A sad thing it is.


Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
Well, I'm looking for alittle advice.

One of my very few friends will not hang out with me or anyone from our "group". He has found a new group of friends, a group of people I dispise. I'm sure that if anyone of you are in highschool, or out of highschool, had a group of people at your school similar to these people. They llisten to punk, as do I, but since they listen to punk they must act depressed, and act like some reject. I will admit they are more pleasing then the kids who act like they grew up in compten, when in fact their parents make 100 grand a year. But as same as the "ghetto" kids, their act gets old, and someone who bitches about life, and doesnt enjoy it, is not a fun person to be around. Sadly my friend, who once was a geek like me, is now a depressed sterotypical teenager. Oh, and if I was to discribe myself at school, Im a ghost.

Thanks, just needed to tell somone.
I'd advise you to kill yourself.Why?Because I just read your sig....and since you hate everyone....you must hate yourself.
I am not a person. And I dont kill everyone I hate.
Originally posted by Ender01
I am not a person. And I dont kill everyone I hate.
If your not a person then your not human or your just trying to get sympathy.And I didn't say you had to kill everyone you hate....I said you need to kill yourself because you hate everyone.
Originally posted by dfc05
Why does anybody need to get killed?
OMG!!!No one said they was going to kill anyone!!!Read the damn post.
Sympathy? No. You took my sig the wrong way. I hate people. When I say people, I mean people other than myself. I find them extremely frustrating, and they all think they're funny. A kid in my class through a frosting covered marshmellow at a girl. It got in her hair, she was very upset, and they teacher wouldnt let her leave to go to the bathroom and clean it out, she began to cry as the class laughed at her for another 33 minutes. When we left class I asked the marshmellow man, why he threw a frosting covered marshmellow at her. He had no reason, other than "it was funny". People, I find very cruel for no reason. people at school like to make fun of me and throw things at me becuase I never talk in class. Finally someone asked why I never talk, I replied "I have nothing to say". Only 3 more years.

I love humanity, but hate the people.
tron: I read the post and this is what it said:

"I'd advise you to kill yourself"
"I said you need to kill yourself"
Originally posted by Ender01
Sympathy? No. You took my sig the wrong way. I hate people. When I say people, I mean people other than myself. I find them extremely frustrating, and they all think they're funny. A kid in my class through a frosting covered marshmellow at a girl. It got in her hair, she was very upset, and they teacher wouldnt let her leave to go to the bathroom and clean it out, she began to cry as the class laughed at her for another 33 minutes. When we left class I asked the marshmellow man, why he threw a frosting covered marshmellow at her. He had no reason, other than "it was funny". People, I find very cruel for no reason. people at school like to make fun of me and throw things at me becuase I never talk in class. Finally someone asked why I never talk, I replied "I have nothing to say". Only 3 more years.

I love humanity, but hate the people.

You hate all people other than yourself, ah so you think you're better than everyone.
I love people, except that Doom 3>hl2 wanker, I hope he gets hit by a car...driven by me!When I'm 16
Originally posted by Ender01
Sympathy? No. You took my sig the wrong way. I hate people. When I say people, I mean people other than myself. I find them extremely frustrating, and they all think they're funny. A kid in my class through a frosting covered marshmellow at a girl. It got in her hair, she was very upset, and they teacher wouldnt let her leave to go to the bathroom and clean it out, she began to cry as the class laughed at her for another 33 minutes. When we left class I asked the marshmellow man, why he threw a frosting covered marshmellow at her. He had no reason, other than "it was funny". People, I find very cruel for no reason. people at school like to make fun of me and throw things at me becuase I never talk in class. Finally someone asked why I never talk, I replied "I have nothing to say". Only 3 more years.

