A theory about the headcrabs?

The headcrab is quite capable of making physiological changes to its victim, so the body's internal organs might be metabolised to create the necessary digestive system...
You even see a sequence in one of the original games where a mawman is crouching over a dead scientist and making raking, scooping motions towards its mouth...
yeah i remember that, that is true! I just never realised he was 'eating'

I'm shocked, and amazed. The growth and development of a headcrab is really interesting. I wonder if Valve has bothered to explain it in hl2.. i hope so.
lol.... I was just thinking, just like the flood in halo but the flood have tentacles which they use to cut open the victims back then procede to stick them down their spinal cord taking over their nervous system..... Halo copied Half - Life!
Ahh, but did Half-Life get the headcrab from X-com?

The headcrab always reminded me of the Brainsucker. Even how they looked when they had the brainsucker on them looks simular to the first zombies (before the Mawman.) Of course that could be traced to the facehugger of Alien and Aliens.
Wait a second... how do the mawmen actually see you? They have no eyes! Must be using some other senses...
Headrattle said:
Ahh, but did Half-Life get the headcrab from X-com?

The headcrab always reminded me of the Brainsucker. Even how they looked when they had the brainsucker on them looks simular to the first zombies (before the Mawman.) Of course that could be traced to the facehugger of Alien and Aliens.

I've always thought so too. They do look very similar, don't they?
The mawmen use their mouths to eat. I believe that before they begin external evolution, they first start to reorganize the organs to suit their needs, then develop a mouth. They feed on dead bodies. I saw that once, a Zombie/Gonome eating up something.. in Sven Co-op :p

Alas, Headcrabs only take over the control over the body. For a while, the mind is still active, the host still can say something half-coherent. Although it's only cries of pain. The host also uses it's own mouth - that's why the yowls are quite muffled. Notice that when Gordon beats up the hanging legs, the zombie attacks him and screams that growl that's similar to the HL one. That's the Headcrab speaking, not the host.. The basic vocal cord.. But the brain will slowly become alienated/dead, though.

I wonder if we'll see Gonomes in HL2..

EDIT: Esquire, Headcrabs don't have eyes as well.. I think they may be using sound location..
Headrattle said:
I think that they are sometimes alive. I remember seeing the Headcrabs taking control of some very dead bodies in the videos and screenshots.

Of course the can can take control pf dead bodies, the may only be "brain dead" and the body is still functionall?
Headcrabs might use chemical/pheromonal detection abilities, thermal detection methods, bioelectrical field detection, they might have microscopic eyes we can't see... heck, even sense vibrations in the air! The possibilities are endless. ^_^
Am I the only person who thinks Valve totally ripped the mawman concept off from John Carpenter's remake of The Thing, or has nobody else actually seen it? :)
Loads of sci-fis have headcrab things. The worst type is the Aliens one cos it cums in your mouth. Disgusting.
Dang..I always thought the headcrabs shoved their front claws through their victim's eyes, not their nipples. That's just plain wrong...

But anyway, yeah, there's alot of sci fi things with headcrab like creatures. It's not all that uncommon.
Esquire said:
Loads of sci-fis have headcrab things. The worst type is the Aliens one cos it cums in your mouth. Disgusting.
I think it's long been established that the head crab has been ripped off from countless other sci fi stories, but that wasn't what I said. I said they ripped off the mawman idea from The Thing.
I don't think they were "ripped off" really. Maybe inspired by, or just coencidental. You can't come up with an idea these days without someone saying "oh, yeah, like that movie/book/poem/tv show/Star Trek episode/song/pantiliner."
These days everyone is ripping something off of someone else.
anamnesis said:
I think it's long been established that the head crab has been ripped off from countless other sci fi stories, but that wasn't what I said. I said they ripped off the mawman idea from The Thing.

True say, my bad.
Headrattle said:
I don't think they were "ripped off" really. Maybe inspired by, or just coencidental. You can't come up with an idea these days without someone saying "oh, yeah, like that movie/book/poem/tv show/Star Trek episode/song/pantiliner."
These days everyone is ripping something off of someone else.
Oh, I know ... it's almost impossible not to inadvertently copy someone else's idea without even knowing, but the mawman's set-of-jaws-in-the-ribcage idea was pretty unique to The Thing and I've never seen it in any other movie or TV show since then. :)
Speedingorange said:
This may be wrong...

and as i didnt play the first game to any great extent it most likely is wrong.

but i have a theory aboutt he headcrabs...
on the video ravenholm u can clearly hear the infected people moaning...

could it be that the headcrab controlly your body... but u are still alive?? as in you can feel the pain as there would be no other reason for the body to scream if it could not....

so in the E3 trailer where one is cut clean in half by one of the traps... mayb the infected vicytim can feel the pain of that blow but the headcrab forces him on.. obviously there is a lot of mutation to the body which i would imagine causes a lot of pain which would also explain why they wine all the time even when not ebing shot at... i would be in a lot of pain if my stumach was hanging open to be honest...

what u guys think... :afro:

i came to the very same conclusion myself after seeing the Ravenholm video :p
Speedingorange said:
This may be wrong...

and as i didnt play the first game to any great extent it most likely is wrong.

but i have a theory aboutt he headcrabs...
on the video ravenholm u can clearly hear the infected people moaning...

could it be that the headcrab controlly your body... but u are still alive?? as in you can feel the pain as there would be no other reason for the body to scream if it could not....

so in the E3 trailer where one is cut clean in half by one of the traps... mayb the infected vicytim can feel the pain of that blow but the headcrab forces him on.. obviously there is a lot of mutation to the body which i would imagine causes a lot of pain which would also explain why they wine all the time even when not ebing shot at... i would be in a lot of pain if my stumach was hanging open to be honest...

what u guys think... :afro:
yea i think ur right
after playing the game... it sure sounds like there is a human inside some of them screaming for a lot of help... specially when u set them on fire then put 2 roun ds with the magnum ion there head lol
well well well, turns out i was correct.... to some extent. I've seen it done in the game! Not a major spoiler, but if you havent got upto the bit where you get the airboat then it would be a spoiler.

TheCombine use headcrabs (and maybe some other aliens) to weaken rebel defences. I said that at this thread... http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=912807&postcount=17
n e one care to explain how the Humans began working with them aliens u see in a few places.. as i only played some of HL1.... as far as i remember last time i played it i was shooting at them :S