A thing i noticed at the end (another citadel sending a message?)

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//edit: wrote two mails to marc, he should state an explanation within an eight hours or so, cause I've got a pretty damn big time lapse here -.-

Sent Gabe an E-mail yesterday, no answer yet...
Hope they will answer us..
wow you ppl are crazy...like what 90% of people who played ep1 didn't notice this faint stupid beam of light..and look at all you..ZOMG ITS ANOTHA CITADEL!!!!1111fortyninethousand...

seriously, if valve was going to hint at something it sure wouldn't be that tiny beam of light that barely anyone noticed.
Valve are not obliged to answer your emails concerning something so trivial you know.
Well I'm interested... But why would there be another signal from another citadel? It's not like ALL the citadels are destructioning themselfs, only the City 17 one because of Gordon pwning it.
Well I'm interested... But why would there be another signal from another citadel? It's not like ALL the citadels are destructioning themselfs, only the City 17 one because of Gordon pwning it.

Gordon destroyed something by killing/porting Breen, so they had to destroy it to send a message. Other citadels can send without the need of destroying their black destructo balls.
I thought it was some glitch myself until I played the end and noticed something even more peculiar.

There are multiple beams of light, all aiming at the same point. They don't appear all at once. First there's one, then two, then three. They're part of the skybox, so there's no way to tell exactly where they're supposed to be coming from. It seems like too much of a coincidence to be an accident. Perhaps the science team trying to disrupt the transmission or intercept it?
Either it's meant to be there, or a painter from Valve used his or her fantasy a litle bit too much.
I think it was deliberately put there so the gamers can speculate about it, could be a significant discoverey, could be nothing, valve are good at doing this lol
Omg. Maybe it's combine snipers that just decided to aim into the sky, for no appearant reason? ^-^ Well, yes, this IS interressting, and even more disturbing, that's why it's so cool. When I first noticed there was two beams I saw no reason, but now that I see it even was three I really start to wonder.
Oh yes, about the mails, some peculiar stuff is going on. I mailed Laidlaw, sent him two pics, and he would reply:
Sorry, I'm not sure what you're showing me. Jet trails or developer text? Which one are you wondering about?
Also sent him a mail yesterday, got no answer till now, wrote a message today just hoping to make him confirm it was something we shouldn't be talking about. A friend of mine who went to VALVe twice told me some weird stuff about it, but I can't confirm he is a reliable source, wish it to be known it's quite a while ago when he went there, also he tends to 'blur the truth' sometimes ;) And even if he was being honest I wouldn't be allowed to tell anyone anyway, since he wasn't even supposed to tell me in the first place :p
//edit: ^LOLOLOLOLLOL XD, Marc Laidlaw is so dumb, of course I meant the jet trails ;)
DA UPDATE!!! Omg, I don't know wether he's just trying to hide something, but here is THE LONGLY AWAITED REPLY THAT REVEALS FOLLOWING: NOTHING!!!! :D

Marc Laidlaw
to me

show details
4:47 pm (37 minutes ago)
Hopefully there aren't any pivotal plot twists that nobody has noticed yet...that would defeat the purpose of having a plot! Other than that, sorry, I can't help you. If someone can tell me what it is you're seeing, I'll let you know.

From: Daniel Wadsworth [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 6:21 AM
To: Marc Laidlaw
Subject: Citadel_farnode???

you haven't answered in 18 hours, dunno wether this is normal, cause I'm anxious wether this is some sort of 'pivotal' plottwist, cause till recently nobody mentioned it, neither a player, nor one of the developers. I just want to know wether you can talk about it or not, that's the reason why I asked wether it was some sort of bug in the first place, also you didn't sound really honest when asking about what I was talking about, I think you know *pretty* well.
you haven't answered in 18 hours, dunno wether this is normal, cause I'm anxious wether this is some sort of 'pivotal' plottwist, cause till recently nobody mentioned it, neither a player, nor one of the developers. I just want to know wether you can talk about it or not, that's the reason why I asked wether it was some sort of bug in the first place, also you didn't sound really honest when asking about what I was talking about, I think you know *pretty* well.
GG stalker.
D:! We is all goin 2 die from teh combin snipehs and there wast of teh ammos.
I know what it is, it's the G mans house suspended in the air by light beams.
Look its perfectly obvious what it is.

