A you does a smoke?

Do you smoke cigarettes/tobacco?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 16.7%
  • Nope, never have

    Votes: 89 64.5%
  • I used to

    Votes: 11 8.0%
  • Only when I _____

    Votes: 15 10.9%

  • Total voters
Yes i do smoking not so much but yes. many people do smoking and they will never leave it.i think it is better than chewing tobacco.

I'll usually smoke about 7 cigarettes if I'm going out that night, I can easily go days smoking nothing though.

My favourites are lucky strikes and camel, but I usually have to settle with LandB

Days without smoking. You truly are a marvel of willpower.

No I don't smoke. Smoking is awful. I tried a cigarette once as a kid that was offered to me by my friends and it was ****ing horrific. Felt like I was inhaling fire, and it's not as cool as it sounds!

It just saddens me that decades from now when we're all still posting on these forums, that you guys are going to be posting lung cancer threads.
I'm a strict non-smoker. I don't mind people smoking, it's their choice as long as they do it away from non-smokers. Although by choice I've often stood with my friends while they have ciggies and I have no right to complain then because it's my choice to stand there.

I just wouldn't ever start. Don't smoke, don't do any drugs.

I do drink a fair amount but only because for some reason I don't get drunk easily and apparently (according to the Doc when I was having tests done for the medication I used to be on) I can handle a substantial amount more alcohol than the average Joe before it's a risk to my health.

I admittedly get drunk occasionally but that's because I'm 21 in July and a Uni Student sooooo... I go out... A lot...

Just wouldn't like to pour my money down the drain on stuff that gives you cancer and makes you wheeze. :p
Never cared for tobacco. Tastes and smells awful. Trying to stop smoking weed, but goddamn. I love getting high.
I smoke shisha (tobacco/syrup concoction thats scented) out of a hookah during the weekend with friends, usually in 4-5 hour sessions. Tastes good and it's fun to shoot the shit while blowing smoke rings, just a social thing really.
I tried it once, didn't see anything attractive about it, but it wasn't that bad either. Not something I'd do though.
Just wouldn't like to pour my money down the drain on stuff that gives you cancer and makes you wheeze. :p

No, just stuff that gives you cancer and causes liver disease.
Yes i do smoking not so much but yes. many people do smoking and they will never leave it.i think it is better than chewing tobacco.


...So nobody noticed this thread was a year old?
I did. I even looked at my old post. Opinion hasn't changed. :v
No, just stuff that gives you cancer and causes liver disease.

1. I'm not addicted to it, so I don't pour money down the drain on it.

2. I don't drink enough of it to give me cancer or cause me liver disease.

I explained number 2 already. My liver has always been perfectly fine when tested.
...So nobody noticed this thread was a year old?

I did.

It's funny when some random 1-poster bumps a year old thread and everyone joins in the thread as if it's all normal. I just picture like a bunch of old people talking, and then you just mention a new topic and they immediately start talking about that, instantly forgetting what they were previously discussing.
did you stuff them with quicklime and bury them under the shed?

I made them rub lotion on themselves for an extended period of time before making a skin suit out of them.
Hilaryy is probably a resurrection of the committed and marginally ingenious spammer who recently went so far in his or her attempts to elude discovery that they put their spam link in a smiley where probably nobody would click on it anyway. It would appear hir latest plan is to post without any link at all, and then add one in somewhere much later, when nobody's looking. It's a bit like Democratic attempts at reform: watered down so profoundly to gain acceptance that Trading Standards would have their guts for garters if they packaged it as 'medicine'.
I used to do hookah socially once in a blue moon, but these days dating back to when I voted I'd even given that up.
It's funny when some random 1-poster bumps a year old thread and everyone joins in the thread as if it's all normal.

And its just sad that even after it being pointed out to them, it keeps going. I picture a group of people so sad and lonely that even when someone mentions that they already discussed something, they continue on, repeating everything that was said last time, just so they can stave off loneliness for a few extra minutes.
Yeah, Christ dodds learn to read and write.
I wasn't poking fun at his ability to write. Dodds is by far the most accomplished and erudite writer on the forum. I was just irked that he's using those darn things.

Oh and he also slipped up and mixed pronouns in his use of 'his or her' and 'they' and 'their' referring to the same subject in the same sentence. If he had just stuck with 'him' (which, statistically, is more likely for a spammer), said stylistic mixup might not have happened.
I was just irked that he's using those darn things.

