A Warning Regarding Spoilers


May 15, 2004
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Soon, Episode 2 will begin preload and people will have access to spoilers. We're not going to completely disallow threads on this (but put spoiler in the title), but be warned: any spoilers garnered from those files posted outside of a specific spoiler thread will result in a permanent ban. Whether intentional or accidental, you will be banned.

The same applies to when the game is released. Mark any threads made with a prominent spoiler title, and put any spoilers not within a spoiler thread in a spoiler tag. Abuse the spoiler tags with fake spoilers and other dumb, inane shit and you will also be banned.

It's going to be a pain in the ass controlling it so no matter what shape or form your spoiling takes we'll just perma ban you.
Got ya, but how long will it be until we can post threads without the warning, 3-4 months maybe?
A few days after release and people are going to be discussing spoilers, so eventually it will just become standard to do so. Give it a few months and we'll relax it.
The best thing to do (IMO) is to just stay out of the forum until you've finished it.
Couldn't you just lock the site? Until after the release? Bucause I just KNOW I will click a spoiler and, well, spoil it.
I second this proclamation; Samon and I will be racing to ban you if this happens.
Heh. I personally am going to stop going to forums once Pre loading starts. I love this forum and steampowered, but I ruined Ep. 1 last year because of people opening up files with GCF.
Well done regulating the spoilers. I had a spoiler free Bioshock experience, and hope to have a good EP 2 one as well.

Glad to see you guys taking a strong stance on this one. I'm not usually one for over tight rules, but people who post spoilers are either lazy, or worse, malicious and neither should be here
Valve's already spoiled quite a bit. What with how to solve that cable-puzzle, the intro of the Hunter, the creepy advisor [sic] encounter, even the major character who dies. (That video someone posted a while ago). Still, better safe then sorry.
I of course am a sucker for spoilers (I call them answers), and will definitely be clicking all the tags I can find.:cheese:
People should also keep spoilers out of thread titles. That's a sure way to make a lot of people unhappy.
Ok, I'm going to make a promise here and now...

Repeat after me, all pre-loaders

I will not post any spoilers, major deaths or random bullshit about Half life 2 Episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2 until December 5th. Or I am given the OK by Samon
I can't remember exactly where. Suffice to say that the death animations were found with a very specific name attached to them.

Ah, here we go:


Watch at your own risk! Maybe it's all hoax, who knows.

Heres something similar, but more related to possible weapons: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc6imNid6cM

Interesting... for once my mouse just passed over those links, not wavering once. And as I shan't be pre-loading till I get my new PC a few days before, my will-power may manage to stop the spoils...
Ok, I'm going to make a promise here and now...

Repeat after me, all pre-loaders

I will not post any spoilers, major deaths or random bullshit about Half life 2 Episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2 until December 5th. Or I am given the OK by Samon

1) What can be spoilt in a multiplayer game, such as Team Fortress 2.

2) December 5th? Who gave that date? You? Do you own the site to give such a date? Maybe some people are getting the game for Christmas, which is a further 20 more days. Would it be fair on them to spoil it for them on the leadup to Christmas?
1) What can be spoilt in a multiplayer game, such as Team Fortress 2.

2) December 5th? Who gave that date? You? Do you own the site to give such a date? Maybe some people are getting the game for Christmas, which is a further 20 more days. Would it be fair on them to spoil it for them on the leadup to Christmas?

Owned. ^^ :p
I dunno what could be spoilt, I havnt played it, yet. But there might be secret areas or something that people don't want spoilt. And ok I'll change it.

I will not post any spoilers, major deaths or random bullshit about Half life 2 Episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2 until January 15th. Or I am given the OK by Samon
Yeah, for a while I was keen to learn all I could about Ep. 2 but now, with the release date drawing near, I'm having an as spoiler free as possible time before I play it.
It will probably be a week or 2 before I got Orange Box, perhaps a months.

Question: When Orange Box releases, is it ok to have thread reguarding what Ep2 song is they're favorite?
Even if song name will be Mecha Breen's Theme or Eli's burial? :)
Yes, but they have also their own names.

Episode One Tracks
1. Disrupted Original
2. Combine Advisory
3. Guard Down
4. Darkness at Noon
5. Self Destruction
6. Eine Kleiner Elevatormuzik
7. What Kind of Hospital Is This?
8. Infraradiant
9. Decay Mode
10. Penultimatum
Now it's out.

I am bumping this thread in hopes that people look at it again.

Zero tolerance spoilers policy is in effect.