I love humanity, but hate the people.
Wow....so many contradictions.You love humanity which is people....so if you hate people you hate humanity.
Originally posted by Ender01
people at school like to make fun of me and throw things at me becuase I never talk in class. Finally someone asked why I never talk, I replied "I have nothing to say".

that sounds exactly like me--I never talk in class; I used to be the "silent one" but not in a bad or ridiculing way. and I have nothing to say too! it seems like sometimes people just don't understand why i'm quiet, like it's impossible not to have anything to say. people never threw things at me though.... there's something very wrong with kids if they throw stuff at people just cause they're quiet.
Even here I am a outcast. I am not better than anybody. I am not very smart, or an extrodinary athlete. Its just the people I come in contact with everyday hate me. I have done nothing to intice them, Im very quite, and I like to read. People treat me like shit. I dont want symapthy, I want advice. I am very close to droping out or getting a GED. At school, all I want is to be left alone.
In my Math 8 class, I am not the silent one.
We had rediculous trick-questions and people replied stupidly, me and my friends just laughed!:D
Hate all people = Hate humanity

Has a sig which reads "I hate people."

And has a smoking gun for an avatar.

Teenage Angst!

Sorry Im the worst person to ask, I tell people on deviantart to gky.
Originally posted by dfc05
tron: I read the post and this is what it said:

"I'd advise you to kill yourself"
"I said you need to kill yourself"
Well you said "why does anyone need to get killed.Now by the way you worded that, your sentence sounds like "that person needs to get killed" insted of "why does anyone need to die."
Originally posted by Tr0n
Wow....so many contradictions.You love humanity which is people....so if you hate people you hate humanity.

Ok, you have never heard that phrase. Its like saying, you like what ATi sells, but their employes are assholes. Or saying HL2 is a good game, but the deisngers and programmers are assholes(wich isnt true).
Originally posted by Ender01
Ok, you have never heard that phrase. Its like saying, you like what ATi sells, but their employes are assholes. Or saying HL2 is a good game, but the deisngers and programmers are assholes(wich isnt true).
Actually it isn't like saying that.And no I never heard that "phrase"-if you can call it a phrase- for I don't hate everyone.
Originally posted by Ender01
Even here I am a outcast. I am not better than anybody. I am not very smart, or an extrodinary athlete. Its just the people I come in contact with everyday hate me. I have done nothing to intice them, Im very quite, and I like to read. People treat me like shit. I dont want symapthy, I want advice. I am very close to droping out or getting a GED. At school, all I want is to be left alone.

just stick it out; things will get better. i used to drag myself around school through eighth grade, ninth grade, maybe even tenth grade feeling pretty darn useless, like there was no point in it. but now it's better; just try to cheer up a little bit. and, yeah, just because somebody's quiet doesn't mean they think they're better than everyone...sometimes they just have nothing to say, and they shouldn't be expected to have to talk if they don't feel like it.
Originally posted by dfc05
just stick it out; things will get better. i used to drag myself around school through eighth grade, ninth grade, maybe even tenth grade feeling pretty darn useless, like there was no point in it. but now it's better; just try to cheer up a little bit. and, yeah, just because somebody's quiet doesn't mean they think they're better than everyone...sometimes they just have nothing to say, and they shouldn't be expected to have to talk if they don't feel like it.

Thank you. Someone who doesnt take pleasure in being an asshole.
Originally posted by dfc05
just stick it out; things will get better. i used to drag myself around school through eighth grade, ninth grade, maybe even tenth grade feeling pretty darn useless, like there was no point in it. but now it's better; just try to cheer up a little bit. and, yeah, just because somebody's quiet doesn't mean they think they're better than everyone...sometimes they just have nothing to say, and they shouldn't be expected to have to talk if they don't feel like it.
I agree with you here.If you would talk more and try to stick out you wouldn't be picked on.Now I used to be a depressed person to, but I figured out if I stick out and talk a little more, people would get to know me.So cheer up.
Originally posted by Tr0n
I agree with you here.If you would talk more and try to stick out you wouldn't be picked on.Now I used to be a depressed person to, but I figured out if I stick out and talk a little more, people would get to know me.So cheer up.

