A thing i noticed at the end (another citadel sending a message?)

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Nov 1, 2004
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At the end when you are on the train and the citadel blows up, look to the left and you can see a distant beam going up into the sky. The beam is to far away to see its origin but im speculating its another citadel sending a message to the combine union as the citadel in City 17 is doing when it blows up. Could i be right or is there something ells behind the beam? I cant see any other beams but that one.

Your thoughts?
hmm never noticed this will try too look at it when my pc is free
Can you show us a screenshot?

Episode 1 isn't working on my computer right now. :(
yea i can take one in a few minutes


here it is

Yeah i remember seeing that and thinking what it was, could be anything. Maybe relevant to the story :O
Never noticed those trees looked so ugly. :|

Valve forgot to tell you, they actually implemented motion blur in Episode 1! ;)

In reality though, you're going fifty past those things, aren't you? You're only meant to see each tree for like six frames, or two on my rig. ;)
Just loaded the ending. I think it's a graphical glitch that for some reason is more pronounced on your PC. On mine it's barley noticeable.

Someones gonna get fired...OMG this is my 666'th post... I M DOOMED!
Anonymous Programmer: (tentatively raises hand)
I don't think it's a glitch. I just replayed that level to see, and I saw one go up and end in a point. Then a second one went up and ended at the same, brighter point (seconds before the large explosion).
Yea at the beginning of the game when you go up the citadel, I can see them lines.
Anonymous Programmer: (tentatively raises hand)

Naaah. His punishment will be to work in Steam Support Department for a week... a fate worse than death!
Sorta like Disney World, and how their punishment for employees is a week of "It's a Small World". ;)
Sorta like Disney World, and how their punishment for employees is a week of "It's a Small World". ;)

Actually, I heard the worst job in Disney World is being one of the three little pigs. Not a kid alive that won't kick a guy in a pig suit.
I am sorry in case I break some sort of beef-line, but I really am interressted in this. Why not go noclip and see if it's a skybox, and if somebody hates being charged with having put sv_cheats 1 into his console, then he should drug Gordon in a way he's soo high he'll eventually end up in the sky. OH! I JUST remembered there aren't drugs in the game, unless of course you make Gordon drink stuff out of Breen's private Water hose...er, I mean private Water reserve. Not hose, me fool. Definately. :rollseyes:
Sooo, yeah, this is hot, it's even hotter than my girlfriend that wanted to have a little six-sechs with me, but I dumped her in favour of this interesting possible plottwist thingie.:LOL:
So DON'T tell me it's bug, or just the skybox, I couldn't stand that. Oh! Me so stupid! Me silly me! Why not check out youtube??! :D
Or maybe it aint even made by humans !! what if the line actually is something ( a message?) to xen (half-life 1)
Well if I am right in thinking (which I am probably not) if there is one citadel that controls City 17, then perhaps there are other citadels that perform that same function in other cities. (You do here at the start of HL2 a man complaining about hearing the many breencasts in City 14.) Doesn't the citadel send the Breencasts out through city 17? If they do then it implies there could be other citadels out in the Half Life universe and as the combine are one consciousness, perhaps they built the citadels in their own likeness. (Alexander the great style) :)

Of course most of this is speculation but it is possible.

Or it could be a simple bug of course. ;)
Oh crap, kupoartist, they will be here soon to erase all mentions of the biozeminades! Quick, shutdown your Pc and dump in the toilet while I get last minute flight tickets to Islamabad!

Bombs the plane, Youre not going anywhere bitches. <MUAHAHHAHAHA
*does a survivable 7 km freefall. Cracks nuts on tree*
Aye, I think if it you don't have texture detail on high (?) you can see the skybox outlines... hideously disorienting.
I don't really think such an ambiguous and unobvious line in the sky would be pivotal to the plot, unless in future episodes they do a nifty flashback sequence, highlighting it.

On the other hand though, if it was a skybox seam, we would see other seams running along each side of the cube... and if that's the case, wouldn't there be an identical one somewhere else?

In UseAbuse's pic I noticed the line runs in front of the C17 citadel, which rules out the signal coming from a different city's citadel in my oppinion.
In UseAbuse's pic I noticed the line runs in front of the C17 citadel, which rules out the signal coming from a different city's citadel in my oppinion.

No it doesn't. I think you're looking at the wrong line.
I HATE my parents

K, after having played ep one today, getting pissed by my parents, restarting levels, noclipping thru the sky and screening, I conclude this:

aaaaand this:
perhaps this is a nod by valve towards the minerva mod? If you recall, in the minerva mod the island did have a beam going right into the sky, and IIRC the creator of minerva (i forget his name) did get invited to valve's offices and played episode 1 while it was still in development.
Nah. You mean the guy w/ the cool name? Well, though it would be cool inviting him rrrright into VALVe's mapping and leveldesign department I believe he a) couldn't finish his mod, b) why doesn't anybody know? c) why the hell should they do a paunt on minerva? Unless it's something pivotal we can't proove this was some sort of reactor or full-out facility....
BUT!!!! There's one thing to discuss...So far with seen this beam...we PROVED it was NOT a skybox bug, so what is it then???
As you have seen, there's this really strange thing...first, about when the pods fly past, you discover this beam if you look *closely* but as the citadel cascades further into complete annihilation, you see that the beam which crosses the clouds appearantly, doesn't really cut them, but once the uberexplosion kicks in it seems to be 'reflected' by the sky/clouds.
I tried clipping and searching for its source, but I couldn't find anything....there's just this...weird beam of light...
SO, is it a generator? It couldn't be a citadel, for sure, coz in my mind it's wayyyy too close to c 17...I mean, you just need one huge amount of metal junk for a city, not two, right?
Well, since we can't really explain WHERE it comes from, nor WHY we shall wait for further explanation.
Anyhow, the best find in my time around here ;)
I did three weeks ago, you moron, and no, I didn't imply minerva was shit by saying it wasn't worth noticing but VALVe simply never does. Ep1 was believed to have persiflages on concerned, but this is officialy not explained -.-
//edit: wrote two mails to marc, he should state an explanation within an eight hours or so, cause I've got a pretty damn big time lapse here -.-
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