

Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
What does it really improve? It slaughters alot of FPS, so it would be good to know what it actually does?
dumb answer, but it makes the graphics look better. makes corners look better and stuff i think.
Simply put - AA smoothes off jagged edges, and AF makes blurred textures at a distance look sharper.
Why does that slow down games so much (with not great graphics cards) it doesn't seem that much.
Oh yes it does, well atleast 8 AF. Try 8 AF and 4 AA once and then turn them off and you'll see how crappy graphic it is without them.
Yeah, AA and AF make the game look nicer, a lot nicer. And the reason it kills FPS is because of the general rule of too much of a good thing is bad.
I perfer AF over AA although I like them both.
You should look here.
I run at 4xAA/16xAF.
Bottom line = They make the game look better. Something I desire a lot :D
I don't really need AA when running at higher resolutions, 640x480 or 800x600 I would understand but I'd rather run 1280x1024 with no AA than 1024x768 with 4xAA.
FarCry is a good example for AA/AF since the huge environments really show of the difference between no AA/AF and high AA/AF.

Too lazy to take screenshots :)
lazicsavo said:
FarCry is a good example for AA/AF since the huge environments really show of the difference between no AA/AF and high AA/AF.

Too lazy to take screenshots :)

Take some, please! :)