Abortionist shot dead

Not to mention that a lot of them are fat.
the problem with the politics forum is that just about anybody with an opinion feels they have a right to be heard ...techincally that may be true however some opinions are better when they're left unsaid ..what was the old quote? "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Saturos stfu
the problem with the politics forum is that just about anybody with an opinion feels they have a right to be heard ...techincally that may be true however some opinions are better when they're left unsaid ..what was the old quote? "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Saturos stfu

That's not a particularly fair comment, and there's really nothing wrong with Saturos' opinion.

I think abortion is wrong - or, at least, an unwelcome eventuality which should be avoided as far as is practicable. I'm not religious in the least. Neither do I think that abortion should be illegal.

However, to go and get knocked up, and then have an abortion when you could have put the baby up for adoption, is nothing but selfish and cowardly, and a total shirking of one's responsibilities.

Yeah, to outlaw abortion would solve nothing, and it shouldn't be the state's business anyway. To encourage the practice under any circumstances is equally reprehensible, AND it sends completely the wrong message about personal responsibility and consequences. Why should I pay for some stupid kid's abortion.
People are awful fond of criticising women for not carrying unwanted pregnancies to term and giving the child for adoption. It's selfish? Maybe somewhat, but it's not as if there are no risks or adverse health effects associated with pregnancy.
Women still die during childbirth, or from complications. Post-partum depression can be dangerous. There are also a whole host of less serious problems, from back pain to hemorrhoids to edema.

Not to mention the possible (probable) adverse effect on the woman's career.
People are awful fond of criticising women for not carrying unwanted pregnancies to term and giving the child for adoption. It's selfish? Maybe somewhat, but it's not as if there are no risks or adverse health effects associated with pregnancy.
Women still die during childbirth, or from complications. Post-partum depression can be dangerous. There are also a whole host of less serious problems, from back pain to hemorrhoids to edema.

Unless there's a specific medical issue that makes it notably dangerous for that particular woman, I don't see that as a valid excuse. If the risk was small enough to keep the baby if it was wanted, then it's small enough to go through with it if it's unwanted.

Not to mention the possible (probable) adverse effect on the woman's career.

Again, it's not really an excuse.
I think abortion is wrong - or, at least, an unwelcome eventuality which should be avoided as far as is practicable. I'm not religious in the least. Neither do I think that abortion should be illegal.

However, to go and get knocked up, and then have an abortion when you could have put the baby up for adoption, is nothing but selfish and cowardly, and a total shirking of one's responsibilities.

Yeah, to outlaw abortion would solve nothing, and it shouldn't be the state's business anyway.

I agree with you - I feel like abortion is very wrong and I sure as hell would never get one myself, but people should choose whether or not they want to or not. And yes, abortion seems like a "get out of jail free card" for those that did go out and be a slut and ended up preggers - adoption is the better way to go. Obviously there are exceptions: health reasons that might endanger the mom, the cliche "omg I'm sixteen and my parents will kill me/throw me out of the house/etc. so I can't tell them" situation (which can be solved without abortion if the parents are human), etc, financial reasons, etc. And of course you have people who want abortion to be ok in the case of rape - half the time due to trauma, a woman probably won't get pregnant from a rape anyways, and to tell you the truth, if I ended up preggers after a rape, I'd keep the baby anyway (or at least give it up for adoption if I wasn't ready).

The problem I see right now is that we haven't been able to really say when exactly an unborn baby becomes a "human". The religious side says "at conception", partly because that's what the Bible says (and other holy religious books say as well); you've got others that say that it becomes 'human" when there is significant brain function, but that time is hard to pinpoint. And you've got a select few that think the baby's gotta pop out first to be "human". Question is, does sperm+egg=human? Or is it later when that becomes human?

That's up to individual people to decide, in my opinion.
That's not a particularly fair comment, and there's really nothing wrong with Saturos' opinion.

his opinion holds no validity because it's based on nothing more than emotion

I think abortion is wrong - or, at least, an unwelcome eventuality which should be avoided as far as is practicable. I'm not religious in the least. Neither do I think that abortion should be illegal.

it's either "abortion for all" or "abortion for no one" : there is no middle ground

However, to go and get knocked up, and then have an abortion when you could have put the baby up for adoption, is nothing but selfish and cowardly, and a total shirking of one's responsibilities.

you're implying this is people's goals: "I'll go out and get knocked up so I can then have an abortion". also are you saying that a woman who is empregnated during a rape is a coward? or the teenager who's barely out of her childhood herself, or the mother who's baby's quality of life will be next to nil if she should go through with the pregnancy a coward and selfish? you cant generalise over something that is different in every single case. it's easy to generalise because it's not you who has to care for the kid it's not you who has to make the life and death deciicion, it's not you who has to decide adoption. it's easy to sit in judgement of things you have absolutely no understanding of.

