A simple choice, as you get older.


Nov 19, 2004
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Ok here's a choice.
As you grow older and settle down and consider buying your own place.

What would you go for?

A / The most you could afford, a luxury pad with all the modern comforts. A place of comfort and luxury, a place you could retire to, and raise your future family, but you would have to sacrifice all else. Your social life, friends etc, All you now enjoy would have to be given up to finance this place.

B/ The bear minimum, a place to crash, no modern comforts. On the flip side you could still afford an active social life, go down to the pub every other night, meet and laugh with your mates and enjoy a full social life.

Basically is financial investment better than social investment?
I'd go for B, but that's just me.

As for the final question, that's personal perference.
I don't really understand why you'd have to give up your friends in choice A. You have a luxury house with all the modern comforts...why not just kickback with your friends at the house? If it was a luxury house there's probably already a bar in it, so what's the use of going to a pub? Plus you've probably got a big plasma screen TV in a theatre room hooked up to a couple consoles...

Choice A, no contest.
If by older you mean 26+, then it'd be choice A. Up until then, unless there's a girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, it's choice B.
Darkside55 said:
I don't really understand why you'd have to give up your friends in choice A. You have a luxury house with all the modern comforts...why not just kickback with your friends at the house? If it was a luxury house there's probably already a bar in it, so what's the use of going to a pub? Plus you've probably got a big plasma screen TV in a theatre room hooked up to a couple consoles...

Choice A, no contest.

Basically choice A comes at a price.
Friendship comes through social interaction, the more you invest inwards and cater to you own self centeredness, the further you will distance yourself from your friends
StardogChampion said:
If by older you mean 26+, then it'd be choice A. Up until then, unless there's a girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, it's choice B.
Quoted For Truth.
I choose C. A medium home with medium social interaction. The best of both worlds.
I choose Shens. A great home with lots of social interaction. The best of the best of both worlds.
I will live inside my friends. The best of both worlds.
Choice Z, A house out in the FAR FAR country where they only have a Wal-mart, that way I can buy a luxury house for a low price, then I get good housing with a normal social life
Eh... Choice B because I really need people... so says the Chinese Zodiac.
Q_onfused said:
He farts a lot?

No, I conjure magical blue fire there in an attempt to kill outpost. However, his inherent stupidity hilariously gets him out of sticky situations in multiple sit-comediac funniness explosions.

All of these avatars are scareing me.


Shens said:
No, I conjure magical blue fire there in an attempt to kill outpost. However, his inherent stupidity hilariously gets him out of sticky situations in multiple sit-comediac funniness explosions.
Yus, exactly
Im happy to live with the bare minium.. apart from my computer and the internet that is.
C) I would have a good enough job to afford a nice house and still play PC games (I assume that is waht you meant by social life).
I'd choose both.

Even if it meant I HAD to play games, drink, smoke, go out with friends, and still have a nice house and car and money, It'd be tough, but if i have to I would...
Hmm, I'm just a poor old homeless man, so since I have no friends, I'd pick A :p. Plus I need the money.
Could you not just own a Pub, and everybody in the local area respect you. Get a few bouncers and your banging
well you do have to remember. Are you going to have family?
I moved 2 times before i got married. Now we are living in a two story log cabin/full bacement. :) (I also got the tornado bunker that i was wanting)
These choices are not mutually exclusive in concept, so I'm guessing you're detailing some kind of situation you're currently facing.

But, excluding the option of some kind of middle ground, I'd choose B. I couldn't imagine living an isolated life in the absence of my friends. And hey, who doesn't like to go down to the pub for a few beers with your pals? I don't require a luxurious and comfy house. Give me the basics (along with a computer and stereo) and I'll be fine.

I would only invest in A if having a future family or retirement was a sure bet and within a near time frame.
A for me, my family and my future come infront of my friends and my social life
Absinthe said:
These choices are not mutually exclusive in concept, so I'm guessing you're detailing some kind of situation you're currently facing.

But, excluding the option of some kind of middle ground, I'd choose B. I couldn't imagine living an isolated life in the absence of my friends. And hey, who doesn't like to go down to the pub for a few beers with your pals? I don't require a luxurious and comfy house. Give me the basics (along with a computer and stereo) and I'll be fine.

I would only invest in A if having a future family or retirement was a sure bet and within a near time frame.

You've hit the nail on the head and are very close to my current situation.
I actually do live in a very comfy house and have invested heavily in it.
Looking back we have gained the "ivory tower" statues but my oh my at some cost.
I would (and hopefully, will, someday) choose choice D: build my own damn house however I like!

Why does choice A preclude any social interaction? You work 8 hours a day, sleep another 8 and have 8 left for anything else you want. Hello, social interaction.
Arden said:
I would (and hopefully, will, someday) choose choice D: build my own damn house however I like!

Why does choice A preclude any social interaction? You work 8 hours a day, sleep another 8 and have 8 left for anything else you want. Hello, social interaction.

You have missed the point of the options.

Option A is total self centeredness, caring only for yourself and those very close to you. This option allows for no social interaction only a simple investment in yourself and your family.

Option B is an investment in your social life, rather than material status.

With hindsight the options should be.

A/ material status.
B/ Social life
baxter said:
You have missed the point of the options.

Option A is total self centeredness, caring only for yourself and those very close to you. This option allows for no social interaction only a simple investment in yourself and your family.

Option B is an investment in your social life, rather than material status.

With hindsight the options should be.

A/ material status.
B/ Social life
Yes, but the choices you presented were unrealistic. In real life, you may lean one way or the other, but neither is absolute. Rich executives with $5 million houses in the Hamptons definitely don't seclude themselves in their house vault, cackling over their riches, and broke college students don't simply go to bars and hang out with their friends all the time... they also try to get jobs and work themselves out of the financial debt they've racked up.

Therefore your arguments are flawed and I win. ^_^ :thumbs:
Arden said:
Yes, but the choices you presented were unrealistic. In real life, you may lean one way or the other, but neither is absolute. Rich executives with $5 million houses in the Hamptons definitely don't seclude themselves in their house vault, cackling over their riches, and broke college students don't simply go to bars and hang out with their friends all the time... they also try to get jobs and work themselves out of the financial debt they've racked up.

Therefore your arguments are flawed and I win. ^_^ :thumbs:

Good points.

I like you ;)