A riddle!

Riddle me this!

"Now I will a rhyme construct, By chosen words the young instruct. Cunningly devised endeavour, Con it and remember ever. Widths in circle here you see, Sketched out in strange obscurity."

What can that rhyme do for you?
qckbeam said:
Riddle me this!

"Now I will a rhyme construct, By chosen words the young instruct. Cunningly devised endeavour, Con it and remember ever. Widths in circle here you see, Sketched out in strange obscurity."

What can that rhyme do for you?

It can hurt my brain.

/me powers up the google...
qckbeam said:
Are you powering the google? Or is the google, powering you?

Im not quite sure could you please tell me because that would be bad if the google powered nw909 and not the othet way around.
nw909 said:
Im not quite sure could you please tell me because that would be bad if the google powered nw909 and not the othet way around.
Okay I asked but they took away my shoes :(