Yeah, to outlaw abortion would solve nothing, and it shouldn't be the state's business anyway. To encourage the practice under any circumstances is equally reprehensible.

it shouldnt be the state's business? so we go back to abortions in back alleys with coathangers then?

this is beyond ridiculous, who enocurages "the practice under any circumstance" as if it's a recreational pastime instead of the most difficult choice anyone could ever make. The state encourages NOTHING, they give choices, nothing more nothing less
Not to mention the possible (probable) adverse effect on the woman's career.

I do hope you're not saying that it is pregnancy that can have an adverse effect on a woman's career.
If so, that's an awfully old, 1950's viewpoint that's been dead & gone, my friend - women have been having babies all over and their careers are just fine - that's what maternity leave is for.
his opinion holds no validity because it's based on nothing more than emotion

For a start that's not the case, and secondly emotions aren't necessarily wrong. Otherwise we'd all go round killing people we don't like without remorse.

it's either "abortion for all" or "abortion for no one" : there is no middle ground

Like I said, I don't think it should be illegal. Lots of things are legal, but they are still morally wrong.

you're implying this is people's goals: "I'll go out and get knocked up so I can then have an abortion". also are you saying that a woman who is empregnated during a rape is a coward? or the teenager who's barely out of her childhood herself, or the mother who's baby's quality of life will be next to nil if she should go through with the pregnancy a coward and selfish? you cant generalise over something that is different in every single case. it's easy to generalise because it's not you who has to care for the kid it's not you who has to make the life and death deciicion, it's not you who has to decide adoption. it's easy to sit in judgement of things you have absolutely no understanding of.

Where did I say that every woman that has an abortion has such intentions? Regardless, it's very wrong to use abortion as a lifestyle choice - and in the majority of cases, that's exactly how it is used. "Oh, I don't want that baby, it's an inconvenience to me so I'll get rid of it".

it shouldnt be the state's business? so we go back to abortions in back alleys with coathangers then?

No, you misunderstood. It's not the state's business to forbid women from getting abortions. But, like cheating on your girlfriend or ****ing your friend over, it's still wrong.

this is beyond ridiculous, who enocurages "the practice under any circumstance" as if it's a recreational pastime instead of the most difficult choice anyone could ever make. The state encourages NOTHING, they give choices, nothing more nothing less

The state encourages it by offering free no questions asked abortion services to anyone who wants them - and, in the case of underage pregnancies, being obligated not to inform the parents. People like you encourage it by acting as if there is nothing wrong with it under any circumstances.

You want an abortion, fine. You pay for it. Not me.
I do hope you're not saying that it is pregnancy that can have an adverse effect on a woman's career.
If so, that's an awfully old, 1950's viewpoint that's been dead & gone, my friend - women have been having babies all over and their careers are just fine - that's what maternity leave is for.

that's not entirely true. women are still passed for promotion because of "oh they may get pregnant". I've seen it first hand

gFrohman said:
Unless there's a specific medical issue that makes it notably dangerous for that particular woman, I don't see that as a valid excuse. If the risk was small enough to keep the baby if it was wanted, then it's small enough to go through with it if it's unwanted.

you just finished saying:

"That's up to individual people to decide, in my opinion. "

it's really none of your business why they chose to terminate their preganacy, they have a right to choose regardless of what the reasoning is, it's none of your business

gFrohman said:
if I ended up preggers after a rape, I'd keep the baby anyway

lol this is laughable because you have NO way of knowing what you would do because a. you're not a woman, b. you're not pregnant, c. you havent been raped. so really speculating what you would do in a situation that is completely impossible holds no worth whatsoever

gFrohman said:
The problem I see right now is that we haven't been able to really say when exactly an unborn baby becomes a "human". The religious side says "at conception", partly because that's what the Bible says (and other holy religious books say as well); you've got others that say that it becomes 'human" when there is significant brain function, but that time is hard to pinpoint. And you've got a select few that think the baby's gotta pop out first to be "human". Question is, does sperm+egg=human? Or is it later when that becomes human?

