A wee bit too far I think...


Jan 17, 2006
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It's on the radio at the moment that a bloke got an £80 fine from a police woman in a public park for saying F**k. He was chatting to a friend, and this was apparently one of the embelishments to the point he was making - she heard him and issued a ticket. Doesn't strike me as very fair at all - not at all difficult to hear swearing aroung the streets - didn't realise this was punishable like that.....
**** those ****ing police not allowing us to ****ing swear in public, it aint against the ****ing law is it? Show me in ****ing writing for ****s mother ****ing sake
*** a* **r**, ***-*** the ***or*** ***** ***** ****!
Is that too much to ask?
Seriously - a wee "Excuse me sir - could you keep your voice/language down, there are children about" or the like. According to the report, she warned him that he could get a ticket, then changed her mind and gave him one anyway. Sounds like she was having a bad day and this sap got the brunt of it. Eighty quid?!....isn't that going to make him swear <more>....
And i'm sure whatever conversation he was having with his friend didn't mean he had to use such language, so it's his own fault.
my friends and I once got fines totalling $240 for swearing ..twice for saying fcuk and once for saying shit ..and the tickets werent given by police but rather park rangers in Algonquin ..nazi bastards :)
That's how I talk on my mobile to my mates. It is absolutely ****in' ridiculous.

He should have told her to **** right off.
I hate this, free speech is free speech, I hope everyone watches a program called "Dispatches: Stealing Your Freedom" at 8 PM on Monday, Channel 4 (UK)

If anyone knows a way that action can be taken against measures that take away freedom and "civil liberties", please enlighten me.
**** this ****ing shit what the ****ing **** is wrong with this ****ing world?
****ing psycho****cops we should ****ing get rid of them for ****s sake because this is a ****ing outrage, I mean seriously, what the ****!?
It's not big and it's not clever.

But it is ****ing funny.
Its an offence to swear in a public place? Since when was tht part of the law?! You see kids vandalising the streets n swearing all the time..bt no nothings ever done about things like tht no one takes the problems tht actually matter seriously, they just cant be arsed.
I'm a secret police officer, so just give me 60 quid and everyone can go.
Donut4000 said:
*** a* **r**, ***-*** the ***or*** ***** ***** ****!
600 quid plz
CrazyHarij said:
what the ****, **** those ****ing ****ers
280 quid plz
Evo said:
**** those ****ing police not allowing us to ****ing swear in public, it aint against the ****ing law is it? Show me in ****ing writing for ****s mother ****ing sake
420 quid plz
Cptstern said:
fcuk and once for saying shit
nazi bastards :)
280 quid plz
ComradeBadger said:
I swear fkloads ;p
60 quid plz
That's how I talk on my mobile to my mates. It is absolutely ****in' ridiculous.

He should have told her to **** right off.
120 quid plz
Sulkdodds said:
60 quid plz
Gargantou said:
**** this ****ing shit what the ****ing **** is wrong with this ****ing world?
****ing psycho****cops we should ****ing get rid of them for ****s sake because this is a ****ing outrage, I mean seriously, what the ****!?
720 quid plz

2540 POUNDS! zOMG!
*~Alex~* said:
Its an offence to swear in a public place? Since when was tht part of the law?! You see kids vandalising the streets n swearing all the time..bt no nothings ever done about things like tht no one takes the problems tht actually matter seriously, they just cant be arsed.

I agree - I can see, quite understandably, the police would want to try and shut someone up for being an obnoxious idiot if they are letting off a blue-aired tirade and causing a load of noise - but this fine is financially equating saying F*ck to speeding. Hardly the same gravity imo....
Its absolutely disgraceful, they need to sort out the police force/justice system especially here in the UK its kinda spiraling out of control! They also need to get their act together on the whole sentances for prison, a burglar whose commited like one crime gets sent down for more time tht a flipping rapist or murderer these days!
*~Alex~* said:
Its absolutely disgraceful, they need to sort out the police force/justice system especially here in the UK its kinda spiraling out of control! They also need to get their act together on the whole sentances for prison, a burglar whose commited like one crime gets sent down for more time tht a flipping rapist or murderer these days!
QFT, it's completely "out of proportion"
My Opinion.
Swear all you want, as long as its not around children or the elderly.
I wouldnt fine someone for it, id just smack you if it were around someone who I care about and doesnt want to hear language like that.
dont swear around the elderly? are they in a fragile mental state that I'm unaware of?
My ****ing Grandma swears a-****ing-lot around me, so why the **** can't I ****ing swear 'round her too for ****s sake!?
both my grandmothers are dead ..but respect isnt dependant on age
what that they were dead? or that respect isnt age dependant?
CptStern said:
both my grandmothers are dead ..but respect isnt dependant on age

You're right, its about the size of your bits. :cheese:
I would have told her to shove that ****ing ticket up her ****ing A$$. :flame:
I would have made all her clothes fall off with my mind, so i could see everything.....everything.

LOL, you won't get that unless you see that "picard is a pervert" video that clarky posted a link to in the vids thread.
Jack_Karverboy said:
**** the po lice comin straight out the unda ground!

..Young ***** got it bad cuz I'm brown

NWA ...loved that album back in the day
This is the first step in Tony Blair's "Respect" agenda.

Better get your fill of swearing now, before BB gets you!
NWA win.

I would only not swear around my grandmother because she comes from a time when the worst insult imaginable was 'you bounder!' Or something.
Hahaha, bounder. Thats going right to the book.