a video card just beat the shit out of me :O

I'm with the crowd on this one, cheap aluminum PC cases have almost claimed fingers on more than one occasion...
No computer related injuries but my sister did stick a fork in a electrical outlet.:|
Skaadi said:
No computer related injuries but my sister did stick a fork in a electrical outlet.:|

And lived?!zomgskillz

I've had the lawnmower engine incident happen once when I was about 9...Instant 3rd degree burn, my hand is stilled scarred from the damned thing.

In woodshop I was building some railings for my workshop at home... Used an electric hacksaw, put my hand a tad too close to the blade... took a chunk out of my left thumb-heel(?)... bled all over the project... got the piece of skin / flesh sewed back on. :D
Hurt like a son of a bitch. :x

And just now... I just ****ing stubbed my left pinky toe! Gaaaah...:flame:
It's turning slightly purple, not good I suppose?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Look at it this way - if you had a resistance of zero, you would be unharmed by any current in existence.


*Respect +150*