the overwhelming majority of abortions (88.2%) are performed when the fetus is no larger than a kidney bean



people are under the mistaken impression that abortions are performed right until due date when the cutoff is 20 weeks, very few hospitals would do it after 20 weeks unless the mother's health was in danger
For a start that's not the case, and secondly emotions aren't necessarily wrong. Otherwise we'd all go round killing people we don't like without remorse.

what's not the case? his opinion was based on emtion, nothing more, unless I've missed his "facts"

Like I said, I don't think it should be illegal. Lots of things are legal, but they are still morally wrong.

morality shouldnt play a part in the decision making process because every case is different

Where did I say that every woman that has an abortion has such intentions? Regardless, it's very wrong to use abortion as a lifestyle choice

this is such a idiotic myth desiminated by anti abortion pundits. I've heard it all throughout highschool that it's a form of "birth control" when the in reality it would make a poor birth control, or the best birth control ever ..even a single abortion can cause significant scarring of the uterus making getting pregnant again a challenge at best. Also many of the people who have abortions do so because there is no alternative. and dont use the adoption solution because who are you to force someone to carry an unwanted pregancy to term JUST to satisfy your morality. you/society have no say in this whatsoever


MYTH: Women are using abortion as a method of birth control.

In fact, half of all women getting abortions report that contraception was used during the month they became pregnant.1 Some of these couples had used the method improperly; some had forgotten or neglected to use it on the particular occasion they conceived; and some had used a contraceptive that failed. No contraceptive method prevents pregnancy 100% of the time.

If abortion were used as a primary method of birth control, a typical woman would have at least two or three pregnancies per year - 30 or more during her lifetime. In fact, most women who have abortions have had no previous abortions (52%) or only one previous abortion (26%).5 Considering that most women are fertile for over 30 years, and that birth control is not perfect, the likelihood of having one or two unintended pregnancies is very high.


- and in the majority of cases, that's exactly how it is used. "Oh, I don't want that baby, it's an inconvenience to me so I'll get rid of it".

you're going to have to prove that in the majority of cases it's due to an inconvenience

No, you misunderstood. It's not the state's business to forbid women from getting abortions. But, like cheating on your girlfriend or ****ing your friend over, it's still wrong.

? why are you associating abortion with infidelity?

The state encourages it by offering free no questions asked abortion services to anyone who wants them

but I thought you were against governemtn intervention? so they should ask why they want an abortion? why is it their business?

- and, in the case of underage pregnancies, being obligated not to inform the parents. People like you encourage it by acting as if there is nothing wrong with it under any circumstances.

and people like you who have NO IDEA yet think their opinion matters in any way, encouraging others to follow suit. look, there is no middle ground. because if there were "an ideal scenario where abortion is permissible under a strict set of rules" back alley abortions would STILL be performed putting both mother and baby in jeopardy. it must be abortion for all, no questions asked. anything else would be based on morality and put people at unnecessary risk

You want an abortion, fine. You pay for it. Not me.

yes, well most jurisdictions it is payed out of pocket UNLESS the mother's life is in danger. so what's your problem? you dont pay for it anyways
I do hope you're not saying that it is pregnancy that can have an adverse effect on a woman's career.
If so, that's an awfully old, 1950's viewpoint that's been dead & gone, my friend - women have been having babies all over and their careers are just fine - that's what maternity leave is for.

My sister went to school for a few years and finally, at 36 years old, got a good job working at a hospital. She got married and became pregnant. When it came close to the time where she would be having the baby she took a leave of absence from work. Soon after she had the baby, while she was still recovering, they called and told her she was let go.

Where did I say that every woman that has an abortion has such intentions? Regardless, it's very wrong to use abortion as a lifestyle choice - and in the majority of cases, that's exactly how it is used. "Oh, I don't want that baby, it's an inconvenience to me so I'll get rid of it".
What? Where did you get this 'information.'
Well, I don't know about you folks, but I just got my fourth abortion this month. Part of my routine, you know? Go out late, screw without protection, have an abortion, start all over again.

Hell, why not when it's all so convenient? :D
And that justifies anything because?....
Are you trolling here?

I'm not supporting the murder, I condemn it - totally.

I'm pro-choice.

However whoever it was I quoted said 'he was killed for his opinions'. Which is not true, he was killed because of his actions. It's partly semantic but if we're going to have a serious discussion here then exaggerating what happened isn't going to help.

