a video card just beat the shit out of me :O


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I was replaceing the thermal paste on my mom's ancient dell's CPU and I finished up (put some artic silver 5 on it, what a waste :() and I was putting everything back in and the video card was being loud, so I, like an idiot stopped the fan with my finger, splllllrlrhchhh yay i'm bleeding again because of computer hardware! Anyone else wound themselves because of idiotic mistakes like that.... :p?
babyheadcrab said:
I was replaceing the thermal paste on my mom's ancient dell's CPU and I finished up (put some artic silver 5 on it, what a waste :() and I was putting everything back in and the video card was being loud, so I, like an idiot stopped the fan with my finger, splllllrlrhchhh yay i'm bleeding again because of computer hardware! Anyone else wound themselves because of idiotic mistakes like that.... :p?
Umm.. No.

MORON! :thumbs:
LOL, my knuckle hit the gfx card fan once when I was...wait, I have no idea why my hands were in the case, all I know is it f*cking stung DX

And many times I have almost cut myself on sharp parts of the case...but never has any hardware drawn blood, thanks to my leathery man-skin :D
VIDEOWNED! Hehe ouch. They are rebelling!

I went to a party with my cousin and his friends from his high school, in front of many chicks with my fly unzipped, and my pants hangin off my ass. Whats worse is the one hot chick who likes me and is within age range starts talking to me and realizes it, and I kinda embarassed myself.. Right after some asshole said some smartass comment and whacked me in teh bizzalls.. I can't help it hanging off I'm from the streets..... Man **** my state!
I used to stick my finger in my 120mm fan. It wasn't too fast so it didn't even hurt. Then one time I did it and it gashed my finger open. I forgot I cranked it up to max...and it's one of the better 120mm fans on the market. Yep...bad idea.
It's a well-known fact that any hardware installation or repairs won't succeed without a blood sacrifice to the Gods of Hardware.
Well this thing right here is being a bit loud how about you stop it with your finger too....

DiSTuRbEd said:
Well this thing right here is being a bit loud how about you stop it with your finger too....


I like my hand k thx lolz. I'd also like to add Carona is delicious :)

Pi Mu Rho said:
It's a well-known fact that any hardware installation or repairs won't succeed without a blood sacrifice to the Gods of Hardware.

Ok, sad, I actually laughed out loud at that :D
when I was doing something with Pc Hardware I scracthed my hand rly bad, its a long scare now it looks stupid
DiSTuRbEd said:
Well this thing right here is being a bit loud how about you stop it with your finger too....

Too bad it's too late for me to drink anything, got like 20 minutes before bed.

Ahh hell, maybe one beer.
I was electrocuted (I accidently stuck my hand in the socket) whilst installing my PC. Thankfully, it was 110V and my body's resistance was high enough. -,.-
Wow thats pretty intense that it cut you to blood. Carnage.
I've been hit by a scary bearded man in a car, electrocuted by a faulty shower, scratched by falling through a pine tree and then by landing in a bed of thorns, had my hands cut into shreds by a razor-sharp metal slinky and knocked my two front teeth in half.
I haven't ever gotten hurt from building computers. Yay.
15357 said:
I was electrocuted (I accidently stuck my hand in the socket) whilst installing my PC. Thankfully, it was 110V and my body's resistance was high enough. -,.-

The voltage is just the carrier - it's the current that kills you.

Also, the higher your personal resistance, the more damage you will sustain.
I droped a CRT on my toe and cut the absolute shit out of myself with the useles metal spacing thingy's in PC's sevral times.
I burnt my finger once on some cooling thing. It's too long ago to remember what it was.

Oh yeah and the usual finger-crushing CRT's whenever I put one down..
Pi Mu Rho said:
The voltage is just the carrier - it's the current that kills you.

Also, the higher your personal resistance, the more damage you will sustain.

But there wouldn't be any current without voltage..... (EDIT: I read your post again, and I see)

And I thought: C=V/R (Current = Voltage/Resistance). Which more than 50 mA or something would kill me, but the human body has something like 14000 ohm of resistance and it was a 110V line....

Am I wrong?
Look at it this way - if you had a resistance of zero, you would be unharmed by any current in existence.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Look at it this way - if you had a resistance of zero, you would be unharmed by any current in existence.

because you would cease to exist in the first place :D
babyheadcrab said:
because you would cease to exist in the first place :D
And if you would exist you wouldn't care since you'd be like 3 Kelvin.
SubKamran said:
I haven't ever gotten hurt from building computers. Yay.

