AAHHA-Gabe is so funny!

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1. Open up mail on the screen
2. clear out all other windows that may clutter the view of the email
3. hit the print screen button. hit it 2 or 3 time just to be sure
4. open MSpaint by usint the start menu or typing MSpaint in the 'Run' box
5. click on edit at the top of the screen
6. click paste and save the pic as a jpg or a gif
7. add as an attachment and post in this thread

^ hope that makes things simple ^ :thumbs:
you need yerself some photoshop =\ I could do that in a jiffy, editting the pic and all that jazz :P kidding, I still love you tred :)

btw I don't think MSPaint can encode gifs or jpgs.
well damn if your gonna lie about this you should atleast had the fake pic ready ;)
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
btw I don't think MSPaint can encode gifs or jpgs.
I thought that, but apparently it can now (at least on XP).
word, thats pretty cool. at least it doesn't make it s atotal waste, for all 23 people without an illegal version of photoshop :P
Omg, I got the pic!!!

This is tredoslop at nw909's ACCOUNT!!!! LOL ROOGLEDSW!
Tred, do like i did. Open up the email and take a screenie and use mspaint...

I posted how to do this on page 3(?) of this thread.
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
Tred, do like i did. Open up the email and take a screenie and use mspaint...

I posted how to do this on page 3(?) of this thread.

You have to be 1337 and use 40 posts per page...

15 sucks.
But I am 1337. I have to resort to using Netzero,(which is cheaper and more reliable than AOHELL). See the pic I posted above and notice the netzero Platn00b bar....

and I'm asian...:afro:
Tredoslop send screenshot to me, I'll recompress it for you.


And btw if this guy still don't know how to make pic of this mail he is either 8 year old or retarded.
Ha! I go to Trinity High School( www.thsrock.net ) and more than half the guys at that school don't even know how to find the 'any' key. they are older than Tredo and they still type papers with their index fingers. The vast majority are n00bs. There are about 30-40 of us that actually know what we are doing when we use a computer.
thank you for telling us about you school (that seems to be all retarded?)
Originally posted by Cujo
And btw if this guy still don't know how to make pic of this mail he is either 8 year old or retarded.
Maybe he genuinely doesn't know how - is that wrong? And there's nothing wrong with being 8 years old either, even if he was...
Originally posted by x84D80Yx
thank you for telling us about you school (that seems to be all retarded?)

Not retarded. They're just not technologically savvy.

well somebody help this kid with this picture.. lol
Roger that! C'mon Tredo!! We need something to keep us going for another 2 weeks.

Edit: I believe you Tredo. Just wanna help you get a pic up.
we wouldnt call you a liar if you had proof...which you said was coming SOON but seems to not be coming at all.
I believe him, only for the fact that the grammar used in the reply is beyond him :)
Dude, he's just delaying it because he doesn't have it.

Also these forums should be 18+ and you should have to include your SS number for proof.
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
Dude, he's just delaying it because he doesn't have it.

Also these forums should be 18+ and you should have to include your SS number for proof.

Well that would be extremely stupid.
Password Confirm:
Social Security #:
Credit Card #:
Home Address:
Home Phone:

Fake. Let this thread Die, and Tredo, don't go trying to start trends like this. Shame on you.
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