A very depressing thought...

It will come out when it comes out. Until then I'm playing UT2k4 online under the alias 486dx (my old laptop)
Sparta said:
I'll agree with you there. I hate rap, but death metal is even worse then rap. Everything about it sucks, whereas rap and Hip&hop can have some pretty cool beats sometimes
ever heard quality Melodic Death Metal?

kicks the shit out of rap any day. you're probably just scared of the vocals.

go listen to some quality albums like Lunar Strain, The Jester Race, Colony and Whoracle by In Flames (ignore their recent stuff)

also check out some Arch Enemy, COB are bloody brilliant as well.
I'm not scared of death metal vocals, I just think they're shit. As for rap, I don't like most of the modern stuff, but there are some excellent classics, like Rapper's Delight.

Rock is the way to go; Jet, RHCP, Darkness, Rolling Stones, Guns'N'Roses, Thin Lizzy, ACDC, Aerosmith etc.
[12:46:16] ** e|n0luck is poking a dead cat to: /Wuthering Heights - Land of Olden Glory\ ¤ Length: /6:21\ ¤ BitRate: /192kbps\

melodic ^ say this is uninventive and i will look for you personally on hl2 multiplayer and own you with my fist

edit: oh ye .. so close and yet so far
Ahh, I just dreamed, I sat on a upside down vent as hovercraft and used the manipulator to take the combines their guns away, just to shoot it back at them O__o

THIS is a sick dream...
I've played the guitar for 12 years or so. I don't like metal or rap because I've never heard good guitar work in either.

Note I didn't say it's dumb or it sucks, I said I don't like it.

Jazz, blues and rock all the way.
Glah! Doom3 is just around the corner. And once that puppy is out time till HL2 release will fly.. ;)
jimbones said:
Glah! Doom3 is just around the corner. And once that puppy is out time till HL2 release will fly.. ;)
I doubt it will be released before hl²
death/thrash/whatever metal is all the stupidest shit i ever heard. whoever listens to that shit is a complete moron.
This is off-topic...

what about HL2 huh? :)
kidrock450 said:
death/thrash/whatever metal is all the stupidest shit i ever heard. whoever listens to that shit is a complete moron.

Hmmmm... "kidrock" is it? listen "kid" you can't dictate what's better than the other when it's a matter of taste...
dassbaba said:
babyheadcrab u r teh n3rd
Please tell me you were being ironic...
It's odd that through all this wait, the actual reality of playing the game doesn't figure to me - just discussing the wait and potential features. It doesn't register that it will be on my hard drive one day. Soon.
But then I recently got a house with a few friends and that reality hasn't sunk in yet - won't until a few weeks after we move in maybe? Hmmmm...
KagePrototype said:
I'd say it's more of a shortage of intelligence.
poseyjmac said:
no, but there is a shortage of intelligence as well

Thank god there isn't a shortage of spelling nazis on the internet, where would we be without them? :upstare:
but actually it was unintelligent of me to say that, because there actually is a shortage of intelligance, intelligance being a misspelled word, its not used much, there fore there is a shortage of it