Abercrombie & Fitch fires one armed girl


May 5, 2004
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A disabled law student is suing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch for discrimination, claiming it made her work in a stockroom because her prosthetic arm didn't fit its public image.

Riam Dean, 22, was just days into a part-time job at the U.S. firm's flagship London store when she says she was asked to leave the shop floor.

She claims she was told she broke the company's 'Look Policy', which dictates how members of staff are meant to present themselves.


I don't see why she is up in arms over this but I have to give her a hand for her determination <one handed clap>
She should have knocked her manager out, the old one-two.
She should consider herself lucky, that place usually costs an arm and a leg.
You clap one handed by slapping the back of your neck. (Fresh Prince)
i hate places like Abercrombie and Shit, first of all they poor cologne all over the place and its hard to breath let alone think when you in there. Second the place is ridiculously priced and third the cloths fall apart quickly. What ever happened to wearing the same jeans until they got massive holes in them?? Now every douch bag goes and buys a pair of all ready ripped jeans and thinks its hot stuff but really its old clothes from the Salvation Army
I thought they fired a single employee because she brought a gun to work :(
i hate places like Abercrombie and Shit, first of all they poor cologne all over the place and its hard to breath let alone think when you in there. Second the place is ridiculously priced and third the cloths fall apart quickly. What ever happened to wearing the same jeans until they got massive holes in them?? Now every douch bag goes and buys a pair of all ready ripped jeans and thinks its hot stuff but really its old clothes from the Salvation Army

that's odd I thought Buffalo was too damn ugly to get a Abercrombie & Fitch ..or are you talking about stores outside of the city like in Canada?
You've got to hand it to her, really. This could cost the company and arm and a leg.
If she wins the case, at least she'll have her five digits again.
Sure, this makes them look bad, but keep in mind there's only a handful of these kind of cases.
Sure, this makes them look bad, but keep in mind there's only a handful of these kind of cases.

That may be, but apparently a couple years ago they had to hand out £25million in a similar lawsuit.
I must admit I'm surprised they were allowed to legally enforce such a strict dress policy. Generally the UK is pretty relaxed about appearance beyond a basic uniform. I remember our local supermarket in Brighton, the uniform was the only way to distinguish the Staff from the customers and the big issue sellers ;)
I'm going to go out on a limb here....

But this store is as strict as the Army.
Couldn't they have just given her one of the mannequin arms? Those are obviously suitable enough.
are you suggesting she join the armed forces? bravo sir <sound of one hand clapping>

Couldn't they have just given her one of the mannequin arms? Those are obviously suitable enough.

actually with the right arm she could get the job of store manniquin
I find the story pretty humerus, personally.
I think that was more a dig at Tenacious (or possibly you) than a pro-dabomb comment. Also no, he's an 09 and barely has made his mark here yet.

It's possible this chick is just trying to capitalize off getting fired, but capitalizing off Abercrombie is alright with me regardless of whether or not they're 'guilty' in this case. I guess she just wasn't handsome enough.

Though I'm not sure exactly what's going on there I still have him ignored.
He's annoying as sin, and we rip on him even when he's not here, I think is what's happening?
You gotta hand it to him though, he is a good flamebait.
He's a trooper.

Though, he doesn't really bother me. I think you guys go out of your way to get annoyed by him.
That may be, but apparently a couple years ago they had to hand out £25million in a similar lawsuit.
I hope the courts come down on them with a heavy hand with this case then.

Also, this thread makes me lol.
that's odd I thought Buffalo was too damn ugly to get a Abercrombie & Fitch ..or are you talking about stores outside of the city like in Canada?

I think we have about 3-5 locations in the local area. most people around here wear another name brand...begins with an H I think. I'm so damn tired right now my brain can't process the info
she will put a cyborg arm and take REVENGE!!
Being all proud of dabomb abuse does not:
- make earlier join date members think you're cool
- make you cool
- give you any kind of e-cred
it does:
- raise the likelihood of you getting banned and promptly forgotten
- make you seem even more annoying than him
- aggravate the living shit out of me
I guess with all this evidence she's fully armed and equipped to fight their lawyers hand-to-hand.
I don't see what the fuss is about, the situation appears mostly armless.
I don't want to go out on a limb here but I think all these bad jokes aren't very punny.
Damn it where the hell do you people get all this creativity from?!?!?!?

and why would she want to work for a company that tells you how long your fingernails have to be.
this is armbelievable.

**** you you guys took all the good ones already.