Nor is 'saturos' coming in saying how all politicians should be shot. Seriously what the **** has that got to do with this?
Sorry for double post, I missed this and just had to retort.

And of course you have people who want abortion to be ok in the case of rape - half the time due to trauma, a woman probably won't get pregnant from a rape anyways, and to tell you the truth, if I ended up preggers after a rape, I'd keep the baby anyway (or at least give it up for adoption if I wasn't ready).
Half the time the woman won't get pregnant anyway so pregnant raped women shouldn't get abortions?

That is the stupidest thing I've read in this thread.
And by the way, I like how you can imagine to know what it's like to get raped and know what you'd do. Or maybe you utterly cannot comprehend something as terrible as that and should shut up?

The problem I see right now is that we haven't been able to really say when exactly an unborn baby becomes a "human". The religious side says "at conception", partly because that's what the Bible says (and other holy religious books say as well);
Can you source this, I've got a feeling this isn't true.
Yeah, from what I've heard, the bible says something like, "a new life is completely worthless until it is born."
Well, I don't know about you folks, but I just got my fourth abortion this month. Part of my routine, you know? Go out late, screw without protection, have an abortion, start all over again.

Hell, why not when it's all so convenient? :D

induced labor that takes pretty much all day and has all of the pains of regular birth is far far far easier than swallowing a pill or putting on a condom ...that's just not convenient with my busy scedule. Abortion is the bith control choice of champions
People are awful fond of criticising women for not carrying unwanted pregnancies to term and giving the child for adoption. It's selfish? Maybe somewhat, but it's not as if there are no risks or adverse health effects associated with pregnancy.
Women still die during childbirth, or from complications. Post-partum depression can be dangerous. There are also a whole host of less serious problems, from back pain to hemorrhoids to edema.

I think this is the strongest possible pro-choice argument. The risk may be small, but it is not nonexistent; by forcing a woman to carry a child to term, the government is forcing her to put her own life and health in jeopardy for the sake of another's life. It's akin to forcing someone to give up a kidney; I mean, the chances that anything harm will come to the donor are pretty slim, and that kidney probably will save someone's life. But the risks still exist, and for that reason it is illegal to force someone (or, as a doctor, to even attempt to coerce someone) to donate a kidney. For the same reason that we don't treat living humans as walking organ cultivators, we cannot morally treat women as walking incubators. Sure, it sucks that unborn children die every day, but so do kids on dialysis waiting for a donor. That still doesn't mean that I want to give up control over my own body, thanks.
gFrohman, do you actually know any women?


I actually am female, thanks a lot.

If you would like for me to produce evidence, I can at your convenience. (appropriate evidence, you pervs! :) )

CptStern: Yes, I am a woman, thanks for asking. When I said, "That's up for individual people to decide", read my words carefully - be careful not to take them out of context: I am saying that I believe individual people should choose when they feel an embryo becomes "human" since there is no way to scientifically find out when an embryo carries a "soul" or whatever term you wish to apply to the "human-ness" aspect of the embryo/fetus/etc.

I do not wish to troll, so if you want to continue this argument, please send me personal messages instead of filling this discussion with this argument.

And please check your facts before you make assumptions about someone.
I do hope you're not saying that it is pregnancy that can have an adverse effect on a woman's career.
If so, that's an awfully old, 1950's viewpoint that's been dead & gone, my friend - women have been having babies all over and their careers are just fine - that's what maternity leave is for.

In theory yeah. In practice maternity leave just lowers the glass ceiling a lot of the time.
Eejit: True - a lot of businesses still walk over women an awful lot, and the women just tend to take it without complaining; unfortunately a gender gap still exists in some businesses, which is something that once the "women are inferior" Puritan bs is weeded out, I think it'll be more even.

VirusType2: It's not too hard to check one's profile...oh wait...dammit, they're onto me...
Requesting inappropriate evidence of gFrohman's femininity.
bee tee double you Dragonshirt if you're going to be pessimistic about life you're going to die alone and unloved, driving all around you away with your shitty, shitty attitude.

I mean, uh, cheer up.
I'm not like this in irl mind you. I'm quite content with life so as long as I don't know what people are thinking, which is what internet forums tend to divulge more often than not. These debates bring out the worst in people including me.

Saturos stfu
No. Your just going to have to put up with my inane drivel whether you like it or not. Not doing so would make you intolerant and a hypocrite.