Don't you mean... hirked.

The first and only people I've seen use the word 'hir' until now were furries.

Unless that means...
I started smoking cigs again last week. We're all going to get cancer from the Fukushima fallout anyways so **** it
I started smoking cigs again last week. We're all going to get cancer from the Fukushima fallout anyways so **** it

Not me. I'm going underground into my bunker and in a few years time I'll re-emerge wit my shotgunz and find sum stimpaks, yo.
There was a point where stress/anxiety really got to me and most of my friends were smokers. I got a lot of secondhand smoke, got real used to the smell and was tempted to try it out as a way to relax. So glad I didn't.
I wasn't poking fun at his ability to write. Dodds is by far the most accomplished and erudite writer on the forum. I was just irked that he's using those darn things.

Oh and he also slipped up and mixed pronouns in his use of 'his or her' and 'they' and 'their' referring to the same subject in the same sentence. If he had just stuck with 'him' (which, statistically, is more likely for a spammer), said stylistic mixup might not have happened.
Pffft, whatever. Proofreading my entire white pimply arse. Deal is, we still got gender trouble up to here in our society. Language is a big part of that; nobody with a faculty for language (I sheepishly confess it) can honestly ignore or afford to ignore how important words can be. It's not like I believe that by using a gender neutral pronoun I'm going to save a third world housewife from domestic abuse, or magically change people's consciousness. It is more a matter of refusing to blithely accept a history of violence, and shoving just a little hint of that ugliness before the noses of people who read it. Yeah, a made-up word seems strange and unnatural in the flow of my sentence - so it should. A default "he" should not pass below our notice, not because it is in itself a particularly potent symbol of women's oppression but because it is an easy shortcut to the moment where for a split-second one has to be briefly conscious of an issue that is dangerous precisely because it is unconscious. After what I've studied I have to acknowledge that surprising and uncouth prose is a legitimate tactic, because it makes temporarily visible - abstracted, alienated, considered anew - the arbitrary strangeness of the notions by which we live our lives. Why shouldn't that be waved in people's faces sometimes just because they don't want their precious stylistics disrupted? Basically, screw off!


I am not a furry. I am just this dog, inside, in my soul.
I did.

It's funny when some random 1-poster bumps a year old thread and everyone joins in the thread as if it's all normal. I just picture like a bunch of old people talking, and then you just mention a new topic and they immediately start talking about that, instantly forgetting what they were previously discussing.

It's funny that people complain about it.
Mr. Dodds,

It seems to me you're implying that the de facto attitude of those who use a masculine generic pronoun is an acceptance of a 'history of violence.' Association fallacy! Bad! That's a bit of a stretch. I know it's rather deconstructionist, but I prefer what I write to be read (mostly) on its own. If I say 'he' it's either because I was too lazy to construct the sentence to avoid the generic pronoun, or I didn't have time to. Trust me, on several occasions I've grappled with using 'his or her' five times in a sentence because in the context (school), I knew I had to tread carefully. I refuse to use 'hir' on the basis that it's just silly sounding (and confusing in its American pronunciation).

If I'm going to bring about an historical/linguistic allusion, I'll try and make it obvious. Otherwise, don't go finding phalli in my Rorshach blots. Yes, I know, we all say things that are ostensibly alright but that actually perpetuate the dark, stygian asshole that is English language history, but you have to draw a line, given our context.

That's part of the reason I got on your ass about it in the first place. You bring in "hir" in a fairly hamfisted manner as if it had some relevance to the discussion. If we're discussing sociology, politics, or women in the kitchen, sure, by all means, use it. If you're trying to make some statement that reveals the "arbitrary strangeness of the notions" of our cultural constructions--in pertinence to spam accounts, I guess?--then, well, you picked a strange place to do it. If we're talking about a jerkoff spam poster, on this kind of forum, in this thread, I don't think anyone (except those who are baitable like me) is going to take notice.


Linguist morans and their language games. Don't you know that the rules of grammar are arbitrary constructs? Go read some Wittgenstein you twats

I stopped smoking Lucky Strikes, now I roll.

roll roll roll
Taking back my vote. Sometimes I smoke weed. Not very often.