A theory about the GMan that I haven't heard yet...


Dec 18, 2005
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Well I was recently playing through the original Half Life and noticed something odd, when your in the tram ride in the very beginning and it says education, etc. I noticed how it said.. "Administrative Sponsor - Unknown" correct me if I'm wrong. That leads me to believe that the GMan is Gordan's Administrative Sponsor, I don't know how that would tie in with him following him around, etc. but could anybody tell me if they've heard the theory before?
Yes, it's a theory that's been proposed before. And it's likely correct.
Well, Kleiner was the one who recommended Gordon's hiring right? So wouldn't Kleiner be the sponsor?
I was going to mention that in my last post, but since it says "administrative sponsor" it's not likely to be Dr. Kleiner. The way I see it, Kleiner recommends Gordon for the job. BMRF personnel department reviews his credentials, puts him in the list with potential hirees, and then another sponsor is needed to give the OK.

Plus with the G-man being one of the "administrator's men," it seems that he's the sponsor.
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