One thing I noticed about any hot-topic argument regardless if your "pro" or "anti", and not just in these forums. Everyone is one-sided and everyone has to agree or otherwise your some kind of insane wackahut. Since HL2 is largely left, it's hard to argue this only in these forums. Go sign up at some christian forums and preach anti-abortion and you'll see what I mean. How stupid humans are when they argue that is.

I really think the only real reason anyone posts stuff like this in politics is to get some lulz. Anyone who does likely knows that HL2.net is probably 90% atheist, pro-choice, pro-abortion, etc.

Is it you simply can't handle my forthright viewpoints because they do not coincide and are not parallel with your beliefs?

No hard feelings. You are only human after all. It's nobody's fault.
No. Your just going to have to put up with my inane drivel whether you like it or not. Not doing so would make you intolerant and a hypocrite.

I don't often applaud you, but I'll do it here.

One thing I noticed about any hot-topic argument regardless if your "pro" or "anti", and not just in these forums. Everyone is one-sided and everyone has to agree or otherwise your some kind of insane wackahut. Since HL2 is largely left, it's hard to argue this only in these forums. Go sign up at some christian forums and preach anti-abortion and you'll see what I mean. How stupid humans are when they argue that is.

I really think the only reason anyone posts stuff like this in politics is to get some lulz. Anyone who does likely knows that HL2.net is probably 90% atheist, pro-choice, pro-abortion, etc.

Is it you simply can't handle my forthright viewpoints because they do not coincide and are not parallel with your beliefs?

No hard feelings. You are only human after all. It's nobody's fault.

That's just the nature of arguments, it's part of the herd mentality thing. Personally these kind of debates aren't just about 'lulz' like your incredible pessimism thinks it is; I find that these types of debates ratify or help me to decide why I hold certain opinions, allowing me to justify them correctly and so on.

(Also it's because you're wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! Neener-neener-neener.)
I don't often applaud you, but I'll do it here.

That's just the nature of arguments, it's part of the herd mentality thing. Personally these kind of debates aren't just about 'lulz' like your incredible pessimism thinks it is; I find that these types of debates ratify or help me to decide why I hold certain opinions, allowing me to justify them correctly and so on.
I merely see things for what they are most of the time. Bullshit.

I try to be as fair as possible with everyone tbh, but anyone who casts the first stone can expect repercussions. That's also the nature of arguments.

What goes around comes around.

(Also it's because you're wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! Neener-neener-neener.)
Of course, everyone is entitled to an opinion regardless if I think it's BS or not. :p

I wouldn't make a good democratic politician at all.

I'd be more of a totalitarian dictator and remove everyone's right to an opinion about my viewpoints but at the same time try to be as benevolent as possible. Of course I probably would eventually get assassinated too.
I'm not like this in irl mind you. I'm quite content with life so as long as I don't know what people are thinking, which is what internet forums tend to divulge more often than not. These debates bring out the worst in people including me.

No. Your just going to have to put up with my inane drivel whether you like it or not. Not doing so would make you intolerant and a hypocrite.

well at least you admit it's inane drivel. and who says I have to be tolerant? it wouldnt be hypocritical of me because I dont expect anyone else to be tolerant, I just expect them to face the consequences of their intolerance

One thing I noticed about any hot-topic argument regardless if your "pro" or "anti", and not just in these forums. Everyone is one-sided and everyone has to agree or otherwise your some kind of insane wackahut. Since HL2 is largely left, it's hard to argue this only in these forums. Go sign up at some christian forums and preach anti-abortion and you'll see what I mean. How stupid humans are when they argue that is.

I really think the only real reason anyone posts stuff like this in politics is to get some lulz. Anyone who does likely knows that HL2.net is probably 90% atheist, pro-choice, pro-abortion, etc.

so you made your pro-life statements for lols?

Is it you simply can't handle my forthright viewpoints because they do not coincide and are not parallel with your beliefs?

no it's bacause they have no basis in reality, it's just opinion based on nothing more than moral values not experience or understanding of the medical issues. I have no problem with people believing in whatever it is they want to believe but that doesnt in any way stop me or anyone else for questioning your beliefs. No belief is scared or off limits
I read the posts of Saturos as a series of platitudes.
I think this is the strongest possible pro-choice argument. The risk may be small, but it is not nonexistent; by forcing a woman to carry a child to term, the government is forcing her to put her own life and health in jeopardy for the sake of another's life. It's akin to forcing someone to give up a kidney; I mean, the chances that anything harm will come to the donor are pretty slim, and that kidney probably will save someone's life. But the risks still exist, and for that reason it is illegal to force someone (or, as a doctor, to even attempt to coerce someone) to donate a kidney. For the same reason that we don't treat living humans as walking organ cultivators, we cannot morally treat women as walking incubators. Sure, it sucks that unborn children die every day, but so do kids on dialysis waiting for a donor. That still doesn't mean that I want to give up control over my own body, thanks.

