About a scene in the E3 2004 video.


Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
Hi! Im new here, i registred just now :bounce:

In the spooky scene, with all the zombies. Will it be the music in the game? I think that is very annyoing :frown:

Sry for mye bad english.

I still cant decide weather i want to turn the music off. I think i will. With music on you miss out on alot of the subtleys of the environment, like a completly dead calm dock with just the soft howl of the wind. Or an empty abandonded trainstation with a few papers blowing on the ground.

You kind of miss out on that with Xtream Techno Beats blasting at you.
Yeh but you didnt get Xtream techno beats blasting at you when those types of scenes came on :p

Only highoctane type of scenes get the pump it up treatment.
So very true Urseus.

And to thread maker, you will just be able to turn down the music volume of the game.

I think for the 1st run through of the game i'll play with music on, as the game will have a more cinematic feel to it that way.

Second and further run throughs i'll have music off probably.
I will play with the music on. I trust Valve knows what they're doing, and sometimes the right tune at the right moment can heighten the experience.

I've been listening through the old HL soundtrack recently, and it just hit me that the music was implemented exceptionally well. Soldier encounters had the fast-paced drumming and the droning guitars. Moments where you were creeping around an eerily quiet complex were accompanied by superbly ambient synthesizing and alien sounds. Launching the satellite rewarded you with slower and more uplifting track that, for a moment, made you think "Hey, there's actually a chance that this shit will all sort out". It was all excellent.

I can't imagine playing Half-Life without that score. It really added a whole other layer to the game.

EDIT: Urseus, while I do see the point you're getting at, the developers strike up the music at certain points for a reason. While it is great to take in the details of the settings you just described, music can very well play a part of the atmosphere (ala the train ride in HL).
I have to hear that awesome music when the gman speaks, but I hope that in that scene I will be able to turn off the zombie screams because they scare the living shit outta me.
AJ Rimmer said:
I have to hear that awesome music when the gman speaks, but I hope that in that scene I will be able to turn off the zombie screams because they scare the living shit outta me.

lol i can imgaine that:

Zombie: arghhh....ARGHHHHHH!!! OH GOD NO!!!!!
AJ Rimmer: *splat* aw crap!
Shadow bug

I just discovered a shadow bug in the barricade bink video.

Here is the picture

Load up your video and look close to the man who is going throw the door, the shadow of him come before hi is in the room. Load up and see
I'd tell you that you should have started a new thread for that, but I'm not sure it deserves one...
Daiceman9 said:
I believe that I saw gabe or someone say that the music was dynamic that if you were just walking on the street then jumped/fell down a hole the music would change dynamically and would become "excited"

Link: http://www.gamescenter.sm/spec.php?id_r=33&pag=1 5th question.

That's not exactly what he meant... He meant they have a scary ambience change to the music if you are in a scary place, or a happy place, or a dramatic place.

Read the interview again.

And don't post random stuff "NoTarget"
>>NoTarget<< said:
I just discovered a shadow bug in the barricade bink video.

Here is the picture

Load up your video and look close to the man who is going throw the door, the shadow of him come before hi is in the room. Load up and see

I'm pretty sure they fixed this up already :)
Eh, i wish the music wasnt techno, maybe they'll have a sorta jukebox kinda thing (I.E. you could choose techno, rock, classical) Heh, imagine killing zombies with screams everywhere to some slow classical.
duh duh duh dum "OH SHIT MY ARM, YOU CUT OFF MY ARM" :devil:
Besides the music, he revealed pretty much nothing. But the HL3 Q and A was funny.
Half Life 3 has already been announced. Are you actually thinking on it?
It has? What's in it?
I dont know if it's been mentioned yet, but I'm almost 100% positive that Gabe or Rick said you can put your OWN MP3's in and use that as the level music. Sweet. Like GTA3 and Vice City.
I'm gonna be binding up a key to flip the music on and off just incase.

I'm gonna be playing with it on but if it starts getting a bit to hardcore when all I'm doing is looking at Alyx's bum then I'll be turning it off. :)
It will be like half-life, perfect. Maybe merc could give us a better idea of what it is like when you are playing the game.