A tribute to a tribute ....


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
... to the greatest song in the world ...


Timeless or what. Discuss?

Jack Black is actually a pretty good singer, too.
Crap. Hated that song, hated that band. Not Timeless. :P
timeless. jack black is the ****ing daddy. tenacious d, nacho libre, everything he touches turns into a castle of awesome
jack black ftw

tenacious d has some awesome songs

**** her gently, karate, etc
It was alright.

Jack Black ftw though.
I just never saw the appeal in Tenacious D, both musically and in comedy/laughs. I listened to the album at a mates and just... eh, no thanks.

I've yet to see the film.
Eh, I hated 99% of the songs. I would hate this song more if I heard it every day, but thank god I always turned the channel, switched songs, ANYTHING when teh song came on. Now I listen to it, and can enjoy it.

The video was kind of funny to, when people were walking by, hearing him scream.

And most anybody can be a good enough singer with enough patience and money...