This was a good post. In fact so good I'm going to quote it twice.

I think this is the strongest possible pro-choice argument. The risk may be small, but it is not nonexistent; by forcing a woman to carry a child to term, the government is forcing her to put her own life and health in jeopardy for the sake of another's life. It's akin to forcing someone to give up a kidney; I mean, the chances that anything harm will come to the donor are pretty slim, and that kidney probably will save someone's life. But the risks still exist, and for that reason it is illegal to force someone (or, as a doctor, to even attempt to coerce someone) to donate a kidney. For the same reason that we don't treat living humans as walking organ cultivators, we cannot morally treat women as walking incubators. Sure, it sucks that unborn children die every day, but so do kids on dialysis waiting for a donor. That still doesn't mean that I want to give up control over my own body, thanks.

I agree, Alpha. Whilst I think it's a very sad thing that babies are [strike]MURDERED[/strike] aborted every day by [strike]DEMON MEN[/strike] doctors, I certainly don't think it's [strike]HOLY[/strike] justifiable to force [strike]SLUTS[/strike] women into bearing children when they don't want to. Your analogy was very good and why people ignored it, I do wonder.

Someone find me an incubator!
I agree, Alpha. Whilst I think it's a very sad thing that babies are MURDERED [strike]aborted[/strike] every day by DEMON MEN [strike]doctors[/strike], I certainly don't think it's HOLY [strike]justifiable[/strike] to force SLUTS[strike] women[/strike] into bearing children when they don't want to. Your analogy was very good and why people ignored it, I do wonder.

fixed to sound more like Saturos
Does this topic require such expansion?
Well, I guess it does- on the reason of creating this topic in the first place.

Anyway, personally I am pro-choice.
I do believe life begins at conception, but I don't believe one person has the right to tell another person what to do with their body. I also believe that an embryo is not nearly worth as much as a living, experienced human being.

Overall, this event sickens me. Damn anti-abortion groups are usually pretty extreme, most of them.
well at least you admit it's inane drivel.
Sarcasm is hard to portray over the internets. :arms:

I agree, Alpha. Whilst I think it's a very sad thing that babies are MURDERED aborted every day by DEMON MEN doctors, I certainly don't think it's HOLY justifiable to force SLUTS women into bearing children when they don't want to. Your analogy was very good and why people ignored it, I do wonder.
BTW, there are plenty of atheists who don't like it either and I never hinted once I was a "theist". (although, yes I am)

I guess it's the similar stereotype that more atheists are pro-abortion.

Also, just thought I'd throw in that my grandmother is pro-abortion, but I don't go off her her about it every time I see her and we get along just fine.
I think the connotations of "pro-abortion" aren't really an accurate representation of people's feelings.
Pro-choice is a the preferred term.
I think the connotations of "pro-abortion" aren't really an accurate representation of people's feelings.
Pro-choice is a the preferred term.
It's the preferred term because they don't want to feel guilty, and the term is all marshmallows and sugar to soften the cold, hard, blunt truth, but maybe many people actually do think "pro-choice" is the right thing for the woman's sake.
What I think is right is not what someone else thinks is right.

Sure, I do agree there are circumstances where abortion is necessary, but even those instances I approve of is still depressing.

What's wrong is wrong imo, even if I was a woman and was stuck in a position where I had to do it.
Sometimes there is a need for a necessary evil, but what I hate is when people try to whitewash everything to make it easier to accept.

pro-choice = pro-abortion

You can put a coat of gold plating on shit and try to pass it off as pure gold, but it's still shit and sometimes yes, people do get stuck in "shit" situations.
I really don't give a damn about political correctness. I see things for what they are. It's f**king pro-abortion and that's that.

That's how I roll. It's my opinion. Like it or not.
the problem with the politics forum is that just about anybody with an opinion feels they have a right to be heard ...techincally that may be true however some opinions are better when they're left unsaid ..what was the old quote? "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Oh God.