Cases are what get me, no hardware or anything like that has caused harm to me, just teh bloody case.
I got a half inch deep cut on the bottom of my hand. It was so deep because I slammed my fist in anger on the edge of the case... a sharp edge. Needless to say, that didnt help my mood. I think it took about 3 days for me to calm down enough to finish building it.
I did hurt my pc once though. I was pushing in a videocard when my hand slipped and I punched the mobo right in the face.
A while back in 10th grade me and some friends were throwing some old mobos around during school. I grabbed one of the mobos and another kid ripped it out of my hand. Mind you on the bottom it was riddled with sharp soldering all over. Yep...I bled and it hurt like a bitch.
I'm not sure how this happend but after fitting my sound card. Went to turn on the PC at the mains and a huge shock rushed up my arm. It literally forced my arm back about 2'foot and gave me minature spasms.

The pain passed after a few hours but what I don't understand is I was touching plastic to turn the plug on? It's non conductive?
Mutley said:
I'm not sure how this happend but after fitting my sound card. Went to turn on the PC at the mains and a huge shock rushed up my arm. It literally forced my arm back about 2'foot and gave me minature spasms.

The pain passed after a few hours but what I don't understand is I was touching plastic to turn the plug on? It's non conductive?
Hm maybe that's what it/ they want you to THINK......... :|
Mutley said:
I'm not sure how this happend but after fitting my sound card. Went to turn on the PC at the mains and a huge shock rushed up my arm. It literally forced my arm back about 2'foot and gave me minature spasms.

The pain passed after a few hours but what I don't understand is I was touching plastic to turn the plug on? It's non conductive?

I've always been afraid of that happening when turning stuff on...
Your post didn't help...:p
I used to work at my uncle's company during school vacations when I was young. One summer long I replaced RAM in Macs (from 512KB to a whopping 1 MB; this was the latter half of the 80's). I've been pwned by electricity numerous times during those weeks. Forget to turn off juice -> touch RAM -> pwnage. I kinda got used to it actually. The first time I went wtf!!!! but after the umptienth time I was like meh.
I have a great one:
My friend has this great amp ('60 Fender) and it needed a replacement part. He called me over because he needed help doing the surgery. Now, as this was a very old thing, it had vacuum tubes and all that... dangerous stuff. I didn't take that into account when I opened it up, and stuck my hand in. I guess I must have come in contact with the tube, because the next thing I knew, I was on my back several feet away. I don't remember a bit of what happened, but my friend said I yelled and "flew" backward. Needless to say, we were careful after that.
hahah, yeh i have got my dick caught in the zipper before

and i have been thrown across the room too, by uk mains voltage, tbh i dont know how i didnt die, i was poking around in a lamp shade trying to get it to turn on, i put my fingers on the prongs*( to short to see in to see if bulb was there) and got electrocuted, arm spazmatazed all over the place and i landed on my back on the other side of my room :p
The thing is, I got lucky. Vacuum tubes are dangerous as all hell. If I'd grabbed it, I probably would've died.
I'm just waiting for short recoil to find this thread...
Hehe, I am quite lucky - cut myself a couple of times when opening PC cases, cut my hand once when installing a network card, but nothing much worse than that.

On the other hand, I was once unplugging a phone (really old one) from the wall socket, and the plug for it was very weird and without insulation. So of course, the moment I grab the plug, the frakking phone rings, and I feel current flowing through my hand... gee. Wasn't nearly strong enough to be dangerous, but it was certainly unplesant and it hurt.
Whenever, I take apart my PC, my videocard-to-monitor wire thingy is a fingerscrew, or whatever we're supposed to call them. I always tighten it so much, so taking it off is a biiatch. I always mess up my fingers trying to get it off, lol.
I have cuts all over my hands as whenever I'm building computers or repairing them, the cases attack me!
i don't think I will ever be able to have kids, I have been hit in the man jewels so many times. I remember once me and a friend were shooting shit with a pellet gun. He was acting a fool and shot me in the dick with a pellet gun.

So I then shot about 6 pellets into his foot.
I sacked myself on a handrail skateboarding last year.
It drew blood D: