A Thread For UK Elections 2005

Looks like a subversive episode of Dr. Who :)
"This is not entirely science-fiction..."
He's not wrong - it's a load of bollock! Huzzah! How on Earth do they expect credibility if they do that? It's like the BNP doing a broadcast where some giant in black-face does the same thing in a Godzilla-stylee.
In fact, they should do that against the UKIP Squid - best film ever.

Sadly the BNP one was slightly more queasy-making than that.
When the CG Eurosquid appeared I couldn't help laughing.

UKIP aren't too bad... they're just a bunch of anti-European-Unionists who've jumped on the immigration bandwagon (which must be packed to the brim- tidy profit for the Bandwagon Transit Co. there). Admittedly they come across as amateurish and ignorant, but they're not quite as bad as they could be.

Well, there was the Eurosquid. Heh. Heheheh.