read up to the part of saying we're strict and hated rap.

Suddenly, my left arm became numb a flying mongoose came out of my sock. I mean wtf, a mongoose.

Thanks you sock ruiner.
A mongoose?

I don't hate rap, more just side skirt it.

Just asking the mods, is this guy a multi account, or is he just that spammy / different?
Stop spamming pieceocrap123, no one cares about this crap.

I vote to ban for 3 days due to sociocide.
I agree with the insane Korean.

Uh, i mean... benevolant friend of the people. Yeah.
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