A you does a smoke?

Do you smoke cigarettes/tobacco?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 16.7%
  • Nope, never have

    Votes: 89 64.5%
  • I used to

    Votes: 11 8.0%
  • Only when I _____

    Votes: 15 10.9%

  • Total voters


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Curiosity pole. Do you smoke-de-bogeys?

If yes, for how long, how much do you smoke a day, and what do you usually smoke? What do you think of your habbit? Do you enjoy it, or are you trying to quit?

I smoke Marlboro reds, usually about a pack every other day. On exciting days, I can burn through an entire pack easy. When things are pretty boring, I can make a pack last me 2-3 days. Been smoking for about 3 years now, but i've been doing it regularly for only maybe a year or so. ****ing hate it.
My third cigarette, ever, turned into me smoking half a pack while I was drunk last summer. The next day, I couldn't bring a cigarette to my lips or smell the smoke without wanting to vomit. I hope it stays that way, but I can foresee myself rationalising multiple cigarettes this summer.

Also what Emp said. Green's the scene! Tobac' is wack.
About a pack three packs a week. I've also recently developed the disgusting habit of smoking menthol cigarettes. :|
i used to smoke weed on and off for about 3 years. i used to smoke cigarettes at parties and smoke cigars at the end of high school for about 6 months
Nope. Not yet.

Gotta try weed one of these days though. I'm on the philosophy of 'try everything once'.
Nope. Not yet.

Gotta try weed one of these days though. I'm on the philosophy of 'try everything once'.

even butt sex?? I'll pass. my ass will be a virgin till the day i die

also weed is definitely an eye opener. try the Afghani shit. just a lil bit will last you a long time plus it knocks you on your ass. best i've ever had
Nope, never.

I heard a story about a guy I vaguely knew of who didn't smoke, but chewed tobacco. Apparently he used to carry a plastic bottle around with him to spit tobacco juice into.

Don't do that. It's pretty disgusting.
Nope, never.

I heard a story about a guy I vaguely knew of who didn't smoke, but chewed tobacco. Apparently he used to carry a plastic bottle around with him to spit tobacco juice into.

Don't do that. It's pretty disgusting.

Tried Marlboro Menthol Snus once.

Holy **** that shit is gross. Spit like a water fountain, and if any of your saliva actually makes it down your throat, it burnnnnsss so bad.

I needed a cigarette after that. Chewing tobacco is a major no go.
There is no excuse for smoking in 2010.
Smoke a cigar with my friend about once every two months. I should probably stop.
I can't smoke. Asthma. Doesn't stop me from standing around my friends when they smoke black and milds, though. God I love that smell.
Camels, up to three packs a week. Other than that I tried some weed (didn't like it much) and Salvia Divinorum (great shit, but it's now illegal here and very hard to come by).

6Three said:
There is no excuse for smoking in 2010.

Just like there's no excuse for drinking alcohol, eating junk food and so on. They're unhealthy, dirty pleasures that you can't really force people to stop doing. But it's become hip recently to hate cigs, so let's just jump on the bandwagon :rolleyes: .
Only ever took one puff each from a cherry cigar and a cigarette. Hated both of them. That was when i was around 12-13 or so, so I put "never".
Smoked for a long ass time, maybe 15 years, and managed to quit. I quit July 4th 2007. Independence Day.

I also smoked for a few months when I was only 14 but quit then too. I had to steal them unless I could sneak in and use the vending machine.

I find smoking interesting and fun little thing to do, but it's really unhealthy, expensive, and smells like ****ing shit.
nothings hotter than a heavily tattooed chick walking by that smells of smoke. to me thats a turn on. can't say everyone has a fetish but thats just me
Camels, up to three packs a week. Other than that I tried some weed (didn't like it much) and Salvia Divinorum (great shit, but it's now illegal here and very hard to come by).

Just like there's no excuse for drinking alcohol, eating junk food and so on. They're unhealthy, dirty pleasures that you can't really force people to stop doing. But it's become hip recently to hate cigs, so let's just jump on the bandwagon :rolleyes: .

Ever since I came to Poland I've noticed a lot more people smoking. I've progressed from 4 cigs a day to half a pack a day, and it sucks - but I DON'T CARE. Smoking is cool.
even butt sex?? I'll pass. my ass will be a virgin till the day i die

also weed is definitely an eye opener. try the Afghani shit. just a lil bit will last you a long time plus it knocks you on your ass. best i've ever had

Friend had some hash for his first time. He loved it.
Friend had some hash for his first time. He loved it.

sad enough, when i was a pot head i never tried Hash but i do remember my friend made a pot sandwich and the next morning his dad had a very tough time waking him up. he said after we hung out he passed out at like midnight and slept like a baby. he was literally stoned for the next few days too. i guess your body takes longer to digest the materials
Nope. Not yet.

Gotta try weed one of these days though. I'm on the philosophy of 'try everything once'.

I'm on the philosophy of 'never try anything unless forced to'. That's how I experienced alcohol; freshmen hazing.

even butt sex?? I'll pass. my ass will be a virgin till the day i die

also weed is definitely an eye opener. try the Afghani shit. just a lil bit will last you a long time plus it knocks you on your ass. best i've ever had

Thank you for supporting terrorism and the Taliban. :p

Anyway, I don't plan on smoking. I'm generally against the use of narcotic or semi-narcotic substances for non-medical, recreational use.
Ew no, smokers are worse than Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined.
Tried a cigarette one new year's eve just before midnight for a laugh, and so I could trun around and basically say ''Smoking sucks, and yes, Ive tried it myself''.

Never again. Never fought so hard to clear my lungs.

And smoking should be banned outright. Let the flame (lighters?) wars begin.

As far as Im concerned, smokers get extra breaks at work, we have to walk around you when you huddle together by the building entrances, we have to have special smoking areas for you, gazeebos have to put up for you smokers in certain areas when its raining (building sites etc).

Non-smokers are bending over for the smokers. And when we politely ask you to ***k off when you smoke near us, you sneer and stay where you are. 'Oh im outside, why should I move and not you?'. Get ***ked. I should punch you in the face. I dont want your death-stick near me, I dont want any hint of smoke near me. Atleast have the decency to realise that smoke still hangs around when youre outside you idiots.

'It makes me feel less hungry' - bahaha
'Its social' - Err, so is watching a film with mates
'Im addicted' - *sigh*
Sometimes at parties when I'm offered, but I usually go for snus instead, since that's a much stronger "high" (in lack of a better word), and it doesn't smell.
I first smoked when I was 16-17, classic frat-boy party scenario etc.

Under normal circumstances these days I would probably be smoking weed at least once a day, usually at the end of said day when I've gotten everything out of the way.

I'm not really thinking about quitting anyway, if anything, I just cut back when I need to.

I'm vaporising as I type though, does that count too?
I smoke between half a pack and a pack a day, smoking for about three years. I <3 my cigarettes but it's a filthy habit and I do not at all recommend picking it up.
Lucky Strikes. A pack a week normally, more when drinking, still more when smoking other stuff, way more when on interesting chemicals. Fewer when working.
I only smoke weed when I need to, and I need to get some rest.
About 2-3 years ago i used to only smoke during parties or when going out drinking with friends. I stopped after about 1 year of doing that, and havent smoked ever since. Tobacco that is.
I have an occasional cigar (as in, one every few months) socially while drinking. Goes well with spirits.
I've tried it a few time when drunk and never liked it.