A Thread to wack those sites in for everyone to enjoy, No Discussion!


Streamload.com is offering consumers a free 10 gigabyte online storage locker for multimedia files, potentially raising the stakes for larger companies such as Yahoo and America Online. :D
http://www.shayesaintjohn.com/ weird site
http://www.alcyone.com/max/lit/devils/ the devil's dictionary (funny)
http://www.gutenberg.org/ 13,000 books (for free dl) that are currently out of copyright
http://www.constitution.org/ obvious
http://genmay.com/ hilarious forum
http://www.nubblies.net/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi another
http://landoverbaptist.org/ religious satire
http://www.knowledge.com/ obvious
http://www.literature.org/ classic literature works
http://www.helnwein.com/ a great austrian artist
http://alexgrey.com/ great artist

I quote:

The new Elliot Satellite Navigation System has finally been completed! Costing just £800 billion and taking 16 years to develop, the new product is set to revolutionize the way sailors navigate. Head over to the products section for more information.

Great stuff
Tight-ass Llama said:
Ar'nt those software sites illegal? (I use them so im not flaming :cheers: )

P.S. Sorry for being a quote whore

no they are not :)

PLease do not chatt with me over this thread, PM me if you like :P