Ab Exceriszorz!


Jul 26, 2005
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Need an exercise for my obliques (spelling?), or the sides of my abs. They've wasted away and I must shred them.

Preferably without barbells.
Uriel said:
Need an exercise for my obliques (spelling?), or the sides of my abs. They've wasted away and I must shred them.

Preferably without barbells.

Have somebody pummel you in the gut repeatedly.
vegeta897 said:
*Sounds Short Recoil Alarm*

*builds giant bondfire and tosses 100 pound sack of garlic in the center and dances around naked*
Just give yourself coffee enemas. It won't help with the gut, but it will make me laugh :thumbs:
Do Jackknifes or this one kick-ab technique I learned from encampment. Called flippy-kicks or butterfly or sumthin. Either one of those you will only have to do a few every day like 10-15 or 20 + if you are hardcore. Guarnatee stronger abs and you dont have to pay for gay equipment that doesnt work. Actually dont do them every day. Rest one day in between or two.
If you're looking to build abdominal strength, you can't go wrong with flutter kicks.
I really hate exercise to the point where I'd rather be fat
stick an ice tea spoon down your throat FTW only chicks work there mid section anyways, work that upper body! :thumbs:
weight room.

6 pack + love handles = sexy

Party in the front, business on the sides.
bvasgm said:
If you're looking to build abdominal strength, you can't go wrong with flutter kicks.

That's what they are called!

And that one excersize, where you lay on your back and lift your legs to a perpindicular stance, lower slowly without touching ground, and repeat.