Its the man in the trashcan shining a beam into the sky. Don't you lot know anything?
I thought it was some glitch myself until I played the end and noticed something even more peculiar.

There are multiple beams of light, all aiming at the same point. They don't appear all at once. First there's one, then two, then three. They're part of the skybox, so there's no way to tell exactly where they're supposed to be coming from. It seems like too much of a coincidence to be an accident. Perhaps the science team trying to disrupt the transmission or intercept it?
Looks like the corner of a skybox to me.
K, after having played ep one today, getting pissed by my parents, restarting levels, noclipping thru the sky and screening, I conclude this:

aaaaand this:
Dig this, sucker. Still think we talkin' 'bout skyboxuhs n' shit??:borg:
No, its munro opening the hl2 box for the first time, I SPEAK THE TRUTH.
huh?? ?.? what do u imply w/ munro?? Hell, Laidlaw told us he frankly didn't know XD Maybe one of the mappers knows??? Call somebody. I don't know what to do
It's the true mark of a fan forum when you can go on and on for 4 pages over something so trivial. God bless fans :thumbs:
If it was really a light from another citadel, you wouldn't be able to see it at that height. The cloud cover is only a few thousand feet high, it would be lost behind the horizon and then masked by the clouds.

Its a graphical bug, nothing more.
Probably a graphical bug, because I don't think that the Citadel beam reflects off of the sky.
Doesn't happen on mine unless I noclip (and even then, only from a certain angle). If it was something to do with the plot we'ed all be able to see it.
this is so crazy
i bet its some kinda intergalactic fart
Its a graphical bug, nothing more.
BLASPHEMY!!! :flame:
No wai :frog:
I don't think it was other citadels either but I disagree with simply pronouncing it a mere grafic bug. It's GOTTA be SOMETHING, right?
If it was a bug you owe us an explanation.
About the beams: They have to be of combine origin, cause apart from Alyx and the player, who never talks, nobody knows about the 'transmission', therefore why would the resistance seem fit to install huge beams that focus up into the air?
K, I'm gonna check the VALVe homepage and look for someone responsible for the map build and ask him myself in case Marc should forget to ask.
Ps: GG stalker?? Who??? :devil:
I Think Its Other Citidelz Sending Lazerz Into 1 Point To Blowz The Rebelz INTOZ DA SKYZ :d
jesus i was jsut messing around

I actualy think its other citidels getting a message that the citidel has been destroyed, so they send help to try and destroy gordon (which they wont)
Nah, if it actually was other citadels *receiving* a transmission, it bullocks. The probably had suffiecient comunication solvoations as long as concerning com tech on earth, so the Rest of the armed forces probably already knew :cool: Also there's no proof there's other citadels on earth, as for how close they actually are to c17. So we gotta define how far away the beams came from
WoW its amazing how safisticated people are on this forum, compared to facepunch and other forums, your rocket scientists

Facepunch people are a buncha immature noobs who start flame throwers
Dudes. For. ****s. Sake. It. has. nothing. to. do. with. the. plot. Many. people. don't. see. it. It's. just. a. bug.
A pretty weird bug if you ask me X|
but maybe you're right, we just gotta ask one of them level designers/mappers
Dudes. For. ****s. Sake. It. has. nothing. to. do. with. the. plot. Many. people. don't. see. it. It's. just. a. bug.

They said that about the MOON LANDING, TOO!1!111!1!11!!!

*head explodes*
AHHHH!!! NOW I UNDERSTAND THE CONSPIRACY!!!!!1111 *assplodes* *guts spilling over PIggy*
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