Thanks for trying to help, but that just isnt me. Im very much a loner. Even in my "group" I dont talk, I just like to listen to people, other than when they're not makin fun of me. If any of you where wondering why Im asking for advice on a public forum, I honestly have no one else to talk to. I have had a tough time latley, and I have no one to listen or take solice in.
hey Ender, I know how you feel. I'm the exact same way. I'm a loner too. Life can be much more difficult when you have no one to talk to about your problems.
Originally posted by Ender01
Even in my "group" I dont talk, I just like to listen to people, other than when they're not makin fun of me.

same here, i'm not much of a talker either, just sit quietly. are you sure people are really trying to make fun of you? just wondering, cause i used to be really sensitive to what other people said about me, and sometimes take it the wrong way. i was actually so sensitive that my teacher in elementary school actually wrote down "overly sensitive" on some report or something that the teachers gave to your parents; i happened to find it a few years later. of course, nobody ever actually did anything about it... but anyways, i just tend to find out that people usually weren't trying to be mean or making fun of me with what they said. if they really are doing that to you, then they're just mean or idiotic or something's wrong with them, and you'd probably be better off not listening to it unless it really is just constructive criticism.
Well, when people call me a "loser" "def mute" and the next "columbine kid" I take it as making fun of me. Oh well. Atleast I have you guys, but most of you dont seem to like me either. This forum is my only "safe enviroment" really. I even get made fun of at the local lan cafe, ha.
yeah, I'm actually on a watch list at my school because I don't talk much and I like to wear black clothes (among some other minor things). I get made fun of all the time, not much I can do about it really. I'm a real nice guy, but no one seems to care.
Originally posted by Ender01
Well, when people call me a "loser" "def mute" and the next "columbine kid" I take it as making fun of me. Oh well. Atleast I have you guys, but most of you dont seem to like me either. This forum is my only "safe enviroment" really. I even get made fun of at the local lan cafe, ha.

what the heck kind of people call other people "columbine kid." geez, what kind of idiotic kids are at your school? i have never heard anybody even insinuate anything close to that around my school. man, those people are just mean.
Now do you understand me sig? I find people make assumptions too much.
Originally posted by qckbeam
yeah, I'm actually on a watch list at my school because I don't talk much and I like to wear black clothes (among some other minor things). I get made fun of all the time, not much I can do about it really. I'm a real nice guy, but no one seems to care.

sorry for double post, but...
what the heck kind of school puts you on a "watch list" because you're quiet?! what are schools doing to kids now??? isn't quiet good? don't teachers like quiet kids that don't disrupt the class? i'm really, really quiet and schools shouldn't be putting kids on "watch lists" for it.

[edit] oops it's not a double post, i just type slowly, apparently
that's a pretty popular thing to say actually. People seem to think it's funny to call others Columbine kids at my school too. This whole Quiet=killer thing has been blown way out of proportion and most kids seem to think it's a great insult. I actually feel a bit of sympathy for the kids who bring guns to school. I understand what they're going through, and although what they did was very wrong, the kids who mocked them so cruelly are just as responsible. In fact an 8th grade student brought a shotgun to school and shot himself in the haed just the other day in my neighboorhood. It was because he had a physical disorder and people always mocked him. When I was in art class and we were discussing this the general consensus of the class was "The kid was a pussy, it was his own damn fault.". Nice huh. There was even some laughter, I guess sucide and pain is funny now. What a bunch of assholes, and this is at a "christian" school too. Great job teaching the old christian ideals!

Edit: after Columbine schools were sent a list of things to watch out for. Quiet kids, and kids who wear black clothes were on the list (as well as kids who play violent video games).
You guys should download In the Garage by Weezer. Its like it was wriitten for me.
Ok, I'm a loner too
<-- see name

Now I went through the same thing in highschool and now I'm in college. In college everyone is a loner so it's cool. The best advice I can give is to find a hobby and become almost fanatically devoted to it (without letting anyone know, of course). For example I read programming books and by the time I graduated I already knew like 4 programming languages and found a good job.

Whatever floats your boat as long as it results in $$$. Making more money then other people is a big self-esteem booster, trust me.
geez, y'all should really move to different schools or something. at my school it's competitive academically but at least kids aren't mean like that.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Ok, I'm a loner too
<-- see name

Now I went through the same thing in highschool and now I'm in college. In college everyone is a loner so it's cool. The best advice I can give is to find a hobby and become almost fanatically devoted to it (without letting anyone know, of course). For example I read programming books and by the time I graduated I already knew like 4 programming languages and found a good job.

Whatever floats your boat as long as it results in $$$. Making more money then other people is a big self-esteem booster, trust me.

I have found a hobby, building computers. I love working with hardware, and want a career in it somehow.
I'd leave my school but I can't, no place else to go around here, at all.