a weird thing about 9/11 and this forum

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Oct 14, 2006
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Whenever I make an inquiery why so many explosions occured within the world trade center structure, way off the actual plane damage, my threads get locked before anybody can explain. Why is that?
Are they just to lame to answer a simple question?
Shut the **** up about this and gtfo.

What are you ridiculing me for?
I haven't yet stated any conspiracy theory and you all ready act like children.

So, why DID in fact 7 fall?

If you can't explain, then you're free to ridicule me in order to cover-up your un-knowledge about the case.
no is because who are agents of the iluminati manchery the secret society that controls the goverments of the world since the cruxificion of jesus, and the 911 was another of the "history episodes" we made to control history as we see fit for our purposes
we also are behind stuff like the sinking of the titanic, industrial revolution,the cruzades and more

as since you are not acting like we planed your family and friends and relatives and you will be incinerated and the remains thrown to space,all your documents like ID and social security number including of the rest of the group will be eliminated to make clear you never existed

so prepare to surrender since there is no escape cuz your location is surrounded

this message and every computer where it appeared will destroy in 5 seconds
/disconected,countdown started
W4d5Y is on to us! What ever can we do?

Seriously, W4d5Y, just shut the **** up. We're tired of your bullshit.
Maybe because you made so many threads about a topic that could have been kept to one discussion?
It's because threads about 9/11 are:


Just like this one.
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